I'm a new mommy and I'm ready!

Hello Everyone!
I'm Crystal and I have 100+ to loose (Wow I sound like I'm at an AA meeting! :D) but I figured I need to keep my goals smaller so they are attainable, so my goal right now is to loose 30.

A little about me: I'm a new mom, my daughter was born in January 2010. i was overweight before getting pregnant at 253 and I was about 278 when I delivered. I manged to loose all of that plus 10 pounds within the first 3 weeks. I think I was retaining alot of water weight and I ate super healthy through out the pregnancy so I lost weight (then gained it all back in water and baby!)! Since giving birth I've bounced up and down in the 240s

So my starting weight is 253 officially (hey it makes me feel a little better!) and I'm currently at 243.

My husband and I are doing a "caveman diet" based off of what Dean Karnazes does for himself (he's the ultimate marathon man and my DH is a runner). We no longer eat any processed foods, anything from a box, or anything that a caveman essentially couldn't get for himself. We're eating a lot of whole foods, raw fruits and veggies, and organic meats (sometimes not depending on the price). We've cut out grains (since they have to be milled and cavemen didn't have the technology), so that means no pasta, bread, or oats

I'm hoping I can stay motiviated this time around as I am SOOOO ready to change my life! My husband is a great inspiration because he lost 83 pounds on his own using diet and exercise! Nothing extreme or out of a box and he ate what he wanted.

I'm starting a gym next week and I'll be walking over there during my lunch hour. I work at a University so its close by and cheap! There are also a few co-workers who go during lunch as well so I'm sure that will keep the motivation.


  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Oh and my join date is a year ago (WOW!) but I never got into it because I fell pregnant and well, I wasn't going to worry about calories and such :) So I have an old join date, but I'm brand new!!! :)