Would love advice ...

charli246 Posts: 35
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hello to all of you!

I just stumbled onto this sight. I am trying, yet again, to lose the excess pounds. I'm planning on taking this slowly; rather than trying for a quick (but unsustainable) fix.

I'd love to get any advice from those here as to how to how to stay motivated, etc.

Thanks in advance.


  • charli246
    charli246 Posts: 35
    Hello to all of you!

    I just stumbled onto this sight. I am trying, yet again, to lose the excess pounds. I'm planning on taking this slowly; rather than trying for a quick (but unsustainable) fix.

    I'd love to get any advice from those here as to how to how to stay motivated, etc.

    Thanks in advance.
  • Doriann
    Doriann Posts: 9
    Charli, this is gone to sound crazy, but once a week I go to a store an buy myself a article of clothing thats a size smaller. It doesn't have to be expensive just something I know I'll wear when I lose my weight. I also try them on , they usually are quite snug when purchased . But what a great feeling it is when tried on again an there not.:happy:
  • charli246
    charli246 Posts: 35
    What a great idea. Summer's coming up so I can start stocking up on t-s. Thanks for that!
  • strongmom
    strongmom Posts: 72
    Honestly, this is the very first time I have stayed on track with some kind of diet and it is due to this website. I feel like I HAVE to account all of my exercise and eating to this site and that has helped alot!

    Find an exercise buddy. I have been working out with a friend for almost a year now and if not for that I would have stopped getting up early to get to the gym. I want so badly to sleep in a bit, but since I have to pick her up I get my butt out of bed.

    I also bought a bathing suit that I want to look half decent in and that motivates me (kind of like that silly yogurt commercial!)

    I know those are things you already know, but they work!! I do not want to settle into my age, and buy bigger clothes...
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Welcome:flowerforyou: There are many people on here with different motivations . For me it is for my health. I am glad I came across this site for it's convenience of calculating everything I eat into calories, carbs , protein, sugar , sodium, etc. and it is free. Plus it tells me how many calories I should consume per day to loose weight and the calories I burn from exercise. The people on here are very supportive in many ways. I am sure you will love it. I am in it not only to loose weight but to make it a life changing way to eat healthier the rest of my life. Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    this is by far the best site ever, no judgement, just opinions.....

    facts, knowledge and websites and healthful motivation....
  • Me_Im_2b
    Me_Im_2b Posts: 165
    I have two pairs of pants hanging on my bedroom door, one pair that I can almost fit in and one pair that I am gradually making my way towards! I use this as part of my motivation and it really has helped. I try each pair of pants on every couple of weeks and I can see a change and it keeps me going. My friend did this and now she's in the pants that she wanted to be in!

    I also started a blog and I put my weight loss patch from this website on my blog. It is so satisfying to see the amount of weight I've lost keep going up! And with my blog, I can discuss anything that I want (my frustrations, my excitement...) and it's free!
  • Hello !! 50 and I want to still look good !! calorie counting all my life I hope this works
    Miss curious
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    This site is working for me because I log in all my exercise and food and stick to the goals. In the past I would try on my own to eat less, but I was just guessing at the amount I should be eating, and I didn't really see how many extra calories I was consuming, especially with snacks. If you stick to this, it will work. :flowerforyou:
  • HI i am forty six and just found this i love it i had my first initial success by using a site like this that i paid for .. i would loveto have an online buddy to correspond with Rhonda
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