Just started Power 90...

I've been doing Power 90 for eight days now. I love it but this morning I struggled. I struggled to get out of bed and I really, really struggled to press play. I feel like I am either not working hard enough or I really just suck at losing weight. I know it has only been a few days but I keep reading other reviews and blogs and group updates where people are like "I lost eight pounds and eight inches my first week!" So, yeah, I'm bummed. No inches lost and I'm pretty sure I've gained a few pounds. I feel stronger and I feel the soreness, so I know something is happening - but I don't see anything. Don't get me wrong, the realistic side of me knows that it takes hard work and dedication and seeing results this quick isn't really going to happen. But then the fantasy side of me wants to throw in the towel because I look the same. Ugh. No, I'm definitely not going to give up. I want to be healthy and confident. Am I going through normal motions or am I being too dramatic? How soon did everyone else see results?


  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    I do P90X and yes there are days ( this morning for example) where pushing play really gets hard ( I opted for this evening)..You may not see a lot of "results" the first couple of weeks.. it depends on how much you have to lose...people with LOTS to lose tend to lose quicker in the begining, while those of use with maybe 20 pounds see it moving slowlyyyyy. Keep at it... my weight is coming off slow but inches have started to go and you will notice a difference as you go along. Have faith and make sure you are eating within your calorie goals.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 278 Member
    I do the P90X. the first time I did it I was staying the same and even upping in weight over the first three weeks. by week 5 though I lost 5.5 lbs and 5.5 inches! just because it doesnt' come off at once doesn't mean it will not. keep pressing play! just think... those 90 days are gonna go by regardless if you work out or not... wouldn't you rather be more fit then you are now when they do?

    the key is your feeling stronger. it's possible your body is building muscle mass faster then burning fat so the inches and weight aren't going down yet. give it time. don't do weigh in and measure quite so often maybe? I weigh in weekly personally but I don't let a pound or two upset me. I only measure about once a month or sometimes even once ever other month