Fibromyalgia.. Help Please



  • rose_turtle
    rose_turtle Posts: 20 Member
    I agree with previous comments that fibro can affect not just your body, but your mind. It eats away at your sense of self, and if you have a long drawn out diagnosis process, that also causes a lot of fear and anxiety. I was diagnosed with lupus and several forms of cancer before finally arriving at fibro.
    I feel better when I'm exercising at least a tiny bit every day. 20-30 min slow walks are as good as it gets some days. Other days, I feel like I can be as active as I used to, but then I regret it the following day. Encourage your friend to join, and friend the people in this thread. I always appreciate new friends and have a couple with fibro on my list.
    Good luck to you and them!
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    It is neither ignorant nor rude to take issue with the way the medical community handles the constellation of symptoms currently described as "fibromyalgia." Even in medical school, I was taught that the diagnosis is extremely controversial. There is an extremely large contingent within the medical community that feels the disorder AND the current FDA approved treatment is all a bunch of nonsense.

    I'll reiterate, I'm sure the *symptoms* are real...but what all these patients have in common is questionable. If you have been diagnosed, I'd encourage you to continue seeking answers, especially if drugs like Lyrica aren't resolving your symptoms.

    No one on MFP is going to call you lazy if a medical condition prevents you from having the energy or the ability to do certain things. But don't let the diagnosis define what you feel you can and should do, especially since the diagnostic criteria are SO UNBELIEVABLY FLIMSY.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    and you can't just call someone ignorant and rude because they disagree with you...
  • sheilatush
    sheilatush Posts: 58 Member
    I have fibro and Lupus and several other immune disorders last 24 years...But here I am dieting and exercising...was told my Specialist to get the weight off and get moving more...So here goes...

    Get your friend to come and join us...Everyone is so friendly and supportive
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    My BFF has fibromyalgia and some other complications that go with. One has to take it day by day and do the best you can on that day. In her situation she has found that exercise helps, sometimes the best she can do is pool-based exercise and other times it is treadmill or walking.
    Each person has to figure out what works for them with or without other health complications :happy:
  • cmkell87
    cmkell87 Posts: 43 Member
    I have firbromyalgia, I was diagnosed with it about 8 years ago. No one here should judge you, if they do you do not have to have them on your friends list! Anyway, look for supportive friends that understand you.
    For me the best thing to do is starting small with exercise. Start with walking and build up to running ect... What I have learned is overdoing it will cause flair ups. I now run and am doing P90X. Exercising will make you feel better, clean eating will also help (As it will for most people). To help with lactic acid build up a shot of apple cider vinegar does wonders!