Quick gains

I started working out in our work gym five weeks ago. Two weeks into weight training I got sick with probably the worst bout of ear infection, sinus, and bronchitis I've ever had. Had to quit working out for three weeks while I was medicated and sick.

Got back to it this past Monday. A little sore, but not nearly as sore as when I first started. Also, I noticed that I have added 10 pounds to the weight machine for all my upper body workouts, and I added 20 pounds to all my leg and lower body workouts. I was surprised by the gains in strength given my age (41) and the fact I have been out for 3 weeks after being in only 2 weeks.

Is this unusual, or not? I am totally new, so I am not sure what "normal" is in terms of progress.


  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Most likely just doing too light of weight to begin with. Make sure the weight you're doing now you are doing with PROPER FORM, otherwise you haven't really progressed at all. Expect the weight you can do to fluctuate every once in a while as well because some days you just can't life as heavy as you did last week (tired, sick, lazy, etc...)
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    Most likely just doing too light of weight to begin with. Make sure the weight you're doing now you are doing with PROPER FORM, otherwise you haven't really progressed at all. Expect the weight you can do to fluctuate every once in a while as well because some days you just can't life as heavy as you did last week (tired, sick, lazy, etc...)

    You know, I just KNEW WarEagle8706 would respond. She is among my top favorite friends!