Mad at myself

Well i will try to keep this someone short. Around christmas of 2011 my cousin asked me to compete in the warrior dash. At the time i was 5' 10" and about 240lbs. I started training and loved it. was doing crossfit etc. Lost down to 190lbs smaller than i have been since high school. I weighed 190 in october and now the warrior dash is in a few weeks and i am back up to 225lbs and gained 6 inches around my stomach. There is no one to blame but myself. I dont have many like minded folks around where i live and looking for friends to keep me accountable. I started back working out last week and hope to loose a few more lbs before april 20th. I am going to complete the dash. I just hope i can keep moving the whole time and not have to take a break etc... Any one lookin for a friend etc feel free to holler at me. Thanks,