Scoliosis? Anyone else? Any advice?

I've always had terrible back pain, and didn't really think about it. My mom told me it was because I was fat, so I believed her.

Anyway, I started doing Jillian Michael's body revolution and noticed some of what I was doing was giving me a really strange pain in my back. The more I worked out, the worse it got. I saw a Dr. and she said to see a chiropractor.

I saw a chiro and told him all of the work outs that really made it hurt, he basically said I shouldn't be doing any of them. I lost my job, and wasn't able to pay to go back and see him again (or the doctor)

So I really don't know what to do. I've lost 98 pounds through working out a little bit and eating well, but my body doesn't look as toned and small as other people my weight.

I've started c25k, for some reason that doesn't seem to hurt it as bad as push ups and squats (maybe because I just started the program so it's less running) ...but I dunno if that will give me the results I want. I -know- I should be strengthening my ab muscles to help with the back issue...but laying down on the floor hurts really bad, so does bending over.

Any advice would be awesome. I don't know if this is the type of thing I should just work through or not. Please be nice :C


  • GreenLaura22
    GreenLaura22 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, I have scoliosis and the best thing I ever did was learn yoga. I practiced yoga for several months and it really helped me to get my core strong enough and flexible enough to handle working out. I started out with a 10 minute yoga video and worked at it until I could do all of the poses with relative ease. I then moved on to an intense yoga called "ashtanga yoga" I used Ashtanga Yoga For Beginners with Nikki Doane, It will strengthen your back! I had so much relief from this practice! Took me several months but it improved my posture and was the first step to my getting into shape. You can find it on you tube for free.

    I know that you said that bending over hurts, but with practice and time, you can't believe what yoga has done for my back. I strongly recommend you try it!
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    I found out that I have scoliosis when I was 16. I have similar problems with floor work and back pain, although I guess I've gotten used to it over time. the last time I went to a chiro, they were like "omg how are you not dying?!? your back is all knots!"

    I don't have chiro coverage anymore, or I'd go. For now I try to do back strengthening exercises and do a lot of stretching... I find that helps. I feel ya about the way it makes you look different though - my curve is corkscrewed and makes my ribcage stick out farther than it should and my torso look shorter, so it's a major point of insecurity for me.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Hi! I started a group for people with scoliosis to share this kind of information! We already have a lot of members who've shared their pain management and exercise routines over there.. Hope you join and find the info useful!
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! I'll join the group and check out some yoga straight away <3