Protein levels

dawnieqt Posts: 26
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm sure this question has been answered but I'm concerned about going over my protein amount for the day. I hit my calories but I keep going over for protein. I know it's because I eat tuna fish for lunch and then a meat for dinner as well. I'd hate to have to omit the tuna because it's quick and easy and not to mention cheap so I'm curious if going over in protein will hurt my chances of losing weight??


  • Hermit4Hire
    Hermit4Hire Posts: 197
    1/2-1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight (i.e, 150 pounder can easily handle 150 grams), especially if you are exercising.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    go to settings and tweak your protein up a little. just make sure your are getting adequate carbs and fat for a healthy balanced diet.
    by the way how much over are you going?
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    My dr. actually told me on days where I exercise I need to get 90 g of protein. That is way more than MFP suggests. She aid it was important to help prevent lean muscle loss. So far I have been getting results and I too am over in protein almost everyday especially days that I work out!! My dr. also said if you get too much protein, you will simply pass it. So it should never cause weight problems as long as you are maintaining your calories.

    Hopefully that helps:wink:
  • dawnieqt
    dawnieqt Posts: 26
    by the way how much over are you going?

    anywhere from 15 to 30
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I go over my protein almost every day. So far the weight has been coming off pretty consistently and I feel great. As long as you’re eating healthy for the most part and working out, I don’t really see a problem.
  • dawnieqt
    dawnieqt Posts: 26
    Thanks... I'm really lost when it comes to protein, carbs, etc... I've only ever been used to counting calories and/or carbs. I just wanted to be sure a small overage wasn't going to hurt me in the long run! Thanks guys!! :)
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    When I first signed up for MFP, I changed to manual goals and adjusted the recommended 55-25-20 to the Jillian recommended 40-30-30 in accordance with my metabolism type and upped my fiber to 25g a day. I was losing weight on that combination fairly well (until my thyroid medication got screwed up a few months ago). Coincidentally, my brain type functions better on higher protein levels as well, and it keeps my blood sugar in check. If I actually did try to follow the MFP recommendations, there is no way I could keep my calorie levels in check. When I don't get enough protein in combination with too many carbs, I feel like I'm starving.

    I'm pretty sure Jillian is really on to something with the metabolism typing. I THINK you can go to and do the free introduction analysis thingie and get your metabolism type. Unless you come up a slow oxidizer, more protein is probably a good thing.
  • jsespey
    jsespey Posts: 1
    I go over in protein every day also. You need it for excercise, especially when building muscle.
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