What are your macros set at?

I'm finding that the defaults don't make sense:

Carbs 55% (too high?)
Protein 15% (very low?)
Fat 30% (too high?)

I know that after my banana in the morning my sugars are almost gone for the day.

What do you guys do?

I'm eating 1500 cals per day


  • Redkestrel
    Redkestrel Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks :)

    To clarify -- "Protein -- 1 gram per lb of of lbm" ... what is lbm?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Thanks :)

    To clarify -- "Protein -- 1 gram per lb of of lbm" ... what is lbm?

    Lean Body Mass.

    I personally use ratios...I do a 40c/30p/30hf...this gives me plenty of protein and plenty of healthy fats.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I have mine to 40/30/30

    u may want to try less carbs and more protein. mfp default settings are way too high for carbs and too low for protein.

    after trying for a few weeks, adjust accordinglyl
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    MFP's default for protein is dreadfully low. Mine are set at 45/30/25 carbs/protein/fat. Much more balanced. Another popular split for weight lifters is 40/40/20.

    lbm = lean body mass. This means how much of your weight is comprised of muscle and bone.

    It's very difficult to accurately determine your lbm so a better rule of thumb is take your weight x 0.75. This assumes your body FAT is 25%.

    Ex: 140 x 0.75 = 105g of protein per day.

    To customize your macros (and other stuff) go to :
    My Home>Goals>Change Goals>Custom. Save your changes.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I've set mine to C 40% F 30% P 30%

    I go over on fat often, but if it's 'good' fats it doesn't matter too much....apparently!
  • Redkestrel
    Redkestrel Posts: 29 Member
    Well thank you very much! That's extremely helpful ... I'm still learning all the math stuff! :)

    Much appreciated!