How's Your Weight Lost ??????

sekopwols Posts: 7 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I started taking this weight lost seriously about 25 days ago, and even though I stay under my daily calories and workout at least 5 days a week I find that my weight lost is a yo-yo. One day i will lose a half a pound and the next it will go up a pound and a half, then it will go down for three days and then back up two days. Now all of this time I am under my calories and working out. Is this how it is for everyone or do you see a more continuous drop ? And if so what are you doing right that I am doing wrong ?


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    From day to day, that type of fluctuation (or even more) is pretty typical. A lot of people can get discouraged by these fluctuations so they only weigh in once a week (or even less often) since this smoothes out some of the "noise" in the day-to-day data.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Do you weigh yourself ever day? My weight fluctuates from day to day so much that I only weigh once a week. I used to check every day but I'd get so upset ever time the numbers when up, I couldn't do it anymore. So now it's every Monday right after I get up. On average I lose about 1 pound a week.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I can only weigh in once a week for that exact reason. I get discouraged when the scale goes up.
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Yeap, you're right on.....that's how it goes......up and down! Stick with it!!!! It will eventually head in the downward direction. And, you may end up like me, stuck at the same weight for 3.5 weeks.....yikes!.....not giving in though!
    Congratulations and best of luck to you!!!!
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I have the same problem with the yo yo weight. I dont even log in a weight loss unless I have had it two weeks in a row, because I am afraid it will go back up. Eventually I notice pounds staying off, but if you are like me and building muscle from working out a lot then it will take some time to see the weight loss. In time your muscles will start burning the fat. Keep up the good work - you are adding heathly years to your life!!
  • I usually have the same problem when I start a new diet. This particular time around, I said I was only going to hop on the scale once a month for now. Because mentally I am quick to give up if I see a higher number or not the results I wanted. So I set up a goal for the month and I'll be checking in the end of this month for my first weigh in, I am actually nervous and excited to see those results!

    Best of luck!
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    If you weigh in everyday your weight WILL fluctuate - it's a natural occurrence due to water weight etc. Also depends on the time you weigh and what you are wearing.

    This is why I only weigh once a week on a Friday, first thing in the morning right after peeing, and with minimal clothing :laugh:
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I've lost 11lbs in 11 weeks...i have my goals set to lose 1lb a week. I'm not always under my calories and i definitely have some meals i shouldn't and there are days I don't do my exercise. What I do do right though is:

    - always record my 'cheat' meals honestly and make sure that I never cheat a day by some obnoxious amount (think 2000 calories for that TGIF meal you should just NEVER get!)
    - always be accurate OR overestimate my calorie consumption
    - underestimate exercise calories by a 100 or more
    - if you have a deskjob or anything close to one, put sedentary as your lifestyle on MFP REGARDLESS if you park really far away, go up the stairs a lot, etc. [pedometer obsessed people I notice like to consider their lifestyle as more active than it really is]

    If you read this and think 'hey, i already do all these things' and you aren't losing any weight, then basic thyroid checks with your doctor would be a good logical next step.
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    It's great that you are not going over your calorie allotment. However, it's not necessary the calories but you need to pay attention to the sugar and fat content as well. Also, be sure to weight yourself at the same time. Weights can flutatuate 2-3 pounds within the same day. I usually weight myself as soon as I get up in the morning.
  • SilviaGG
    SilviaGG Posts: 19
    I just began this program 10 days ago, I have lost some pounds but, I have noticed that drinking water is very important. I also eat some cookies and cakes. I try to stick to 1,200 calories a day, some days I have 800 calories for dinner but I consulted a doctor who explained me that you have to eat at least 1,200 if I want to keep losing weight.
    SO don't be discouraged and remember that is how you handle your day.
    Keep it up
  • sekopwols
    sekopwols Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all of the words of wisdom....I am weighing myself everyday because I am doing the wii fit plus and the EA sports active and in the 25 days I have lost 12 pounds....So I will keep with it because this is one battle I will enjoy winning, I only have 35 pounds to go :) .....Thanks again and This site is a real plus.....good luck to all with their goals and don't give up...
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    For the Wii Fit Plus, you don't have to weigh yourself every day, it's just a suggestion. You can actually skip that part of the daily routine. Not sure about the EA Sports Active. I think there would be an option for skipping that portion also. Just a thought that you may only want to do it via the programs also once a week. :) Good job on the losses so far!
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