I love soda, but need to switch to something else..



  • Cook_27
    Cook_27 Posts: 51 Member
    If you can try really hard to break the habit. I've cut out soda for 2 1/2 weeks now and I have more natural energy from working out and what not. When I am under energy I take a b-12 vitamin which really gives me a boost and is good for me to. B-12 also helps out with your metabolism so WIN WIN! If you just need some type of soda, I really don't like diet drinks either so the only one I can tolerate when I have to have soda is Dr.Pepper 10. Although when you quit soda you don't crave it hardly at all and when I try to drink it I have a hard time cause it makes me all bubbly. My body has been loving all the water I've been giving it. Good luck!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I replaced my soda with unsweetened Iced tea...if I don't get enough caffeine I will take a caffeine pill.. (not that healthy I know but I've already given up dairy, soy and gluten... I will not give up caffeine) lol
  • ropermom
    ropermom Posts: 52 Member
    ARIZONA GREEN TEA WITH GINSENG! :smile:That's what quenched my urge for cokes.Great picker upper.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Try MONSTER ABSOLUTELY ZERO or MONSTER ZERO ULTRA. It's flavored with Erythritol which IMO is night and day better than aspartame. There hasn't been enough research on Erythritol to see if it's any better for you than aspartame but at least it doesn't have a nasty aftertaste. I also haven't noticed an increased appetite whilst consuming those beverages as one does with aspartame.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Almond milk, raw honey, and raw cacao powder
    not caffeine but theobromine.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    I too have taken up drinking unsweetened iced teas. I also drink diet green iced tea sometimes if I want something sweet. Regular iced tea unsweetened takes a little getting used to, but it didn't take me long. It was a hot summer and I was building a nightclub attached to a restaurant and someone brought over a pitcher of unsweetened tea. It was so bitter and "wrong" tasting, but I was thirsty. By the end of the next day I was accustomed to it.

    Here is a warning. Once you kick soda and sweet drinks, your pallet will change. There will be foods you didn't like before that taste good and foods you liked that will taste bad.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    If all you really need is the caffeine, just take caffeine tablets. I know you can buy them anywhere online, they might even sell them at GNC but I'm not sure. Better than empty calories or a fake fizzy drink!
  • CrystaLight74
    Green tea or black tea for the caffeine.

    Zevia is a calorie free, sugar free, low sodium, low carb alternative to soda pop. It's sweetened with stevia (a natural, very sweet, herbal alternative to sugar, which can be a bit of an acquired taste), but they do have a caffeinated cola that is pretty good. They have many different flavors. The two I prefer are the black cherry and the cola (they also have caffeine free cola). I am not a big pop drinker to begin with, but it's a nice treat every now and then. Kroger carries it as well as some health food stores/co-ops.

    HTH :)
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I really like the TRUE Lemon drink packs and :heart: the TRUE Limeade Black Cherry. I like to mix the Limeade with Seltzer water for some bubbles sometimes. For caffenie - Starbucks sells a lemon lime or hibiscus flavored powder that you mix with water that is made with green coffee. I only like to have one cup of coffee and then the odd green tea in the morning. After that I drink water or my True Lemon/Lime stuff. But if I really want the caffine early in the day, I'll use the Starbucks Refresher packs - the caffeine gives me a bit of a buzz.
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Go to Walmart and get you some Walmart brand MIO energy. You can squirt it in water and BAM,, you'll have flavored water with Caffine in it.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    I just tried the Zevia cola this week and its okay. If you want the bubbly feel of a soda, maybe try Dry Soda. They are about 60 cals/bottle, and have only a handful of ingredients with pronounceable names. It does have cane sugar, but its really not a lot. The Vanilla Bean and Blood Orange are really good.

    I will drink a stronger flavor tea if I don't want more coffee. My personal favorite is called Market Spice tea. You can find it on amazon and get it in bags or loose. (Market Spice is a spice shop in Pike Place Market in Seattle.) Its a strong orange cinnamon flavor with a good kick of caffeine. It makes awesome iced tea, and it doesn't need sweetener of any kind.