Shakeology results, please!!



  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I don't get how people change how they eat, and workout 6 days a week, but their only explanation as to why their cholesterol went down, and why they have more energy, and feel better is because they drank a shake full of vitamins your body doesn't need. Talk about having the wool pulled over your eyes. Try giving yourself some credit for once.

    your body doesn't need vitamins??

    You can get your vitamins from a 15 calorie vitamin pill, and from your food. I also should have beem more broad with my statement, because there are a whole lot of things that shakeology gives you minimal of that you don't need.

    Or you could drink shakeology, considering that it tastes fantastic, it's quick and convenient to make, people with limited time in the morning can drink it for breakfast in the car on the way to work. It's PACKED with superfoods that you simply cannot get anywhere else. Your body DOES need vitamins and shakeology gives you things that a regular "vitamin pill" doesn't. There's nothing in shakeology that is bad for you and there's no reason not to drink it other than the excuse that many people use: cost. When in reality, it costs no more than their daily latte at starbucks. Hmm.

    Obviously the OP did not mean for this to be a discussion of the merits, but a place for others to share their results/experience, BUT I couldn't help responding to your snarky statement.

    Taking vitamins daily is cost and effort sustainable for most people's ENTIRE life. Drinking an expensive shake that must be "reordered" from overzealous salespeople is not. P.S. I don't know *anyone* who gets a $4 Starbucks every day of the week, sometimes twice (as some people do with Shakeology) but maybe I live in a different world than you do. One where people have better stuff to spend their money on, like kids/houses/cars/groceries. Hmmm.

    I guess someone doesn't live in NYC/LA/Chicago/etc... Starbucks is a way of life for millions of people. My girlfriend will grab Naked Juice constantly - which is even MORE than $4 a pop and gives you a fraction of what Shakeology's got in it with a days worth of sugar to boot.

    Does anyone NEED Shakeology? No. Is it a good product if you prioritize convenience and can afford it? Yep. It's a luxury product people, just the way a mercedes is more expensive than a honda. Just because you're not interested doesn't make it "bad" for people who can fit it into their budget and like it.

    Yes, as I said, a different world. And, if the other world is where people tell me that I should take something because "there's nothing bad for me in it," and that there's "no reason not to take it except cost," I guess I'll stick to my vitamin-aisle, $1 plain coffee world. I'm betting we'll get the same results.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    There's nothing wrong with shakeology... Besides the MLM nature of its sales structure and hilariously exaggerated health claims.

    The product itself is fine. It's just a shake. It's not miracle powder, it won't make you lose weight, etc.

    same sales structure as every other shake fancy shake (Herbalife/Body By Vi/Advocare/Shaklee/etc) but at least it's the superior product among them. whether you feel that makes it the best shake out there, or just a giant among midgets is irrelevant. you wanna tear into MLM shakes, there are plenty that deserve it more. haha
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I don't get how people change how they eat, and workout 6 days a week, but their only explanation as to why their cholesterol went down, and why they have more energy, and feel better is because they drank a shake full of vitamins your body doesn't need. Talk about having the wool pulled over your eyes. Try giving yourself some credit for once.

    your body doesn't need vitamins??

    You can get your vitamins from a 15 calorie vitamin pill, and from your food. I also should have beem more broad with my statement, because there are a whole lot of things that shakeology gives you minimal of that you don't need.

    Or you could drink shakeology, considering that it tastes fantastic, it's quick and convenient to make, people with limited time in the morning can drink it for breakfast in the car on the way to work. It's PACKED with superfoods that you simply cannot get anywhere else. Your body DOES need vitamins and shakeology gives you things that a regular "vitamin pill" doesn't. There's nothing in shakeology that is bad for you and there's no reason not to drink it other than the excuse that many people use: cost. When in reality, it costs no more than their daily latte at starbucks. Hmm.

    Obviously the OP did not mean for this to be a discussion of the merits, but a place for others to share their results/experience, BUT I couldn't help responding to your snarky statement.

    Taking vitamins daily is cost and effort sustainable for most people's ENTIRE life. Drinking an expensive shake that must be "reordered" from overzealous salespeople is not. P.S. I don't know *anyone* who gets a $4 Starbucks every day of the week, sometimes twice (as some people do with Shakeology) but maybe I live in a different world than you do. One where people have better stuff to spend their money on, like kids/houses/cars/groceries. Hmmm.

    I guess someone doesn't live in NYC/LA/Chicago/etc... Starbucks is a way of life for millions of people. My girlfriend will grab Naked Juice constantly - which is even MORE than $4 a pop and gives you a fraction of what Shakeology's got in it with a days worth of sugar to boot.

    Does anyone NEED Shakeology? No. Is it a good product if you prioritize convenience and can afford it? Yep. It's a luxury product people, just the way a mercedes is more expensive than a honda. Just because you're not interested doesn't make it "bad" for people who can fit it into their budget and like it.

    Yes, as I said, a different world. And, if the other world is where people tell me that I should take something because "there's nothing bad for me in it," and that there's "no reason not to take it except cost," I guess I'll stick to my vitamin-aisle, $1 plain coffee world. I'm betting we'll get the same results.

    well there are plenty of reasons to drink shakeology if you're not worried about the cost, i just figured you wouldn't be too interested, and frankly i'm not interested in hawking it either... so we're good! :smile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There's nothing wrong with shakeology... Besides the MLM nature of its sales structure and hilariously exaggerated health claims.

    The product itself is fine. It's just a shake. It's not miracle powder, it won't make you lose weight, etc.

    same sales structure as every other shake fancy shake (Herbalife/Body By Vi/Advocare/Shaklee/etc) but at least it's the superior product among them. whether you feel that makes it the best shake out there, or just a giant among midgets is irrelevant. you wanna tear into MLM shakes, there are plenty that deserve it more. haha

    This thread isn't about them is it?

    Besides, even you don't drink the stuff and you're one of their coaches or whatever.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    There's nothing wrong with shakeology... Besides the MLM nature of its sales structure and hilariously exaggerated health claims.

    The product itself is fine. It's just a shake. It's not miracle powder, it won't make you lose weight, etc.

    same sales structure as every other shake fancy shake (Herbalife/Body By Vi/Advocare/Shaklee/etc) but at least it's the superior product among them. whether you feel that makes it the best shake out there, or just a giant among midgets is irrelevant. you wanna tear into MLM shakes, there are plenty that deserve it more. haha

    This thread isn't about them is it?

    Besides, even you don't drink the stuff and you're one of their coaches or whatever.

    my financial priorities changed. needed to focus that $100 elsewhere as a 20-something wannabe actor in NYC. :wink:
  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    I thought shakeology tasted absolutely nasty. Nothing beats a clean healthy meal. Something you can actually CHEW.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I don't get how people change how they eat, and workout 6 days a week, but their only explanation as to why their cholesterol went down, and why they have more energy, and feel better is because they drank a shake full of vitamins your body doesn't need. Talk about having the wool pulled over your eyes. Try giving yourself some credit for once.

    your body doesn't need vitamins??

    You can get your vitamins from a 15 calorie vitamin pill, and from your food. I also should have beem more broad with my statement, because there are a whole lot of things that shakeology gives you minimal of that you don't need.

    Or you could drink shakeology, considering that it tastes fantastic, it's quick and convenient to make, people with limited time in the morning can drink it for breakfast in the car on the way to work. It's PACKED with superfoods that you simply cannot get anywhere else. Your body DOES need vitamins and shakeology gives you things that a regular "vitamin pill" doesn't. There's nothing in shakeology that is bad for you and there's no reason not to drink it other than the excuse that many people use: cost. When in reality, it costs no more than their daily latte at starbucks. Hmm.

    Obviously the OP did not mean for this to be a discussion of the merits, but a place for others to share their results/experience, BUT I couldn't help responding to your snarky statement.

    Taking vitamins daily is cost and effort sustainable for most people's ENTIRE life. Drinking an expensive shake that must be "reordered" from overzealous salespeople is not. P.S. I don't know *anyone* who gets a $4 Starbucks every day of the week, sometimes twice (as some people do with Shakeology) but maybe I live in a different world than you do. One where people have better stuff to spend their money on, like kids/houses/cars/groceries. Hmmm.

    I guess someone doesn't live in NYC/LA/Chicago/etc... Starbucks is a way of life for millions of people. My girlfriend will grab Naked Juice constantly - which is even MORE than $4 a pop and gives you a fraction of what Shakeology's got in it with a days worth of sugar to boot.

    Does anyone NEED Shakeology? No. Is it a good product if you prioritize convenience and can afford it? Yep. It's a luxury product people, just the way a mercedes is more expensive than a honda. Just because you're not interested doesn't make it "bad" for people who can fit it into their budget and like it.

    Yes, as I said, a different world. And, if the other world is where people tell me that I should take something because "there's nothing bad for me in it," and that there's "no reason not to take it except cost," I guess I'll stick to my vitamin-aisle, $1 plain coffee world. I'm betting we'll get the same results.

    well there are plenty of reasons to drink shakeology if you're not worried about the cost, i just figured you wouldn't be too interested, and frankly i'm not interested in hawking it either... so we're good! :smile:

    My reference was to the poster above me---it was pretty much a direct quote from her.
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    I started drinking Shakeology when I started my first round of Insanity (i just started the 2nd this week) and I love the results. Ive lost 40lb so far.( I didnt join MFP til after my first 15) Yes you could take vitamins and eat healthy but for me cooking for 5-6 meals a day is virtually impossible. Not to mention that all of the ingredients that Shakeology has I would probably never eat, if you havent actually seen the ingredient list i advice you to look into it before saying you can get that from healthy eating. I honestly feel more energized with it. Ive tried not drinking it for a few days and I feel the difference. I work nights and since Ive been on it Im more "awake" at night during work. I love it and would recommend it to everyone, at least to try it for a month.
    The end (:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Please post your success stories from drinking Shakeology!
    1 post for SPAM.

    I'd rather eat some SPAM. In moderation of course.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't get how people change how they eat, and workout 6 days a week, but their only explanation as to why their cholesterol went down, and why they have more energy, and feel better is because they drank a shake full of vitamins your body doesn't need. Talk about having the wool pulled over your eyes. Try giving yourself some credit for once.

    your body doesn't need vitamins??

    You can get your vitamins from a 15 calorie vitamin pill, and from your food. I also should have beem more broad with my statement, because there are a whole lot of things that shakeology gives you minimal of that you don't need.

    Or you could drink shakeology, considering that it tastes fantastic, it's quick and convenient to make, people with limited time in the morning can drink it for breakfast in the car on the way to work. It's PACKED with superfoods that you simply cannot get anywhere else. Your body DOES need vitamins and shakeology gives you things that a regular "vitamin pill" doesn't. There's nothing in shakeology that is bad for you and there's no reason not to drink it other than the excuse that many people use: cost. When in reality, it costs no more than their daily latte at starbucks. Hmm.

    I hate Starbucks.

    And $120+ for each bag is a lot more expensive than some coffee anyway. The reason people complain about the cost isn't the price per serving. It's the damned $120 upfront cost.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It's processed. Ironic that someone who's always railing against "processed" foods is all excited about processed powder with mystery ingredients.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    there is nothing on the market that compares in my opinion,

    I am a Beachbody coach.


    That entire post made me laugh also. I love, absolutely love (some of) their exercise program, heck, I owe my life to Power 90 and Insanity, but all these BB coaches pushing all the products like there is nothing else on the market... Come on.
  • klhessling
    klhessling Posts: 48 Member
    The $4 a day price tag is kind of a misnomer too because it doesn't account for the price of almond milk, berries or other mix on you use with the shakeology.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I don't mix anything with shakeology...just water.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    I don't mix anything with shakeology...just water.

    I don't mix anything with my water. Even less expensive.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    same sales structure as every other shake fancy shake (Herbalife/Body By Vi/Advocare/Shaklee/etc)

    Hahaha exactly. You just reinforced the point.They're all overpriced and less than reputable.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've seen plenty of success stories of Shakeology cleansing one's wallet of it's monetary toxins
  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    Honestly, don't waste your money. I have tried this, I hated the shakes and couldn't stick to the program.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Looks pretty expensive to me. You're better off buying a good whey protein powder (much cheaper), eat healthy, and take a multivitamin.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Looks pretty expensive to me. You're better off buying a good whey protein powder (much cheaper), eat healthy, and take a multivitamin.

    They're all BOGO 50% off at Vitamin Shoppe this month :smile: