Mommy Pooch

MyKidzMom Posts: 97
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
After having 3 kiddos that I totally love and adore, I have the mommy pooch which i absolutely hate!!! Is there a way to actually get rid of that other than plastic surgery?
I posted this as a response on another post but never got a somebody help!!


  • Oh honey, I know your pain. I have 2 kids myself and I too have the dreaded Mothers Apron. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!! I would give anything to get rid of it!!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    After having 3 kiddos that I totally love and adore, I have the mommy pooch which i absolutely hate!!! Is there a way to actually get rid of that other than plastic surgery?
    I posted this as a response on another post but never got a somebody help!!

    It depends how badly the skin was stretched. Cardio and weights will help tone up the area, proper diet will also help along with the exercise to shed the fat, there's a ton of creams and crap..sorry, I wouldn't waste my money on it, that claim to help. Lazer resurfacing might be a good option, i've seen great results on one of my clients, there's also radio-frequency ..looks like an ultra sound machine that can help tone up the skin, but both are gonna run you between 600-1200. bucks. I'd stick with the exercise/weights and ab work and then re-evaluate your body when you're at your goal may tighten up enough that it really doesn't bother you. I regained my shape through diet and exercise alone and i've given birth to 6 it CAN be done!

    What I can add though is that now i have a partial "outie" where it had never been there before..and that drives me nuts!! I hate it, it's ugly...even tough i've tightened it up..still not happy!! I'm selfish, I want everything back to normal..hehe!
  • lynnyv
    lynnyv Posts: 1
    I don't think there is a miracle cure for the Mommy Pooch. I carry one, also a result of my three beautiful kiddoz. I did notice a considerable flattening of it while i was doing crunches on my exersice ball in combination with walking. Hope this helps a little bit.....:happy:
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    with the almost 30lbs I've lost mine has gone down alot but is still there. SO for now I can only hope it wil continue to go down as I loose more weight. Knowing my luck it will and then I'll screw it up and go and have another kid and get it back :)
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    yeah I've got that too! Mine is the lower c-section pooch! I really wish my body could have pushed out my big ole babies, but no - they had to be cut out and now I have the nasty apron of loose skin that hangs on my belly too! I have lost 23 and while it did shrink quite a bit, its still there. I have about 30 more lbs I would like to lose and I'm hoping it gets even smaller - I think I'm ok with the fact that I will never have a flat stomach - thanks to those c-sections, But I do want it to be smaller! Good luck - sorry I don't have more answers for you!
  • MyKidzMom
    MyKidzMom Posts: 97
    with the almost 30lbs I've lost mine has gone down alot but is still there. SO for now I can only hope it wil continue to go down as I loose more weight. Knowing my luck it will and then I'll screw it up and go and have another kid and get it back :)

    Yeah that is usually what happened to me.....every 4 years it was gone and then what do ya know i was pregnant again! LOL
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I always joke that the only time in my life that I have had rock hard abs was when I was 6-9 months prego!:laugh:
    And It was hard then! :tongue:

    My two c-sections left me my "shelf" and to be truthful I dis-like my tummy more now that before I lost 35 lbs. I know, I know, I sound nuts but now that my shelf is smaller all the loose skin just hangs there and it grosses me out! :sick:

    But I don't plan on running around naked in front of anyone (who has not seen it already :wink: ) so I guess that I can learn to live with it.

    Once my daughter said "yuck why do you have that?!?!?" and I just smiled and told her that it was all her fault but I still love her anyway. After a few more questions she said "I still think daddy loves you anyway" :grumble: Just like me, that one! My son just yells "Mommys naked!" and runs out of the room. :laugh:
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I was curious about the whole c-sec thing... I had a c-sec and will have to have another if I ever have more children (mine was an emergency, and they had to do a classic c-sec, which means my uterus has a higher likelihood of rupturing during child birth - that plus a million other things that go wrong in my pregnancies = another c-sec.... just wanted to avoid the VBAC conversation).

    Anyhoo... what is the deal with the pooch after a c-sec? I don't see much of one right now, but have read a few posts about it and am kinda scared that it's going to happen to me. Is that something that happens only to c-sec ladies?
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I was curious about the whole c-sec thing... I had a c-sec and will have to have another if I ever have more children (mine was an emergency, and they had to do a classic c-sec, which means my uterus has a higher likelihood of rupturing during child birth - that plus a million other things that go wrong in my pregnancies = another c-sec.... just wanted to avoid the VBAC conversation).

    Anyhoo... what is the deal with the pooch after a c-sec? I don't see much of one right now, but have read a few posts about it and am kinda scared that it's going to happen to me. Is that something that happens only to c-sec ladies?

    I think it really depends on your body type and how much your skin stretched during pregnancy. I have a friend who had one natural and one c-sec delivery and she hardly has anything at all. I however had one c-sec - my first baby was 9lb 14 oz, then a natural delivery at 32 weeks - we lost a little girl, and then another c-sec with my youngest - he was 11lb 1 oz. So my skin had stretched a ton with those big ole boys and then I had two pregnancies right in a row as a result of our loss. This time it looks terrible - like empty skin hanging there. I don't stretch well and have the stretch marks to prove it. Everyone is different, but I think C-section tummies have a lot harder time toning back up thank natural deliveries because they cut through the skin and muscle and you are left with some scar tissue too.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    My first was an emergency with a classic c-sec also. I was induced (sp?) and she was just not ready, way to high. My tum wasn't so bad after her but once I got prego again 10 months later and had my son my skin had stretched a lot and I got a bunch more stretch marks.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I wish I had a pooch. I have the apron after 2 c-sections. My upper abs are starting to get pretty firm but my lower abs just hang :sick:.
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    HI guys, I had a c-section 25 years ago and I STILL look like I have 2 butts!!! Drives me crazy! I've lost 43 and I think I look better than before but only because its smaller now. Serously, I can squeeze 2 handfulls (big ones!) of skin together, and when I do this I think, dang, I'd look pretty good if someone could just cut this off!!!lol I'm doing everything I can think of to gt rid of it so If anyone has any great excercise ideas, please share!!! Oh, and my c-section back in the day left me with a cut from my belly button down to my pelivc bone. No kidding! I remember I had 40 staples!!!! (it was an emergency and myself and my son both almost died..we were very lucky!)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    After having 3 kiddos that I totally love and adore, I have the mommy pooch which i absolutely hate!!! Is there a way to actually get rid of that other than plastic surgery?
    I posted this as a response on another post but never got a somebody help!!

    It depends how badly the skin was stretched. Cardio and weights will help tone up the area, proper diet will also help along with the exercise to shed the fat, there's a ton of creams and crap..sorry, I wouldn't waste my money on it, that claim to help. Lazer resurfacing might be a good option, i've seen great results on one of my clients, there's also radio-frequency ..looks like an ultra sound machine that can help tone up the skin, but both are gonna run you between 600-1200. bucks. I'd stick with the exercise/weights and ab work and then re-evaluate your body when you're at your goal may tighten up enough that it really doesn't bother you. I regained my shape through diet and exercise alone and i've given birth to 6 it CAN be done!

    What I can add though is that now i have a partial "outie" where it had never been there before..and that drives me nuts!! I hate it, it's ugly...even tough i've tightened it up..still not happy!! I'm selfish, I want everything back to normal..hehe!

    My partial outie was in fact a hernia. When my belly got smaller, it moved. So now I have an innie with a lump above my belly button. I'm getting it fixed this summer.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member

    I think it really depends on your body type and how much your skin stretched during pregnancy. I have a friend who had one natural and one c-sec delivery and she hardly has anything at all. I however had one c-sec - my first baby was 9lb 14 oz, then a natural delivery at 32 weeks - we lost a little girl, and then another c-sec with my youngest - he was 11lb 1 oz. So my skin had stretched a ton with those big ole boys and then I had two pregnancies right in a row as a result of our loss. This time it looks terrible - like empty skin hanging there. I don't stretch well and have the stretch marks to prove it. Everyone is different, but I think C-section tummies have a lot harder time toning back up thank natural deliveries because they cut through the skin and muscle and you are left with some scar tissue too.

    This is probably why I don't really have the pooch or apron... my son was born (vaginally, but he was stillborn) at 30 weeks, and my daughter was born (emergency c-sec, but was born alive) at 28 weeks. Since I never got very far in the 3rd trimester with either one, I guess my skin didn't really stretch all that much. Though... honestly, I'd rather have the stretch marks and saggy skin if it meant that my kids were actually born healthy and alive and full-term. But we're doing well now - still missing our boy, but finding happiness in our daughter.
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member

    I think it really depends on your body type and how much your skin stretched during pregnancy. I have a friend who had one natural and one c-sec delivery and she hardly has anything at all. I however had one c-sec - my first baby was 9lb 14 oz, then a natural delivery at 32 weeks - we lost a little girl, and then another c-sec with my youngest - he was 11lb 1 oz. So my skin had stretched a ton with those big ole boys and then I had two pregnancies right in a row as a result of our loss. This time it looks terrible - like empty skin hanging there. I don't stretch well and have the stretch marks to prove it. Everyone is different, but I think C-section tummies have a lot harder time toning back up thank natural deliveries because they cut through the skin and muscle and you are left with some scar tissue too.

    This is probably why I don't really have the pooch or apron... my son was born (vaginally, but he was stillborn) at 30 weeks, and my daughter was born (emergency c-sec, but was born alive) at 28 weeks. Since I never got very far in the 3rd trimester with either one, I guess my skin didn't really stretch all that much. Though... honestly, I'd rather have the stretch marks and saggy skin if it meant that my kids were actually born healthy and alive and full-term. But we're doing well now - still missing our boy, but finding happiness in our daughter.

    We lost a little one too, we had a stillbirth at 32 weeks - a little girl. - and you are so right the stretch marks and saggy skin are defnititely worth the two miracles we have and an ever present reminder of our angel. So glad your little girl was a fighter - 28 weeks is so early - I'm sure she had a guardian angel giving her strength! We too miss our little girl and enjoy every minute of time we have with our 2 sons!
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