Myfitnesspal 5 week predictions pretty inaccurate!

So, each day when I complete logging my food (I am using myfitnesspal as a food logger but not really an exercise logger) it gives me a prediction "if every day was like today, you would weigh XYZ lbs in 5 weeks." So, I checked it out. I've logged EVERYTHING, every day. Not to say I don't get it wrong occasionally but I am trying to be honest with my logging.

Anyway, I checked back and forth 5 weeks from several "if every day was like today you will weigh" weeks and I chose days that I was over my calorie limit, which is not average for me to do,(I'm usually under,) and I am never that weight they predict 5 weeks later, I'm usually at least a couple lbs over their prediction. I am still losing, but it's slower than they seem to think it should be.
I know it's a free program, but I wonder if they could get it to adjust and give an actual prediction based on what they should be able to tell your body uses or burns since it's all in the math there somewhere!


  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    is it food you are loggin? are you doing workouts too?
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    mine is ALWAYS wrong!