Turbo fire vs P90 X

I have come a long way in fitness. I have lost over 100 lbs over 4 years. However, I am at a plateau . Zumba at my gym is super boring now just because it is so repetitious. and my body is so use to the same old routine. I am really good at Zumba, always in the front and always go hard! My goal every class is to outnumber everyone and most of the time I am successful but like I said, I just can't break this plateau.

Was thinking about doing something like Turbo Fire or P90x.

Any recommendations?


  • I always check out this website before starting a new fitness program - www.topfitnesssites.com - My personal favourite is p90x because it's hard enough that you know your getting results but not so hard that you give up after a few days.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Turbofire is more cardio - like Insanity and P9ox is more to strength- like Chalean Extreme.