any of you lost your weight and gained it back??

Hi, I'm guilty to the above question....was wondering if anyone has any tips or maybe stories to share about what you changed this time around to make it work, what mistakes you made before, etc. (anything about this subject)


  • jacque1129
    jacque1129 Posts: 113 Member
    i lost 40 lbs, then i was getting all this opposition to my weight loss and it was really messing with my head, so i stopped caring gained 10lbs, found out my jeans weren't fitting lost those 10 again, me and my girlfriend broke up i ate back 20 lbs in a few months. we got back together i got back to my routine, my gram died 10 months later and i put on 15lbs.

    i've lost almost all the weight i gained back, but what i have to say is get your emotions in track, working out when your sad feels SO SO SO much better than eating i promise. keep your goals in mind and keep working for them!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    By your photo is doesn't look like you have near as much to lose as me but my weight has been a roller coaster before I started MFP. Freshman year of high school I was about 240, sophomore year about 220, then when I graduated high school at about 280 then 1 year later at my top weight 295. Then about a year of making small changes down to 285. So my weight was really jumping all over the place because if I would try something I would never truly focus on it. On 1/20/13 I signed up for MFP at the weight of 285 I have been doing this for a little over 2 months now and have lost 25 pounds. I think for me I can never stop workout is the biggest thing for me at least 3 days a week now til forever. I love food too much not to workout. So even when I hit my goal weight I may not log my food everyday but I will keep on working out no matter what.
  • sarbear1993
    Not sure if you all can agree that its so much harder to do the second time around...I'm so afraid of the same thing happening this time but I can't focus on that! I have about 40 more pounds to lose.
  • Stacebob85
    I'm finding it harder this time around too.

    I lost 55lbs for my wedding in May 2011, then due to a particularly emotionally draining bout of jury service the week after said wedding and lastinga little over a month, I fell immediately off the healthy wagon. It was comfort-eating city for me. Steadily over the latter half of 2011 and early 2012, I gained back almost 40lbs. Since late last year I've managed to shift another 22lbs again, but boy is it hard work. It's difficult to keep a motivated, healthy mindset as I just keep thinking "C'mon you lazy wally, you've done this before! Shift the weight already!!"

    I'm feeling a bit more motivated now because my sister is getting hitched in September and I want to weigh either the same as I did for my own wedding, or less. I am very scared that, once the wedding has passed, I'll lose sight of my goal again and lose motivation, but I guess I gott cross that bridge when I come to it...
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    My all time highest weight was 301 after my older child was born. I lost 100, taking me down to 201, and then gained back 40 while I was pregnant with my second child. I now was to lose another 65-70 or so.

    I am finding it harder this time, I think having two kids, working full time, and having numerous volunteer commitments is making it harder for me to find the motivation to stick to it. I joined Weight Watchers and am going to Bikram yoga 3-4 times a week which is helping because I have a great support system there.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Hi, I'm guilty to the above question....was wondering if anyone has any tips or maybe stories to share about what you changed this time around to make it work, what mistakes you made before, etc. (anything about this subject)

    I yo-yoed for years, gaining and losing the same 20lbs in the 220s-240s. 222lb was my nemesis for YEARS (see how long I've been on MFP? lol), I'd get there, stall, lose motivation, and gain back 20. I never gained back up to my highest of 260, however.

    What changed? My exercise routine, and what I ate. I can't eat the same crap I used to, and do the same workouts, and still expect to lose. Now I eat better (more veggies, no grains), more consistently, less alcohol, and lift heavy and/or do a circuit of compound exercises and quit the endless hours on the treadmill/bike/elliptical/stairs. But by far, was the change in my mindset - this isn't a "diet", this is my health, for the long term. Yes, I've lost over 90lb, but over almost a decade. I feel like what I do now, in terms of my eating and exercise, are sustainable for the rest of my life. I can't go back to how I used to eat and not exercise, or I'll gain it all back! If I have an off day, it's ok!! If I skip a day of exercise, it's ok! I used to freak out if those things happened - now, it's life. I don't freak out if I have a wedding/party/other special occasion get-together with tempting foods - either they don't tempt me, or I indulge and know there are consequences and get back on it the next day without feeling guilty (but I may feel like crap from crap food! lol). I also know I am doing this for no one but myself, and I hold myself accountable - to be honest about what I eat, and to push myself, because no one else can do that for me.

    Another big thing that has helped me - planning ahead. I always bring my lunch to work, keep veggies and protein on hand at home, plan my workouts ahead - if I know there's an obstacle to doing my workout after work, I get up early and do a quick circuit before work - better than nothing! I've made my health a priority, no excuses.
  • sarbear1993
    Hi, I'm guilty to the above question....was wondering if anyone has any tips or maybe stories to share about what you changed this time around to make it work, what mistakes you made before, etc. (anything about this subject)

    I yo-yoed for years, gaining and losing the same 20lbs in the 220s-240s. 222lb was my nemesis for YEARS (see how long I've been on MFP? lol), I'd get there, stall, lose motivation, and gain back 20. I never gained back up to my highest of 260, however.

    What changed? My exercise routine, and what I ate. I can't eat the same crap I used to, and do the same workouts, and still expect to lose. Now I eat better (more veggies, no grains), more consistently, less alcohol, and lift heavy and/or do a circuit of compound exercises and quit the endless hours on the treadmill/bike/elliptical/stairs. But by far, was the change in my mindset - this isn't a "diet", this is my health, for the long term. Yes, I've lost over 90lb, but over almost a decade. I feel like what I do now, in terms of my eating and exercise, are sustainable for the rest of my life. I can't go back to how I used to eat and not exercise, or I'll gain it all back! If I have an off day, it's ok!! If I skip a day of exercise, it's ok! I used to freak out if those things happened - now, it's life. I don't freak out if I have a wedding/party/other special occasion get-together with tempting foods - either they don't tempt me, or I indulge and know there are consequences and get back on it the next day without feeling guilty (but I may feel like crap from crap food! lol). I also know I am doing this for no one but myself, and I hold myself accountable - to be honest about what I eat, and to push myself, because no one else can do that for me.

    Another big thing that has helped me - planning ahead. I always bring my lunch to work, keep veggies and protein on hand at home, plan my workouts ahead - if I know there's an obstacle to doing my workout after work, I get up early and do a quick circuit before work - better than nothing! I've made my health a priority, no excuses.

    Wow such an inspiration as you all who commented are...this weight problem I have is something I know I will have to face for the rest of my life..I think the first time I lost weight I had it in my head I won't always have to diet this way. Now I know I have to treat this problem like anyone else who has a life long health issue...seeking proper treatment (healthy eating/exercise) and accepting it as part of my life I found is the first step...I know I have a different mind frame this time but it's so easy for us to fall back into our own ways..
  • Easy_Does_It
    Easy_Does_It Posts: 14 Member
    3 years ago I did 1.5 rounds of P90X and dropped 35lbs (thats just 4 1/2 months). I killed myself by not eating enough. Over the next 3 years I slowed gained it back. Now I'm taking a better approach to losing the weight, eatting better with more food. I've dropped 23 lbs so far and I feel much better than the last time I've tried to lose.
  • nataliecarter28
    nataliecarter28 Posts: 54 Member
    my weight post-baby was 155 pounds. my husband was deployed ad I was determined to look god for him hen he came home. I got into the best shape of my life, and was 122 pounds when he came home. I looked and felt amazing. I had to buy new clothes and they all looked so good. Then with him home and moving to a new state and all of the stress, I gained almost all of it back. I got back up to 152, and that when I came BACK onto MFP, and now I'm trying to get back to where I was.
    it was really discourageing because I felt like I had done all that work for nothing. none of my new clothes fit me anymore, and I gained back so much that it seemed out of reach. Im already looking and feeling better though, getting back to where I was is now only 18 pounds away!
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    Last year I lost almost 40lbs and gained 20lbs back before I got back on track again. I never exercised before, so I added that into my life now, and I'm hoping I can not only lose the weight, but also keep it off.
  • nataliecarter28
    nataliecarter28 Posts: 54 Member
    also- this time Ive found excersize that I actually enjoy doing. I look forward to it all morning. AND I still eat whatever I want. Im not "on a diet" I eat what I want, but I measure out EVERYTHING. If I'm really craving a candy bar- I'll cut in half. it still satisfies that craving, and doesn't lead me to a food binge later.
    I think the only way to keep the weight off is to change your lifestyle habits. even when you're at the weight you want to be, you stil have to continue eating well and excersizing regularly. Thats what Ive always had issues with. I had the mentality of "I cant wait until I lose some weight and not have to do this anymore" -thats the exact mentality that causes almost all diets and those" lose weight in 3 days!" programs to ultimately fail
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    13 years ago or so. I lost 40 lbs or something by going to see a nutritionist and following his diet (very restrictive, adding a new food type every week). Then I started working and not being able to follow the diet anymore (couldn't bring food and it was impossible to eat the right things out), and I got it all back and more in like, 6 months.

    That's why i think restrictive diets are just useless, unless you're willing never to eat grains/carbs or whatever ever again.
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    Multiple times. I have yo-yo'ed about 40 pounds since high school. I have done better since I have made exercise a consistent part of my life along with logging my intake .My intake can really sneak up on me along with my weight if I am not really careful. I will have to be active and pay close attention forever. Changing your lifestyle is easier said than done.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    it doesn't matter how much you lose. if you're doing it for outside reasons, other people or anything but yourself, you'll just gain it back.
  • devohop
    devohop Posts: 11 Member
    This is what I needed to hear. I've been in a cycle of loosing and gaining for more than 10 years. Now that I am starting again I needed encouragement to make this time a lifestyle change. I have to do this for myself and no one else! Thanks for sharing.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Yep. At least 5 times. What is the difference this time? It wasn't for an "event" it wasn't for someone was for me.

    but the biggest change is exercise...before..I just did it ... now I WANT TO DO IT. You have to find the exercise you love....
  • theecatt
    theecatt Posts: 31 Member
    Me too, good luck sticking to it. I lost 45 lbs last year, gained 30 back, and have lost 15 of those so far this year. Big problems for me last year were 1) Took a new job that interrupted my workout schedule and 2) I dont like exercising in the cold, thank goodness for Spring
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I have lost 65 lbs 3 times already and gained it all back all three times its so frustrating bnut I think now that I am on MFP I will keep it off this time If I ever get it off again :cry:
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    don't make your exercise program based on a perfect model of what SHOULD be done. what is the minimum to be done?
    what fits in your schedule? where and when, with anyone? you need a basic simple plan to stick to when you're really busy.
    workouts that are quick and effective, so fun and quick there's no excuse of I don't have time or I don't want to. and then more workouts for when you have more time. and keep changing it up so you always look forward to your meals, workouts, the future.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Since I've started MFP, I've lost and gained the same 20ish pounds twice. My first time, I lost 23 and plateaued for 3 months before I went on vacation and then just never stopped eating like I was on vacation. I gained back all the weight over the course of 11 months. Then last summer I started again and lost 20 lbs before I plateaued...then I found out I was moving to Japan so wanted to eat all of my favorites "one last time" which was more like every day and gained back 10 of it. I think I was in complete denial about how much I was actually eating when I thought I was "maintaining". Now I've lost 15 and am terrified to hit that dreaded always seems to happen at 175lbs.

    Only thing I can say is, don't give up! I started following the "In place of a road map" tips and eating at my TDEE. It helps to eat more and I'm hoping it helps me keep losing weight.