My job sucks...

I know this is a little off topic. However, I work with the worst bunch of people anyone has ever seen. It's just terrible. Every. Single. Day. They're all deceitful and spiteful human beings.....It does kinda have to do with weight loss, in that, they make me so sick I don't have an appetite. I was just wondering who else has a god awful job and absolutely gets sickened at the mere thought of their coworkers? Anyone?


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I can at least sympathize with you, but I have been blessed and love my job.

    Hopefully you can find a better, more fullfilling job soon.
  • mklassy123
    I had such a horrible job with the most idiotic co-workers. I say "had" because I left it, after 11 years of slaving away for them. My health was definitely being effected negatively. I went through a major depression due to a family crisis and had to take a leave of absence. I went back to work to the most Hellish atmosphere, to where I had to threaten to open up a case with human resources. I went to therapy thinking my stress and depression was due to family issues and she insisted my job was 90% to blame (which at first I didn't believe). I begged for flex time when my mother was dying, they told me no and actually didn't believe my mother was dying. I gained weight, my blood pressure was through the roof, I was getting horrible headaches, I was heading towards an early grave. I left without even having another job. My mother died six months after leaving and when my old job found out they were actually shocked because they thought I was lying about my mother being as sick as she was. Anyway, my health improved greatly once I left that hell hole (sorry).

    I get it and I wish I had advice for you. Keep your eyes open for another job. You can't fix stupid assenine co-workers. Do your best to take deep breaths and try not to let it get to you, although I never could. One thing that I did do was to make sure I actually took a lunch break everyday, even if it was 20 minutes, and I would go for a walk, no matter what the weather outside. It definitely cleared my head. The longer I could do it, the better.
  • jenniferb973
    jenniferb973 Posts: 34 Member
    That's what I'm sure is happening with me. It's starting to make me depressed, and the anxiety is making me literally get sick. I can't even go to human resources because that's the damn department I work in!!!....It's so hard to leave the job as their are really none other that will pay me what I need to live lol....But i think it does make me binge eat sometimes just dreading coming here....and getting my comfort from food
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Been there. Done that.

    Best you can do is stay focused on your goals, don't get too caught up in the day to day drama, fly under the radar and move on to greener pastures as soon as you can.
  • fitgirl4x48
    fitgirl4x48 Posts: 30 Member
    OMG, I totally understand!! I lie awake on Sunday nights stressing out about work on Monday! Luckily one of the idiots quit and is gone as of Thursday...but that still leaves my boss. Sometimes I wonder how she even gets herself to work without getting lost!
    I find that getting out of the office and walking, and texting happy people, and trying to focus on life outside of work helps, but on those really really bad just SUCKS and I have a chocolate stash in my drawer. Bad yes, but last night I went home and exercised really hard and hollered along with the music.

    Good luck!!

    Oh and yes, I am looking for new work too......
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Let's just hope none of those horrible people are also on MFP. :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Sorry to hear that! I don't care for my job only because of my hours (night shift) and how they short handed we are on help and all the mandatory overtime:( love my co workers on the other hand:)
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    My job is not awful. I mean were around 1200 employee so of course there's some jerks in that number. I just have no motivation when it's time to go to work. I don't "enjoy" it. But i've had my fair share of office drama myself so I know what you're going through. You get home and you're anxious because you can't avoid those people.

    I can tell you that not eating leads to more anxiety. Being anxious is very exhausting. You need to eat.

    Also, don't HR have their own HR? Mine does
  • WFBspantran
    WFBspantran Posts: 59 Member
    Let's just hope none of those horrible people are also on MFP. :)

    Lol... very good point!
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I have had a horrible job just because I am way to busy and no one listened to me about how it was to much for one person. I ended up gaining a lot of weight between of stress of job and getting criticized about such a horrible job I was doing (just to busy) and losing 2 people close to me within 5 days. I finally said I had to do something about it. I started walking every morning before I start work to reduce stress.
    I also got written up for not doing my job correctly. But, I actually looked at it as a blessing because it forced my supervisor to check my work closely and realized how much work I do in a day. I am finally getting help and she is helping me and listening to me when I say I can't handle something.
    I still don't like my job, but the walking has definitely helped. At one point, I was in tears every day at work due to the stress and frustration. Now, I am dealing a lot better with it. I am ready for a new job!
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Lmao, i sort of hate my job as i'm a postman - as of now, i have to put effort into my work because i run round the neighbourhood posting letters and my word its F***ing tiring - good once i've finished 2 hours before my pay hours :tongue:
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    Well my job sucks but not because of the people I work with its just the job itself.. I do collections for CHS hospitals.. The people that I talk to on a daily basis are so friggin rude about the smallest things its RIDICULOUS!!! Seriously I get cussed out just for having the wrong # ?!!?? Thank God for coworkers to complain to.. its the only thing that gets me through the day sometimes.
  • jenniferb973
    jenniferb973 Posts: 34 Member
    Even if they are on mfp I'm so done with that place I just don't But I'm positive the folks I'm referring aren't on here. They think I'm stupid for tracking my stuff and they vocalize that opinion at least three times a week...
  • ocragal
    ocragal Posts: 45 Member
    Sometimes, it is the idiots who give us the greatest gifts. If you had any doubt about your job, it sounds like the idiot coworkers are removing them and giving you clarity about actions you need to take.

    You are creating a new life for yourself with new goals: eating goals, fitness goals, happiness goals. What do you want for your professional goals? Take time, think about it, journal about it, make a plan, and just like changing your eating and fitness lifestyle, create a plan to change your professional life as well, then start taking steps towards action. Simply perusing available positions, updating your resume, and polishing your interview wardrobe will make you feel empowered.

    In the interim, disengage from the drama. Go into stealth mode, sandwich your day with good things you enjoy before and after work. Focus on yourself and what you want. Life is very very very short. Don't waste it in a toxic environment. Joy awaits you once you have the courage to act on your plan.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I worked in sales for five years and customer service for seven years, but I kept my hopes up for my own office sitting at a computer. Somewhere that I could come in, close my door, put on my fuzzy slippers and to my work in PEACE. HA! I am incredibly blessed in that I can come in, close my door, put on my fuzzy slipper and tap away on the computer all day. Many people don't have jobs, so I'm thankful for what I have. Is it perfect? Nope, some days are "two glasses of wine" types of days, but thankfully those don't happen very often.
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    I am having a hard time lately at work. I have been worried about work all weekend and even now, 3 hours after I ended my shift. I just feel overwhelmed, I do about 20% of all the work out of 7 people there to do the same thing and I feel unappreciated for it. :frown:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I had a hell job and it almost destroyed my health. The only cure was to abandon ship. I now make about a third as much money as I once did, but it's totally worth it. My peace of mind is worth more than any amount of money. I don't mind being kinda money poor now, because although I have less income, I have more freedom, a healthier sane environment and peace. :heart:
  • jenniferb973
    jenniferb973 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you guys!!! Your words are very encouraging. I'm updating my resume as we speak. And keeping my fingers crossed!!! :)
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    I work in a prison, i promise you, the people that i work around are much worse.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Definitely look elsewhere, life's too short to hate such a huge portion of your waking week. I know for me, in the past, I've had jobs I just needed to get the heck out of. I've taken a new job which was a step down, or less pay, just to get out of there and get some breathing room and a better outlook while looking for a good long term job.

    Luckily now I have a job which stresses me immensely and leads to sleepless nights but I enjoy the work and the people.