Diet Coke addict!



  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    I drink coffee, black, but only when I work. I guess I don't want to be alert at home. I tend to drink Perrier or Hansen's soda. Love the fizz with no calories.
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    Perrier is good stuff
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    True, Hansen's has flavor with no calories, but I love carbonated water.
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    you have done well
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    you are what is wrong with Perrier. And don't get me started on Gatorade with its flame retardant additives.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I used to be able to drink a 2 liter easily in a day. I quit cold turkey last summer, only to start drinking Cherry Coke in it's place about a month later. I had some headaches for a few days & that's it. About 2 weeks ago, I quit drinking Cherry Coke when I started MFP after seeing the carbs, etc content. I have not had a headache or anything at all. In it's place, I have a cold 32 oz glass of water w/ a straw. I drink a ton of water now instead of coke, whether it be a diet coke or a cherry coke.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    i drink them daily. i dont see a problem .
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    i drink them daily. i dont see a problem .
    That's what I thought 20 years ago... Then I found truth to some of the side effects, like memory loss.
  • TraceysJourney
    TraceysJourney Posts: 27 Member
    I stopped Cold Turkey :)
    I was drinking up to 2 litres a day.
    The first couple of day were a bit rough, but its ok now.
    I am getting a bit bored just drinking water though :(
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    I know that feeling. At two of the three jobs I work, the two have my favorite drinks. One is coke and the other is Turkey Hill iced tea. I grew up on both these drinks and would drink them like they were water. But with the low sugar in my diet and cutting back on sweets. The sweet drinks were cut out as well. That and because I had to give something up until Easter. I went cold turkey on both my favorite drinks and found myself making cups of hot green tea. And I didn't think I'd stick with it, but on my days off when I used to have the whole day, I'd find myself making about 5 or more cups of green tea to drink in a day.

    Now that being said. I like my drinks sweet so I was putting sugar in it at first. But now I switched to organic sugar. It's sugar and slightly healthier since it is the real stuff and not just the sweetener stuff. Though no type of sugar is good for you if it doesn't come from fruit it seems. XD

    I've been off my ice tea for about two months now and soda for over a month. It's not easy at first. But now a days, I'm more likely to take a minute to make my green tea, get a glass of orange juice, make a fruit smoothy, drink fat free milk, or just get water from the tap.
  • ahende3
    ahende3 Posts: 46 Member
    For me to cut back I had to get a ton of different options. I bought powerade zeros, low calorie gatorade, mio (mango peach) and a Brita Filter for my water. When I did that I cut my diet sodas down a lot because it offered me some variety. I used to go through a 12 pack every 2-3 days. I can now have a 12pk of diet soda in my fridge for up to 3 weeks. The important thing to say to yourself is what aspect of the diet soda am I craving? if its the bubbles, try a glass of flavored water (does contain aspertame), or add fruit to seltzer water. If its a new taste then try your mio's or crystal light drink mixes. After the gym? POwerade zero is great! Need the caffeine....I use redbull zero

    There is a bad side to most things we put in our bodies, but moderation is key. With moderation hopefully comes variety. So use variety to help inspire moderation!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    I think the biggest issue with diet drinks is just not getting enough actual water in your body. Diet coke, coke zero, diet 7up, whatever is fine as long as you still drink a bunch of water. I like to drink a coke zero with most of my meals, so thats at least a can for 3 meals a day. But i try to offset it by drinking twice as much water. Last night at work i had a coke zero and within an hour, i downed a 24oz bottle of water. Life is all about balance, not cutting out everything you like.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Your brain will still increase your insulin levels even with sugar substitutes because it still thinks you're having sugar. It's the same reason why people feel hunger while chewing gum. The the brain knows you're chewing, but no food is going into the stomach... it gets confused then you feel hunger.

    I don't think diet or 0 calorie drinks are evil. I think if you use them correctly it makes a difference... ie: don't drink a diet coke WITH a meal. You're already eating food. Water would be more beneficial than soda. If you're in a bind and can't make it to the next meal without something to eat/drink. Use a diet soda to get to the next meal / snack.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    do some research on aspartame which is in all diet sodas...I promise will stop drinking diet anything


    If you are a rat.

    And consuming your body weight in aspartame.
  • chelseachelsea1991
    chelseachelsea1991 Posts: 55 Member
    I quit for Lent this year: all soda, caffeine (to the best of my ability) and coffee. I was usually having two, sometimes three diet sodas a day and a frappuccino 3-4 times a week. It took at least three weeks to start feeling better about it, especially when I'd have something that I normally paired with soda (pizza, hamburgers, etc), I don't really think about it anymore and have moved on to Diet Snapple teas when I want something other than chocolate milk or water. Cold turkey was the best way to go for me and making it a challenge guaranteed I wouldn't give in. :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Your brain will still increase your insulin levels even with sugar substitutes because it still thinks you're having sugar. It's the same reason why people feel hunger while chewing gum. The the brain knows you're chewing, but no food is going into the stomach... it gets confused then you feel hunger.

    I don't think diet or 0 calorie drinks are evil. I think if you use them correctly it makes a difference... ie: don't drink a diet coke WITH a meal. You're already eating food. Water would be more beneficial than soda. If you're in a bind and can't make it to the next meal without something to eat/drink. Use a diet soda to get to the next meal / snack.

    This is also completely false.

    Aspartame doesn't spike insulin and insulin is only spiked when ingesting protein and/or carbohydrates which diet soda is neither.

    Also whether or not diet soda makes you feel hungry or full is simply down to the individual.

    "Neither sweetener affected peak insulin levels in subjects with or without diabetes"

    "The action of a synthetic dipeptide aspartam (150 to 180 times as sweet as glucose) on pancreatic insulin-secretory function of rats was studied in vivo and in vitro. The drug was given orally while drinking (300 mg/kg body weight) or was added to the incubation medium of cultivated pancreatic cells (20 mM). It was shown that insulin content in the rat blood serum remained unchanged 10 and 35 minutes after aspartam administration. The drug did not exert any stimulating effect upon insulin secretion following the addition to the pancreatic cell culture medium. It is concluded that aspartam exhibits no direct or mediated action on pancreatic insulin-secretory function."
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Your brain will still increase your insulin levels even with sugar substitutes because it still thinks you're having sugar. It's the same reason why people feel hunger while chewing gum. The the brain knows you're chewing, but no food is going into the stomach... it gets confused then you feel hunger.

    I don't think diet or 0 calorie drinks are evil. I think if you use them correctly it makes a difference... ie: don't drink a diet coke WITH a meal. You're already eating food. Water would be more beneficial than soda. If you're in a bind and can't make it to the next meal without something to eat/drink. Use a diet soda to get to the next meal / snack.

    This is also completely false.

    Aspartame doesn't spike insulin and insulin is only spiked when ingesting protein and/or carbohydrates which diet soda is neither.

    Also whether or not diet soda makes you feel hungry or full is simply down to the individual.

    "Neither sweetener affected peak insulin levels in subjects with or without diabetes"

    "The action of a synthetic dipeptide aspartam (150 to 180 times as sweet as glucose) on pancreatic insulin-secretory function of rats was studied in vivo and in vitro. The drug was given orally while drinking (300 mg/kg body weight) or was added to the incubation medium of cultivated pancreatic cells (20 mM). It was shown that insulin content in the rat blood serum remained unchanged 10 and 35 minutes after aspartam administration. The drug did not exert any stimulating effect upon insulin secretion following the addition to the pancreatic cell culture medium. It is concluded that aspartam exhibits no direct or mediated action on pancreatic insulin-secretory function."

    It depends on the artificial sweeteners in question since they're not all the same. Aspartame might not, but saccharin has shown signs it does.
    Don't you know studies can show whatever the **** they wanna show?

    Well, considering that caffeine is used as an appetite suppressant and if you drink a caffeinated diet soda. I'm going to assume it'll help curb an appetite.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    Don't you know studies can show whatever the **** they wanna show?

    Yes. But that doesn't mean that they should be ignored.

    It just means that you have to research the study. Who funded it, the methods etc.

    To say that studies "can show whatever they want to show" isn't an excuse to just make arbitrary remarks presented as facts.

    " Neither sweetener affected peak insulin levels in subjects with or without diabetes"
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    Oh my I was addicted....I use to drink 600mls everyday then I gave up smoking 6mths ago & then coffee slowed down & Zero coke wasnt as bad but when Im feeling like something sweet or carbs thats when I have zero coke especially when Im trying to eat right :bigsmile: I know, trying to eat right with zero coke :laugh: I dont know how to give it up. I just drink it when Im really wanting something bad.
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    Used to drink a couple of cans a day a few years back, but only tend to have Diet Coke as a mixer with JD nowadays and that's infrequent. I know there's a certain chemical in DC that can cause all manner of side effects, so I pretty much steer clear - in fact there's really not any soft drinks that I would say I really enjoy. I prefer a glass of water, or better still a good old cup of tea or coffee. :)