Do you pass you daily calorie limit in your cheat days?



  • oncearound
    oncearound Posts: 31 Member
    I have a "cheat day" every Sunday. I don't like to call it a "cheat day" though because it sounds like I am doing something wrong, I call it "my sanity" (I mean, come on, even God rested on Sunday). I have a very hectic schedule and then add to that keeping track of everything I eat every single day and remain "good" every day of my life.....just not going to happen. I eat whatever I want (I don't stuff myself until I throw up or anything) and in whatever quantities that I am hungry for. I go way over my calorie limit for the day (sometimes by 1000-2000 calories) and I don't feel one bit guilty about it. I track everything to keep myself honest, because to do it and not take responsibility for it, is what I consider "cheating". Be honest with yourself if noone else.

    I eat below my calorie limits everyday otherwise (usually between 800-1000 calories each day)- before anyone goes in to panic mode, yes, I know that these calories are very low but it keeps my hunger at bay and I feel satisfied so stuffing food when I don't really want it will make me sick so I follow what my body is telling me. I also don't have a lot of time to cook during the week and stick to lower calorie foods that can be eaten quickly (many times in the car) and eat larger meals on Sunday (which is my least busy day of the week).

    I have eaten this way since I started back in the beginning of Februay and have lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks. My doctor is aware and so is my nutritionist (who is the one who suggested the "cheat day") and they are fine with my rate of loss ( I have a total of 80 to lose with 21 gone already.)

    The way I look at it is this.... I have to sustain this lifestyle for the rest of my life and at age 37, I hope that will be a very long time. I have to make it livable for me and the Sunday Sanity Day works for me and I love it! The best way to determine if it is for you or not is to try it and if you don't do well then stop!

    Good luck! I hope you find a system that works for you!
  • primpixie
    primpixie Posts: 39
    When I have a treat I stay within myy calorie's unless of course I am going to a party (rare) and drinking... But even then I am often still within my calorie allowance as I exercise more to compensate! If I wake up hungry in the night, it is a lesson that the small slice of cake I had as a treat, did not fill me up as much as the sedond slice of toast with peanut butter on it would have done! I just go with it. :wink:
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    When I do have a cheat meal, to me, I would be going over. One caveat to me is that it's controlled, so a binge doesn't count as a cheat day to me otherwise I won't lose any weight with getting in the mindset that it's allowed. Those are just rules for myself based on what's been successful to me.

    I haven't had regular cheat meals or days but I'm considering it in the future.
    For foods that I fit in, to me that's lifestyle and not a cheat. I usually make those up in exercise where a cheat meal/day I wouldn't.
  • DalalMutar

    I eat below my calorie limits everyday otherwise (usually between 800-1000 calories each day)- before anyone goes in to panic mode, yes, I know that these calories are very low but it keeps my hunger at bay and I feel satisfied so stuffing food when I don't really want it will make me sick

    I'm supposed to eat 1200 and like you, i eat around 800 to 1000. I don't starve myself i just eat lots of low cals food.
  • oncearound
    oncearound Posts: 31 Member
    I eat until I feel full but staying below my daily calorie limit six days a week. I feel full at around 800-1000 calories most days, but I think a lot of it is because of my schedule (I don't think about eating so I don't feel hungry). On Sundays, my schedule slows way down, I have time to cook, and so that is when I consume a large amount of calories. I could really watch myself like I do the rest of the week, but I really don't want to and I know deep down that I won't keep it up for a long period of time if I don't take a break frequently.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I do not use cheat meals. That isn't to say I have days when I just plain make bad choices. Today is one of those days. I may go over, will see, I have been logging. I did not log Christmas or Thanksgiving it was just way too much to bother with. I do all the cooking so most of the time I am now trying to cook healthier versions of our favorites with maybe just one lush dish. For easter for example I am planning to make some really lushed up green bean casserole. The rest are all steamed or using lower fat alternatives and no sugar desserts.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Interesting thread. I'm not far enough along to have done cheat meals yet, but my work involves eating very rich meals a couple of times a month, and the next event comes up in mid-April. If I've done well with Jillian Body Revolution and my eating by then, I'll give myself a free pass to enjoy the meal without worrying about calories, but I'll probably log it even though it will go over. I think it's important to see the cheat meals on your food page when you go over the limit so you can keep yourself honest if you're doing it too much.

    I also plan to allow an occasional eating-out indulgence, but on those days I hope to alter my other meals to stay within my proper calorie range.
  • DalalMutar
    but I'll probably log it even though it will go over. I think it's important to see the cheat meals on your food page when you go over the limit so you can keep yourself honest if you're doing it too much.

    That's it!
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    It's not a cheat day if you make your calorie limit. It might be a treat day, but not a cheat day. I try to keep mine within maintenance.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    It sounds like people are really talking about three different things.

    1. I ate something I don't usually eat, but I'm within my calories. For people who are IIFYM, this is just business as usual. I do this, although probably 80% of what I eat is planned out to be what I consider "clean" (ie, chicken breasts, greek yogurt).

    2. I need sanity breaks, so I have days where I exceed my calories/don't track.

    But I think there is a #3, which is neither of these, which is:

    3. Systematic refeeds at maintenance or above.

    I "get" that we should, generally, eat as we could eat every day forever. So #2 could be considered unnecessary or undesirable, from that standpoint. But I have heard that a refeed (whether on total calories or carbs or both) can help your progress (I think because it bumps up your leptin levels).

    So when I do it, eventually, it will probably be tracked, at maintenance plus exercise calories (or most of them). I will probably eat things I would not frequently have otherwise, just 'cause I'll have the calories to play with, and I will probably do a big workout on that day as well. And I won't do it that often (as in, maybe every couple of weeks).
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    I don't have "cheats" because I don't deprive myself. Instead of setting my calories super low and then going over on a regular basis, I just set my daily allowance high enough to lose weight slowly and still eat the things I like. I'd rather be happy everyday, than be miserable 6 days a week and make up for it on cheat day.

    yep!! took me many years to figure this out but I think its the way to go!!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I actually find that I'm not miserable on a sensible plan with an occasional cheat day because I like having something to look forward to. It's all in how you frame it in your mind. I know I have my event next month where I'll be indulging, and it's an inspiration right now because I keep imagining how proud I'll be of my progress at that point. I need restrictions because otherwise I get into bad snacking patterns. The low cal with occasional cheats works best for me.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    I try not to. My "cheat days" are days that I leave extra calories for me to have a bit unhealthier dinner, or to have some chocolate later on. But I try not to go over on these days.
  • oncearound
    oncearound Posts: 31 Member
    It sounds like people are really talking about three different things.

    1. I ate something I don't usually eat, but I'm within my calories. For people who are IIFYM, this is just business as usual. I do this, although probably 80% of what I eat is planned out to be what I consider "clean" (ie, chicken breasts, greek yogurt).

    2. I need sanity breaks, so I have days where I exceed my calories/don't track.

    But I think there is a #3, which is neither of these, which is:

    3. Systematic refeeds at maintenance or above.

    I "get" that we should, generally, eat as we could eat every day forever. So #2 could be considered unnecessary or undesirable, from that standpoint. But I have heard that a refeed (whether on total calories or carbs or both) can help your progress (I think because it bumps up your leptin levels).

    So when I do it, eventually, it will probably be tracked, at maintenance plus exercise calories (or most of them). I will probably eat things I would not frequently have otherwise, just 'cause I'll have the calories to play with, and I will probably do a big workout on that day as well. And I won't do it that often (as in, maybe every couple of weeks).

    For me personally, I have my sanity breaks every Sunday, but I do track everything. I look at it as keeping my sanity, but being honest with myself. If I don't track then I feel like I am hiding something and being sneaky (if I can't read it, it didn't happen). I track it and feel no guilt about it and move on.
  • Dani19711
    Dani19711 Posts: 33
    I don't cheat on crappy food because it makes me feel crappy and tired and makes me look bloated. I can go overboard on nuts though and go way over my caloric goal. It's no big deal for me since I workout every day. Wont beat myself up and wont go on a guildtrip. Nuts are good for you :)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Just wondering if "saved" calories have an expiry date - like can you save 300 calories a week for three weeks if you're going to be somewhere where you know you can't help going over?

    I'm guessing the answer is no!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I'm getting tot the point I really don't think about cheat days or striict calorie numbers. Like the pirate code, i just use them as guildelines. some days I might go over and some days I will be under. As long as I am consistently near my guideline, I am good.

    I do have days I go WAAAAAYYYY over, but those happen rarely, but are lots of fun. :)
  • DalalMutar
    It's not a cheat day if you make your calorie limit. It might be a treat day, but not a cheat day. I try to keep mine within maintenance.

    I like that... A treat day! :)
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    Cheat Days??? Not really cheat days in the typical context. I am a IIFYM lifestyle changer. I like all kinds of food and couldn't' function without pizza or icecream in moderation and on occasion (OK--once or twice a week :laugh: )

    My Sunday's are my "day off" from logging. I find it is usually a family day with a bigger than normal breakfast and dinner (which typically I would max my calories at maintenance or slightly over) so I have decided that I will only log my day's calories using a quick add of my 1600 calorie limit (this is to keep me counted for "logging days").

    I still have about 40+ # to lose, so I'm not ready to quit logging by any means, but to have one day to keep myself in check without having to log is also relaxing. I have kept a steady .5 - 1.5# weekly loss and am happy with my results...afterall, the goal is to get to a point of maintenance without having to log my calories and exercise. I don't want to have to do that the rest of my life--I'm determined to make it a lifestyle change!:drinker:
  • DalalMutar
    Just wondering if "saved" calories have an expiry date - like can you save 300 calories a week for three weeks if you're going to be somewhere where you know you can't help going over?

    I'm guessing the answer is no!

    Good question. I don't think it's possible but i don't look at saved calories this way.
    If i save calories then i'm supposing i'll lose some weight the next day because i check in daily and it works for me i feel the difference, even if the difference is in grams ( like today i lost 200 grams because i saved around 400 cals yesterday )
    And since that weight is lost then those calories are gone!
    That's how i see it.