Core stability to aid prolapsed disc

Hello folks, newbie here *waves*

I have recently reinjured an old L4/L5 prolapsed disc.

Can anyone advise on any back strengthening / core strengthening exercises

(1) to aid my recovery
(2) to prevent it happening again

My physio gave me simple pelvic rocking exersises and told me anything core related would be good.
I also have a weigthed hoola hoop which has helped in the past.

I am keen to get back to running and cycling as soon as possible.




  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Step ups
    Push ups
    Wide Grip pulldown
    Straight Arm pulldown
    Front raise (hold weight plate, med ball, dumbbell by the sides and lift straight up to shoulder height)
    1-leg squat w/reach to touch a 12-14 in high step
    Stand to side of 12-14 inch high step and repeat 1 leg squat except reaching to the side this time.
    Combination biceps curl/shoulder press w/dumbbell
    Side steps (in "squat" position") with rubber bands or tubing around ankles
    Alternating arm/leg raise