18- 23 year olds motivational support!


I'm twenty years old, 5 ft 4 and 11 stone 8.
I have been at University for a couple of years and have put on more than a stone since I have started.
I could really do with some friends with similar stats and a similar weight loss aim.
We can all motivate each other!


  • bordercolliemad2008
    bordercolliemad2008 Posts: 41 Member

    Im in the same sort of situation, 20 years old and weigh 11stone, i 5ft 3 and ive managed to put on nearly 2 stone in the last 2 years of going from a waitressing job (always on my feet running around) and walking to work to an office job ( sitting on my arss all day) and getting lifts to and from work cause too far to walk :( *sigh* also got into a good relationship and have got to comfortable to notice the weight creeping on!

    now hoping to see that weight creep back off again! Enough is enough!

    Im happy to give help and recieve support!

    Add me if you wish :) good luck with your journey
  • britgetsfit1
    britgetsfit1 Posts: 22 Member

    My stats are quite similar to yours, but I need to lose a bit more. I'm 5 ft 4 and 12st and 8. I've lost almost 4 st already. Love to give some motivation because I need it myself! Feel free to add me! :)

    We can do this! :)
  • CBrook04
    CBrook04 Posts: 107
    I'll be 23 in April & I'm 5'3. Feel free to add me. :)
  • lilly123ish
    lilly123ish Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've added you all. It's just nice to keep an eye on each other and give the occasional motivational comment I suppose. I know how much it motivates me.

  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm 22 in my final year at University, and am 5ft5 and 11st1 so similar to you guys :)

    Feel free to add too!
  • Hey im 20 feel free to add me I've been here over 280 days in a row and like to motivate people :-)
  • Hi, I started uni last September and I realised that I've been steadily putting on weight ever since I've had the freedom to eat what I want and choose my own meals (because at home we usually have quite healthy family meals and don't buy a lot of sugary snacks or anything). I was surprised when in only a few months I'd put on several pounds and got to my highest weight 150lb. I want to get down to 130lb and fit into my size 10 clothes again. I was kind of relying on the earlier teenage high metabolism which quite a few people are lucky enough to have but it seems like I need to be more active about losing and maintaining weight! Feel free to add :)
  • strawberryjellybaby
    strawberryjellybaby Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I have done the similar, I'm 19, 5 foot 11 and weigh 162 lb or 11 stone 8 lb except I am on a gap year in the USA and the combination of, like above having a high metabolism when I was younger and walking everywhere I could really eat whatever I like. I have put on 10 lb here but I would like to lose 15lb and to be really fit for when I start uni this autumn as I want to take up rowing.
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey! I'm 22, recent grad looking to get into shape for summer. Feel free to add me, let's keep each other motivated :)
  • lilly123ish
    lilly123ish Posts: 12 Member
    I think I've had a very similar situation to you. My mum is constantly on weightwatchers so doesn't buy in any junk food whatsoever. The going out and drinking and takeaways have really started to take their toll and I would love to get on top of it before Summertime! x
  • sineadlpb
    sineadlpb Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'm 18 and in my first year at uni. I'm 5'6" and don't have much left to lose but I love to motivate people - feel free to add me!
  • ladybird1771
    ladybird1771 Posts: 99 Member
    Hiya! I'm 20, 5'4" and 12 stone 3 pounds (78 kg) :smile:
    I'm currently trying to get down to 9.5 - 10 stone and I'm doing the Race for Life 5k in July :)
    Add me if you want! :)
  • emchegg
    emchegg Posts: 1

    I am very similar to you all as well and would love to give/get support from this forum!

    I am 3rd year uni, and am 20 y.o. I weigh 67 kg or 10.5 stone and am 164 cm, or 5feet 4.

    Am running a half marathon in 7 weeks, and would love to get down to 9.5-10stone by then, with my ideal weight at 56 kg, or around 8.5stone.

    Please feel welcome to add me! x :)
  • ekiam
    ekiam Posts: 1

    I'm turning 23 in two weeks :) I'm 163cm (think that's around 5'4") and 55kg (122lb). Hoping to get fit and toned for the summer and for the rest of my life!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • michellewong699
    michellewong699 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello! I'm a 19 year old undergrad student that is currently an English major with a minor in psychology. Its great experience for my dream to be a novelist!

    I am 5"6' and I currently weight 133 lb. I want to lose weight and go back to 120 lb before I got too busy to exercise and eat right!

    Feel free to add me! I'd love to meet some new people on here as I am new too! (:
  • truebeliever93
    truebeliever93 Posts: 19 Member

    I'm 20 years old and I'm hoping to lose weight and tone up by the end of June!

    Feel free to add me, I will give you all the motivational help you need :)
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    I'm in the same situation, too! I'm 23, 5'3" and currently hovering around 130 lbs. Once I got into uni, I gained about 40 lbs or so (I was at 160 at one point), but fortunately that's over with now. Now I'm just trying to get to my goal weight (115 lbs) and then if I feel like I could improve even more then my dream weight (105 lbs). Feel free to add me!
  • Hey I'm 21 and studying game design. I'm hoping to lose about 50 more pounds!
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    Hey, I'm 19, been on here everyday for a few months now, and just looking to lose 20 lbs, feel free to add me (:
  • altarimage
    altarimage Posts: 95 Member
    22, looking to lose 20 - 25 lbs, in college and working (makes it hard to find time to work out sometimes). Anyone feel free to add me! :D
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    i am 20.
    Currently weighing 124.
    Hoping to get to about 115.
    Feel free to add.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Hey there!

    I'm 19, almost 20, 5'6" and I am currently at 190 pounds even. I started at 203... 13 down and about 40-50 more to go, depending on how I feel when I get there! :) Feel free to add me!
  • bajanrosa
    bajanrosa Posts: 23
    Hi I'm 20, I don't know what my current weight is I used to weigh 260 but I've been working out with turbo fire for the past three my weigh in is next week Sunday I hope to weigh less, feel free to add me!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Hey there, I'm 18. Currently from the last time I checked (weeks ago) in the 170's. Started at 203 also. I'm starting Insanity tomorrow. Hoping to get down around 140 before the end of summer. After that I just want to focus on gaining muscle and getting toned. Wherever that puts me is totally fine as long as I'm happy with the way I look. I'm also attending college. Going to school for Culinary Arts. Hopefully they will teach me better ways of eating. I'm learning little by little since I started my journey in Sept.2012. Feel free to add me. I try to motivate and support all my friends as best as I can.