
So I've lost 60 lb in the last year, and feeling great. Have done diet alone in the early days and a combination of diet and exercise. Have got about 16 lb left to go, and one more jeans size to get to where I want to be.

Basically my problem is my skin. I don't have big ole' loose skin like you see on The Biggest Loser or anything, but I have noticed lately that the texture and elasticity of my skin has changed, especially on my arms, my thighs, my tummy and my *ahem* boobs. It's crêpey and wrinkles easily...I don't get it. I've lost weight slowly and steadily, and exercised too...I moisturise! I have had a child, but I didn't breastfeed so I don't understand why my skin now seems a little too big for my body!

What do I do to pull it back in and tighten up a bit? Is it a matter of upping the exercise, or is this something I'm just going to have to live with? I'm only 26, I didn't think this would be an issue until I was much older! :grumble: