Which is worse Smoking or Binge Eating Junk food.



  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    The real challenge is to learn to deal with your emotions without turning to either food OR cigarettes.

    I'm sure that you will get there soon! Best of luck to you.

    I agree. i came to the conclusion that both a equally bad but i was just wondering which you guys thought was worse to choose and why.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say and this is going to be completely offensive:

    This is your addict brain talking. You are justifying one addiction for another. This is an excuse.

    You need to take a look at what is going on why you are emotionally or physically vulnerable and learn to start giving the love that your body is really craving.

    Hope you read this in the spirit it was meant.

  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    It shouldn't be a choice between bad things. Not eat at mcdonalds vs hit yourself in the thumb with a hammer. Don't internalize your stress. Don't take life's negativity out on yourself. Figure out how to filter it back out through meditation, journaling or something positive (even a workout). I can't stress this enough, something will work just keep looking.

    Speaking as someone who quit smoking years ago gained a bunch of weight in the process then little by little just had 1 because ____ or only smoked when with _________ or at _______ all the way back to being a smoker again...I say DON'T SMOKE EVER!!
    I thought as long as I "wasn't addicted any more" I could have one once in a while with no harm. That was the addiction talking. I can NEVER smoke again. I am wary to drink through a straw now as it might set me back. Quitting the first time I felt empowered and like I was making a good choice. Quitting again now I feel like a weak idiot. It took 2 years of little by little to regain the habit and I am hoping to be smarter this time.

    I can't smoke a little bit or have a few chips or a small mcdonalds or watch a minute of garbage tv and feel satisfied because my brain and body isn't craving these things to feel better. It craves them to feel worse or deadened.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Smoking. Gross.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    How often is the binge?

    Almost never. since i quit buying packs and decided im quiting for good. i've had 2 slip up cigarettes. The last one was in october. the 2nd one was yesterday. all due to stress that is beyond my control.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I would have to say smoking is worse because nicotine is so highly addictive that just that one cigarette can get you hooked. You say you quit "a year or two ago." Which is it? A year? Or two? Yesterday was my 1 year "quit" anniversary so I know how long it's been for me and personally, just the thought of smoking one grosses me out. If you can quit a year or two ago I would recommend just quitting for good before it hooks you to the point of no return. Eat instead!

    I honestly cant remember a date. i dont like to count things like that because the longer it feels like it's been the more i will think its ok to do. i know it sounds stupid but i dont like remembering days like that for things like this.

    such as when i "quit" coffee on new years. knowing a month passed made me want to have a month anniversary cup of celebration just because i was able to go with out a month and deserved it. i know it sounds totally counter productive and stupid. but i cant help how my brain thinks lol.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    if it is a single cigarette vs a single binge, then neither of them are bad for you. it isn't until you binge all the time or smoking enough to do significant damage before they are bad for you.

  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    Honestly, I smoke... I've been smoking since I was 12.... I know, sucks, but...

    I'd vote that binge eating is worse....

    I have the same problem. i rationalized it this way at first because i started when i was like 15-16. i've always been an on and off with it due to stress. but i decided to quit for good and have only had 2 slip ups since then
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    So are those of you who are saying that binge eating is worse than smoking... I have to say that I 100% disagree.

    My mom, who was my best friend and only true girl friend, died unexpectedly last June, and it was TERRIBLE. Still is, in fact. I was so F'd up at first that there was no reasoning with me. I thought about going back to smoking, remembering how that relieved stress for me years ago. I thought about turning to food, remembering how easy it was to supress emotions with overeating.

    I chose overeating. I gained nearly 50 pounds in a couple of months, and am now working on losing it back. I was able to stop the binge eating completely only recently.

    I don't regret the decision of choosing binge eating over smoking. Sure, I would perhaps not have gained the weight back if I had turned to cigarettes instead of food. But I believe that I would still be a smoker right now. And the damage to my lungs, my teeth, and every other thing that cigarettes kill would be possibly irreversable.

    I'm losing the weight in a healthy way now. And I've learned to not use food OR cigarettes for emotional needs. And I'm proud of myself. And I love my body and myself as a person more now than ever before in my life. I doubt that would have happened had I chosen cigarettes.

    One, I would probably still be smoking. Two, I would probably quit eventually, only to swap cigarettes for snacking, and still end up gaining the weight.

    So.... I guess I'm done. I just thought that I should share this viewpoint.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I did something naughty yesterday. I bought a cigarette off a lady in the street i saw smoking. I smoked it before i went into the gym because i was very stressed out and angry. Im not proud of this at all... im very very mad at myself for this because i quit a year or two ago. I was happy however that i didn't buy an entire pack at least.

    however after i did that i thought to myself... "hey at least i didn't binge eat at McDonalds"

    then i started thinking that this thought and rationalization of a cigarette over food isn't healthy...

    In your opinion which is worse.... binging junk food because of stress. Or smoking 1 cigarette when stressed? and why?

    How much food are you considering a binge?

    about 1500 cals worth
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    Eliminate the stress so you do neither.

    Or go binge on lettuce and water. (notice binging isn't the problem it's what you binge on)

    i wish i could eliminate stress all the time. i found that that was they key to quitting cigs in the first place. and changing my diet too for that matter. but the truth it somethings are beyond your control. you cant predict everything thats going to happen all the time.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    Smoking; black lungs, cancer, death, second hand smoking can lead to asthama, allergies etc. smoking while pregnant can lead to a birth defect in the baby, or premature birth and the child being dependent on smoking

    binge eating: obesity, heart attacks, diabetes, strokes etc

    when you really think about it they are both equally bad . people tend to want to minimize one thing not looking as bad as the other. but the reality is there are no catergories as to small, medium or large mistakes. a mistake is a mistake.

    I like this answer
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I don't think it's even close, smoking hands down worse. At the very least, even McDonald's provides some macros and can fuel a workout. I wouldn't recommend it, but one binge at least has some merit but one cigarette, to an "ex-smoker", is a door begging to be waked through. If you were an "ex-binger", then a binge could be too, but IMO, smoking is far LESS healthy than binge-ing.

    im both a ex binger and smoker.

    i do like this response as well though
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Smoking now questions!! I packed up 9 years ago and gained 70lbs but my doctor said It's better for me gaining this weight than if I'd still been a smoker!!!......BUT and here's the but, I HAVE to lose this weight as well!! :laugh:
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    Forget that.

    I go all out.

    After this I hit up Subway.



    Lord i found that easier to quit than cigs haha
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Smoking is far worse
  • The real challenge is to learn to deal with your emotions without turning to either food OR cigarettes.

    I'm sure that you will get there soon! Best of luck to you.

    ^^ My thoughts too.

    However, the actual question is

    Kinda like asking which way is better to die? Car accident or drowning? Rather irrelevant. Dead is dead.

    BOTH are roadblocks to a goal of living a healthier life.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    how much did you pay for the cig?
    she wanted 50 cents. i gave her a doller and then she told me to take two because she didnt have 50 cents to give back to me. to my credit i told her to keep the entire doller and that i will just take one.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    You look at me right this minute.

    Don't smoke another cigarette.

    I thought it'd be alright to try too. 17 years later and I'm still struggling to quit them. I get winded faster. My clothes and home smell like smoke. I spend a fortune on a habit that brings me little pleasure.

    Not another smoke for you. Period.

    i will try.
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    Binge eating is worse.

    Smoking is a physical addition. Binge eating is just being an emotional *****.

    Disagree. Both can be a physical addition.

    Personally, I think smoking is worse. It is gross.