Body Sculpting? I want my figure back!

Hi There! I reached my weight goal! Woot! I'm a performance artist of a variety of disciplines and the display of my body is very much part of my work. I feel great. I look great, that I'm *almost* where I want to be, I'd like to fine tune some things.

Is body sculpting possible for folks that aren't interested in looking muscle strapped?

I'm 5'7 and down to 150 pounds. I don't want to shed all my fat. I like curves! My breasts are getting smaller than I'd like, but my love handles are gone (which is actually pretty awesome and something I never thought I'd say). And the push-ups are keeping them fairly pert. My waist hasn't shrunk a fraction of an inch in weeks, and I'd like to widdle that down. Do any women have experience with this?

I read over and over: You can't get a six pack with crunches. Abdominal work won't middle your middle.
I don't really want a six pack. there a technique or exercises that WILL help tighten one's waist separate from all over fat loss?

My current exercise regime is 25min interval training (Jillian Michaels) 5x /wk, 5k jog 2-3x /wk, and I try to throw on Windsor pilates dvd a few times a week, but honestly, it really feels so subtle, I have a hard time believing it does anything. I've started doing the p90x ab ripper, but I'm kind of worried all over ab exercises designed by a man is just going to continue my progress into a rectangle.

Anyone else run into this and find some success in sculpting their body? I used to have a bombshell kind of look, and now I look, well, pretty athletic. For my taste anyway. And my clothing style.


  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Yeah, you're not going to be able to spot reduce abdominal fat. But you might try working on building muscle in the posterior chain. Increasing muscles of your glutes and hips can accentuate the difference between it and your waist, and make your butt look better. Increasing musculature in your lower back can improve posture and spinal health, including pelvic tilt. Try deadlifts, squats and hip thrusts/shoulders elevated glute bridges.