P90X. Are there success stories here?



  • Emorriso165
    Emorriso165 Posts: 23
    I agree with LPNLauren! The DVDs themselves are awesome, Tony totally makes you feel okay for modifying things and doing things at your own pace. Also, even if you don't do the whole program they are still great DVDs to pop in just to add variety to your own workout program. It's expensive, but it's such a well-done program and if you follow it you really can't fail!!
  • farmingtonmom
    farmingtonmom Posts: 44 Member
    OK folks. I just wanted you all to know I ordered the power 90 series Saturday and I cannot wait to get started. I will try to keep you up to date about how it is going. I am wanting to lose 100 lbs and keep it off. I have been doing interval running and walking. Yesterday, I managed to do two miles but today the weather has me staying inside so the videos will be handy right now. Come on mail man! I am not a patient person! LOL
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    What do I need to start this program besides the DVDs? And how much space - trying to figure out if the bedroom or living room will work best. How long is each day's workout? (Is is like one workout per day for 90 days, or what?) I know nothing about P90x except everyone always says how great it is and how hard it is. I really want to try it, just need to get all the details. Thanks!
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    What do I need to start this program besides the DVDs? And how much space - trying to figure out if the bedroom or living room will work best. How long is each day's workout? (Is is like one workout per day for 90 days, or what?) I know nothing about P90x except everyone always says how great it is and how hard it is. I really want to try it, just need to get all the details. Thanks!

    You will need a variety of weights and a pull up bar or resistance bands and a yoga mat. It is one workout per day 60-90 minutes. Unless you choose to do the doubles, then there are 2 workouts on some days. I suggest your living room unless you have a really large bedroom as there is some movement involved. He also suggests a heart rate monitor for the cardio but I have purchased one yet.

    I am on my last week of Phase 1. I have not seen a difference on the scale but can feel the change in my arms. I can wait to take my 30 day pictures to see if there is a visible difference.
  • fitcoder
    fitcoder Posts: 9 Member
    Did it turn out the way you expected (Phase 1 measurements)? My fiance also didn't notice much changes on the scale, but then once we took measurements she had made amazing progress (I think 6" total across all the measurements they have you take). She also noticed her clothes fitting much better. She's now almost at the end of phase 2, and the results keep coming :)

    I'm doing Insanity + some of the P90X resistance workouts now, myself. It's fun, but tough. Cool seeing everyone's stories!
  • cbrake
    cbrake Posts: 5
    P90X/Insanity hybrid workout as well. I got the hybrid from a friend of mine. If you are interested in the 90 day hybrid of P90X/Insanity let me know. Getting results! Don't for get your recovery drink and shakeology as well.
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    Did it turn out the way you expected (Phase 1 measurements)? My fiance also didn't notice much changes on the scale, but then once we took measurements she had made amazing progress (I think 6" total across all the measurements they have you take). She also noticed her clothes fitting much better. She's now almost at the end of phase 2, and the results keep coming :)

    I'm doing Insanity + some of the P90X resistance workouts now, myself. It's fun, but tough. Cool seeing everyone's stories!

    I lost about 4 inches but they were where I wanted them, waist 2 inches and hips 1 inch. I feel so much stronger in my upper body. I am finishing up week 1 of Phase 2.