IF/iifym style.. Shred for summer! :)

As the title says :)

Calling out all experienced men/women with personal experience on this.

Been bulking on 30/50/20 p/c/f - went from 160lbs to about 170-71lbs - BF% from 12-17/18%
Cals = 2.5-3k
I’ve considered carb cycling? But never done that before..

Was thinking of these ratios.. 35/30/25 p/c/f on a 1.8-2k max cals.. Wanting to cut ideally 5-7% bf by mid July. (3 months or so)

Need help on a cutting diet.. Any advice or anything at all the help out would be greatly appreciated !


  • Thanks bro, appreciate it.. So carbs/fats can be anything via preference, as long as i’m at a deficit / keep my protein intake per lean mass .1lb per lean body mass?
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    <--- bulked for 12 weeks (oct- dec) currently at week 11.5 in current cut cycle.. IIFYM style of eating. Has worked well and visible muscle gains def apparent. Looking forward to the results as I cut down some more of this fat and good luck to you. No carb cycling for me. Macro split was 40/30/30 during bulk and currently 40/30/25 in cut.. with 20% TDEE deficit.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    Thanks bro, appreciate it.. So carbs/fats can be anything via preference, as long as i’m at a deficit / keep my protein intake per lean mass .1lb per lean body mass?

    Yup!! because all of what you said follows the three rules and that's what i've been doing and I'm easily 9% body fat and trying to get to the 7-8% range. I haven't stalled or hit a plateau yet. Progress is good!