Coffee Withdrawal



  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Wish I could help, but coffee is the one thing I flat out refuse to give up. :bigsmile:
    If you are absolutely determined to look for a substitute for the elixir of the gods then I'd suggest trying some of the Celestial Seasonings herbal teas. One, Roastaroma, is an herbal tea blend with roasted chickory and barley in it that has a coffee type vibe.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Hi Everyone... so I am completely addicted to coffee. I need it in my life. I cannot function without. Seriously. I am tryyying to wean myself off of coffee to avoid the added sugar and all that garbage. I will not drink coffee black. I know a good alternative is TEA. I am not in general a tea fan. So, I'm looking for some helpful advice to switch out coffee. Suggestions are welcome. I am not sold on green tea just yet. It would be EXTRA helpful for those who have maybe switched over from the dark side. Thanks for your help in advance!! :)

    If you are trying to avoid the added sugar then wouldn't tea pose the same problem? Again, I recommend Stevia.

    If you're looking to avoid caffeine then try weening yourself off by phasing it out. You can mix your regular coffee 1/2 and 1/2 with decaf or Teeccino. Then each week you increase the decaf orTeeccino and decrease the regular coffee until eventually you are no longer having caffeine. At that point, you should be able to just stop drinking it all together without side affects.

    I did this with Teeccino to get away from caffeine, but I so enjoy the warmth and taste of coffee that I continued to drink it. Only it has 30 calories per cup (in addition to the added stuff) so I recently switched to decaf coffee with 1/2 packet of stevia and 2 tsp non dairy creamer for 20 calories per cup. I'm happy now.
  • UWS_Girl
    UWS_Girl Posts: 1
    I love coffee also. I tried giving it up but decided to change what I use to sweeten it. I now use Silk Soy French Vanilla Creamer and it works perfectly fine. I use 2-3 tbls in a 12 oz cup of coffee and it is only 20 calories extra per serving. I just fit it into my calorie count for the day. I think moderation is more sustainable than deprivation. At least this is the case for me.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I love adding extract to my coffee. Vanilla, maple, or a pinch of stevia.
  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    I swapped milk shake flavored protein powder for my sugar - love it! It's by Optimum Nutrition - 1/3 of a scoop, blended with milk, then add coffee. Yum! If you leave it in the microwave too long the protein powder will burn
  • Aniski7
    Aniski7 Posts: 5 Member
    I quit. Cold turkey. I realized that it was not worth the health issues I was having so I could enjoy my one cup of coffee a day. I had headaches the first three days and I still have yet to replace it with anything but I don't miss it as much as I thought I would.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    Ive fought with the idea of giving up coffee as well. I drink a good 6+ cups a day. I got hooked after giving up diet soda. After trying several times, and having enormous withdrawal symptoms (migraines, irritiability, messed up sleep schedule), I did some serious reading on the subject, and found that on the list of bad things for you, coffee isn't so terrible. I have cut back from ~9-10 cups a day, and have started mixing in decaf after 3pm, and have also upped my water intake.

    At this point, I'm comfortable with the fact that I drink a lot of coffee. I enjoy it, it gets me going, and I'm doing fairly well with exercise and weight loss regardless, so I'm ok with it.

    Just my $.02. Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Keep your coffee and sweeten it with stevia instead of sugar.

  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    Hey there,

    As several have already said, there is a variety of teas out there. Don’t give up on tea quite yet! I have a large collection of Yogi teas and Triple Leaf teas that I keep at work and at home. I love every one of them.

    I do still drink coffee (once or twice a week typically), but I am not dependent on it any longer for that morning jolt. I will typically add some sweetened almond milk (I love homemade almond milk; if you’d like a recipe then please let me know!) and if needed, a little bit of all natural liquid stevia (I use the brand Kal).

    I unintentionally gave up my morning cup (okay, cups) of coffee routine when I began juicing in the morning. I no longer have time nor desire to make coffee and my juice. Also, I never went through the caffeine withdrawal symptoms as I had before when I tried to give up coffee. No headaches or anything. I couldn’t believe it.

    The green lemonade I make (juiced celery, kale, ginger, lemon and apple) provides me with more than enough energy without the crash of a cup of coffee. I simply drink coffee for pleasure now, not for need.

    Best of luck to you on your journey! :smile:

  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Thank you everyone :)
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Have not read everyone's responses and I'm sure I'm repeating some of them. I still drink regular coffee a couple of times a week but most of the time I'm either drinking

    a 1/3 caff mix of 2 parts decaf to 1 part regular coffee


    a yerba mate blend that I brew in my drip machine just like coffee, that is 1 lb plain (unroasted) yerba mate herb, 1 lb roasted chicory root, and 1/2 lb roasted dandelion root granules. If you like your coffee plain (no sugar or cream) you may like this. Yerba mate has some cafffeine but it's less than coffee and is a less jittery form somehow. The chicory and dandelion are good for you and also lend the roasty, nutty flavor. I get these herbs in bulk from starwest botanicals. One nice thing about this stuff is it can go a long way, and unlike coffee you can run more water over the same grounds; second run is a little weaker but worth trying to see if you like it.

    You can also get roasted yerba mate in tea bags, which has a more coffee-esque flavor than unroasted but may be less healthy, can't recall why.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    If you grind your own beans rather than use instant "coffee" then you'll probably find you need less additions, and it's barely any more expensive. I usually use a little 1% milk to smooth it out and 1 tsp of sugar to "unlock the beans" (patent pending)
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Two options I like even better than sugar these days:

    1. with granulated Splenda.

    2. If you are cutting artificial stuff, try truvia. It takes less, and is very good. Does have a few calories.

    3. I LOVE the Torani Sugar Free Vanilla and Hazelnut (Splenda sweetened, again)

    4. Add Vanilla Flavored Protein powder and whisk it up good, add prefered sweetener as needed.

    5. Skim Milk for creamer

    6. Half-Caf Folgers or Decaf are good options for those needing to cut caffeine down.

    I feel like the benefit to my throat and sinuses in the winter and the solace to my life outweighs my concern for risk factors on this one for the time being, but to each his own.
  • intoscrapping
    intoscrapping Posts: 51 Member
    I have skimmed through the comments and am glad to see that people aren't knocking coffee! I drink a lot of coffee (4 to 6 mugs a day), most of the time with sugar. A couple years ago I reduced my REGULAR Pepsi intake and realized that the sugar intake in coffee was not nearly as much as the sugar in pop. I found a local coffee shop where I will actually drink it black so a few days a week I will drink it black. The rest of the time I use Meijer Organics can sugar which still has calories, but is not processed like refined white sugar. In addition I drink 8-12 cups of water a day. All I have to say ... is don't quit if you love it ... maybe just reduce the sugar a bit .... everything in moderation, right? :-)