haven't worked out...

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
neither yesterday nor today. i'm halfway busy, halfway lazy. ugh. halfway disgusted with myself, halfway delighted that i won't be huffing and puffing down the street this morning. i'm on W3 of couch to 5K and will be repeating it next week anyhoo, so hopefully missing the one day won't floor me. i feel naughty and blah all at the same time. maybe a short walk will be in order later today.


  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    What is it about Week 3??? I have tried that program three times and everytime I get to Week 3 and I start strong and then lose all motivation and stop.

    And while not working out two days in a row isn't ideal, it could be worse: I didn't work out for almost TWO WEEKS! Yesterday was the first time I actually did something for more than 5 min at a time. I took a nice 2 mile walk and it felt pretty good. The nice weather helped though.
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