So heres my



  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Ok, so you are giving yourself the choice between "oh God! I've got to eat healthy, so I'll just choke down this meal I don't really want but it's good for me...." and " OH MAN!!! I am so going to eat all this crazy goodness... but only, really...I mean it!!!"

    Why don't you try and split the difference? Look for something on the menu that is really especially indulgent, tasty and not what you would normally eat at home, but is still a healthier choice. When I go out I want to treat myself, so now I look for things that I either normally don't buy, don't prepare as well as a chef does or the rest of my family won't eat, so I never get it at home.

    Personally, for me it's grilled salmon...but looking at their menu, I would totally go for the sirloin steak with the mashed cauliflower and mushrooms...then I would still have room for a beer or dessert!

    There ARE ways to spoil yourself well - you just need to be creative~!
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I've noticed that you have this dillema a lot. Maybe if you stuck to healthy foods you would actually learn to enjoy them too? I know that I look forward to healthier things a lot more now that I have them as a regular part of my diet. Whatever you decide, good luck!

    what she said!
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    This is your post from last weekend.
    I did absolutley AWFUL this weekend!! I can't believe myself. Yesterday was the worst though! Seriously i ate sooooo much. Lets start from the top though.
    So Friday. I went to Uno with friends had no intention on getting any drinks(which I didnt) and had no intention on eating..yuh well when my boyfriend ordered a pizza I lost control and I ordered a burger and fries...after I had ALREADY had a lean cuisine for dinner!
    Saturday. I went out to Longhorn for dinner with my workout buddy. She ordered a steak salad. Me...I ordered chicken fingers and fries and had some bread.
    And that Brings us to Sunday now. I really don't know what was wrong with me. I went crazy. Went to dinner with the boy and his mom. I got a seafood pasta dish. Ate more than I ever have of it. Almost finished it. Had like seriously a loaf of their italian bread. Ate 2 pieces of pizza. OHHH EMMM GEEEEHH! lol. Yikes I know.

    How serious are you about your weight loss?
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    That's going to leave a mark...
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I'm interested in knowing what happened tonight, so tell us how you did??? And just so you know I'm sure everyone on here is just trying to encourage you to eat well, so don't be hurt by anyone, that's what this website is for to set us straight! Hope you made the right choice!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I'm interested in knowing what happened tonight, so tell us how you did??? And just so you know I'm sure everyone on here is just trying to encourage you to eat well, so don't be hurt by anyone, that's what this website is for to set us straight! Hope you made the right choice!
    Ditto - No fibbing now, what really went down??
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I just read that you had the same problem last week. It looks like you're dieting during the week and going crazy on weekends. I personally have one cheat meal a week (usually on the weekend). I don't have fries every weekend though. A lot of the time, my cheat meal is one that I make at home. I change up my cheats and have the thing I've craved. Last weekend you didn't stop at one cheat. You cheated for like 3 days in a row. This is not going to help you lose weight. If you want to change your lifestyle and drop some weight, you're going to have to practice some self control. It sounds like you need to stop eating out so often. Eating out 3 times a week and having burgers and fries all the time is what caused me to gain 30 pounds 7 years ago.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I think if you really want to make your goal weight by May 7th, you will need to rethink your food choice. But if you are willing to sacrifice your goal for a burger and some fries, then you shouldn't post any regrets later.
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I'm interested in knowing what happened tonight, so tell us how you did??? And just so you know I'm sure everyone on here is just trying to encourage you to eat well, so don't be hurt by anyone, that's what this website is for to set us straight! Hope you made the right choice!

    so??? what did you have?
  • mythicals
    mythicals Posts: 70
    If you think you've done really well this week, give yourself one treat day and get back on track.
  • dana1959
    dana1959 Posts: 6
    Stick with what has nutritional value! That is what works best given where I am today.
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    i'm sorry but if that burger and chips are in front of you and you've paid for them and they're tasting real good your never gonna leave half! and those starchy chips are gonna sit in your stomach like a stone! they might taste good for the ten minutes you're eating them but you'll feel uncomfortable for hours afterwards!
    good luck
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I say order what you are in the mood for. I go out to eat once a week and get whatever I want. I work out hard and count my calories all week. You have to give yourself a treat once in a while. If I didn't get my Olive Garden fix once a week I would never be able to stay motivated enough to keep up with it. I have lost a total of 67 pounds, 63 pounds before I joined MFP obviously. Either way tomorrow is another day so don't beat yourself up.

    Yea, but that treat should not be a food item. Treats should be new nail polish, lipstick, shoes, etc. That is why most people fail. They treat with food..............

    My Doctor told me it is the Kiss of Death and he is right. I know from experience.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    When I have an "over calorie" meal it is not considered a treat, it is considered a part of my normal diet. I can't pretend that I won't eat an indulgent meal when I reach my goal weight, so I incorporate once-a-week meals and a dessert into my weight loss goals. I am also aware that if I start letting that indulgence happen too often during the week, I will go off track and not lose or end up gaining. So the knowledge that "Saturday is our day to go to Coldstone Creamery" or "Friday night is my night to splurge some on dinner" gets me through the temptation of donuts at the office or friend's invite to have cookies. That is what works for me. Others may have to entirely cut out the sweets and snacks and burgers, etc. to have success.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    When I have an "over calorie" meal it is not considered a treat, it is considered a part of my normal diet. I can't pretend that I won't eat an indulgent meal when I reach my goal weight, so I incorporate once-a-week meals and a dessert into my weight loss goals. I am also aware that if I start letting that indulgence happen too often during the week, I will go off track and not lose or end up gaining. So the knowledge that "Saturday is our day to go to Coldstone Creamery" or "Friday night is my night to splurge some on dinner" gets me through the temptation of donuts at the office or friend's invite to have cookies. That is what works for me. Others may have to entirely cut out the sweets and snacks and burgers, etc. to have success.

    Your doing that the correct way. Making a conscious decision to have an off plan meal, knowing that your next snack or meal will be right back on your plan............

    Most people say..............Hmmm, I have lost 50 pounds, so I can have Dairy Queen for a treat, I deserve it. That is the failure mentality............

    There is a big difference between the two.
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    Well I researched more on what my dream meal would be lol. Heres the breakdown

    The wrap with some brocolli would be like 550ish.
    BUT If i get what i want whiich is a crispy club sandwich and fries thats 1319 cals. BUT I would eat half which would be 659 cals. I would box up half right away. Which after eating breakfast that will leave me with 330 calories for lunch.... I dont know. You are allll right and I apprectiate your honesty.

    NO! Crispy ANYTHING is bad! :sad:

    Go with your first choice (well you know what I mean)...even though it would net the same calories, you need QUALITY calories! Stay with it, you can do this!!!!
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    LOL Sorry...I guess I was a little late! I didn't look at the date/time of the post!:laugh: