HELP I am always hungry!!!



  • efranz12
    efranz12 Posts: 46 Member
    Drink more water. Our bodies mistake thirst for hunger all the time. If you feel hungry drink a glass of water. Still hungry 5-10 minutes later have a small healthy snack (piece of fruit, some almonds, etc).
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. We often confuse thirst with hunger.

    Also, eat lots of raw veggies! They will give you lots of energy, vitamins, nutrients etc.. Even if you go over your calories some, if a lot of those calories are coming from fresh, raw foods, you don't need to be as concerned. =)

    Best of luck on your journey! :smile:
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    Drink more water. Our bodies mistake thirst for hunger all the time. If you feel hungry drink a glass of water. Still hungry 5-10 minutes later have a small healthy snack (piece of fruit, some almonds, etc).

    Great minds think alike lol!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I think you need to look search TDEE first off and most importantly. THEN I would start incorporation more good fats. Coconut oil, etc. That's what keeps you satiated. But PLEASE do your research on TDEE and you will be amazed! It's all over the forums so its not hard to find it just needs a little reading and time but not much.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I have the same problem in that I'm short and MFP wants to set my goal at 1200. That's because MFP wants me to lose at 1lb a week. I've found that if I set it for 1/2 lb a week, it will give me a little more calories, so if you want to use the MFP system, you could try that.

    I find it easier to set my own goal. I found the Road Map post here useful, but all you really need to do is to find out your TDEE and eat a little below it. You should still lose weight at only 200 - 300 calories below your TDEE. It will just be a bit slower than most people, but I don't think that matters. My TDEE is only about 1700 including exercise and I've been steadily losing weight eating around 1500. It's better than being hungry all the time.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    People are going to tell you lovely generic things like eat more protien, drink more water, eat more fiber, eat more often. I was always starving and even once ate 4 chicken breasts with three sides of vegetables on a sitting and still went back for a bowl of cereal, a peanut butter sandwich, a cereal bar, a bowl of blueberries and a handful of crackers. Sometimes this advice does not work. That is when you must look at specifics in your diet and start experimenting. First, I cut out wheat. Viola! I was hungry no more. No one ever believes me when I say that however. I still wasn't losing weight however. When I was discovered to have a candida albicans problem within my digestive tract, I took the necessary dietary approaches to heal from that and almost two weeks in to that I am doing much better. I am no longer starving, I am losing weight, and I can go the whole day with out needing a nap. It may not be what is driving you, but it wouldn't hurt to check it out. Good luck.

    I agree with you. I've cut out the gluten-heavy grains and have been better off for it, if for no other reason than I end up eating more (healthy) fats and protein. I could eat half a box of spaghetti and not feel full, and be hungry a short time later.

    MFP is notorious for underestimating protein and overestimating carbs, so try tweaking your intake, as well (go to "Goals" and use the "Custom" option to change your protein/fat/carb goals).

    Also, ditch the crap. A cup of ice cream, plus a pack of cookies, plus chips? Start out with one of them a day (and go with a regular serving on the ice cream - half a cup), and try to phase them out completely. They're all empty calories. And the margarine? That's crap, too. Go with real butter or coconut oil. Drop the Herbalife, except maybe as an after-workout snack, in favor of real, solid foods, such as an omelet with cheese, ham, and veggies. It will keep you fuller for longer and provide you with more nutrients.

    Basically, you're finding out the hard way that if you're eating garbage, just eating less of it isn't going to work out too well. Summer's on its way in the northern hemisphere. It might help to start a garden, and start planning on trips to the farmer's market.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I'm 5'0" and started MFP at 163. I've lost 13 pounds, which doesn't sound like much, but I look a lot smaller due to exercise. I eat between 1500-1700 a day.

    Edited to Add: There is useful information at the following sites:
  • barbiegirl052
    Have you ever tried body by vi protien shakes. They will help get you at your calories and they make you full longer and give your body good protien and vitamins. They are so good. You make mix them up to taste like any flavors. Our favorite is the peanut butter reese cup!!!

    Message me or add me and I will give you more information. The nice thing about them are they help maintain a healthy blood sugar level so you don't bottom out and get the shakes from not eating.
    I wouldnt try body by VI but thats just me take a look at the Ingredients Kosher Gelatin Since gelatin comes from cow hooves, Glycerin inhibits the absorption of nutrients, which the capsules are made of. Research has shown that vitamins like this do not allow your body to absorb all of the nutrients. So, why would Body By Vi use it? Because it is cheap to make. Soybean oil – It sounds healthy, but in fact is genetically engineered, and creates numerous problems for the body. It inhibits the absorption of minerals, particularly iron, and is loaded with goitrogens that cause the thyroid to slow down and even the drug manufacturers tell you not to use ANY soy when taking Synthroid because it interferes with the action of the drug; it’s that potent of a problem. Titanium Dioxide Is that natural? I’m pretty sure it is white paint. Head over to an art store and look on a paint can. Look at the ingredients and you will find Titanium Dioxide. Pharmaceutical glaze – an alcohol based solution of various types of food grade shellac. It is also known colloquially in the manufacturing world as beetle juice due to shellac’s derivation from the lac insect Kerria lacca (which is not a beetle, but a scale insect). Trans Fat Each of the “super charged antioxidants” contain 355 milligrams of the TRANS FAT – Magnesium Stearate. You’ll find 39.5 milligrams of TRANS FAT. in the anti-aging pill, and another 80.21 in the Omega Vitals Magnesium Stearate – is a trans fat. It inhibits the absorption of nutrients, by as much as 80%. They do not put it into the pill for your health. It is in there to make it easier for them to make it, sacrificing quality for cost. It is also a known carcinogen. Add to that the fact that they use 20,000 psi pressure to squeeze the pills into a form. This high pressure generates a lot of heat that alters the pill contents.
  • jazzcat55
    jazzcat55 Posts: 164 Member
    I too struggle with feeling hungry most of the time. It is frustrating because MFP gives me a calorie goal of 1240, yet there is so much evidence and people's personal experience that indicates this is too low. I think it is too low for me, too, so I have upped that to 1400. It's better, but still not great. I eat a lot of high-protein foods and in fact go over my protein grams nearly every day. My weight loss has slowed to a crawl, but that could be because I am about 5 lb from my goal weight.

    I guess I just wish there wasn't such a discrepancy between MFP's goal calories and all the (excellent, educated) advice on these boards.