Reasonable Goal

I am 5'4" and currently weigh about 152. I spent age 14-21 weighing between 125 and 135. It was my normal weight with fluctuation. I was also super fit. Cross Country and Varsity Soccer in High School, plus I got my black belt when I was 17 and worked my way through college as an instructor. I stopped exercising altogether during and after my pregnancy. But then I did consider becoming a police officer and got fit enough to pass the physical test but I still weighed 155.

I know that since I'm not as muscular, I'll need to weigh less to still be as thin as I was, and even then it won't be the same shape. So I've set an ultimate goal for about 115. (Plus my boyfriend weighs 126 so I'd like to be at least 10 lbs less than him)

But, I am taking a trip to London on June 12th and I'm trying to set myself a reasonable mini-goal for that. I was hoping for 140 or less (would love to see the 130s). But I don't want to set too high of a goal that I'll get discouraged and give up, but I want it to be something to push myself for.

What sort of goal would you recommend for a 75 day period considering my current height and weight (5'4 and 152)?


  • First of all, congratulations on the weight you've lost so far! For people of all sizes it is healthiest to shed the pounds gradually, which in your case will work just fine. You have 75 days, so just focus on dropping 1-2 pounds per week (meaning you would be anywhere from 132-142 in 75days). If you give yourself a small range rather than a set number, you will be less likely to get discouraged. And if you're freaking out about how you're going to lose that much every week, it's really very simple: if you cut back about 100 calories everyday (which really isn't much), you will probably lose about a pound just from that. And if you throw in a little exercising and eating healthier foods it will definitely help you reach your goal faster.

    Good luck and have fun in London!!
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    Okay so I think setting a goal of about 138 seems reasonable?


    My boyfriend is Welsh so going to the UK is so much fun. I'm excited to hang out with his friends and family and have them meet my son. :)
  • rainbowkim
    rainbowkim Posts: 29 Member
    I am also going to England in June and looking at losing some weight before i go, I want to lose about 7kg. Good luck with your goal i'm sure you will do great and have a great trip. add me as a friend if you want and we can help each other the weeks before we go away :)
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    Sounds great Kim! Have you been to England before?
  • rainbowkim
    rainbowkim Posts: 29 Member
    I am originally from England, i emigrated to Australia in 1986.I have been back 3 times since. Is this your first time to the UK?
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    This will be my second. My boyfriend is Welsh so it's pretty much going to be at least a once a year trip (hopefully). I went last summer and it was awesome. We are staying a day in Southend and then the rest of the time will be spent in Wales. Last year I went during a drought so they tell me I was spoiled far as the weather goes.