Greek Yogurt Problems

Best Greek Yogurt with little sugar/carbs? Carbs I can handle, sugar has gotta go. Also, we don't have a Whole Foods or Trader Joes or anything fancy. Ready....go


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Fage 0% would be my suggestion.
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    I really like the Kroger brand plain greek yogurt... 110 cals, 6 grams of sugar, 16 grams of protein in a 6oz cup. I like their fun flavors too if I'm not worried about the sugar content. I just love Kroger in general. :)
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    If you are talking plain non-fat Greek yogurt, then I shouldn't think it matters what brand you buy. I would think that they would all have similar stats.

    Anyway, I go for the plain non-fat stuff and add my own fruit: fresh berries, or frozen berries heated in the microwave. You can add a natural sweetener of your choosing, or not.

    Edited to add: My brand of choice is Stonyfield Organic Oikos 0%. But I think that they have dropped the "Oikos" and just call it Stonyfield Greek yogurt now.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Fage 0% would be my suggestion.

    My favorite...Get it just about anywhere (Walmart, Target, cheapest I've seen Costco)
  • jazzcat55
    jazzcat55 Posts: 164 Member
    Another vote for Fage 0%. I've been trying different brands of plain nonfat Greek yogurt, and so far it's my favorite. Today I tried Chobani. Waaay too tart, but it does have a smooth, creamy texture. It would be a great sour cream substitute.

    Homemade is the BEST, however. I actually prefer using 1% milk rather than skim for that.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Fage 0%

    Costco sells it the cheapest.

    I've seen 8oz on sale for a dollar.
  • Tenaci0uslee
    Niiiice suggestions. I am a couponer as well, so I have been buying the yoplait 100, and I JUST noticed the sugar and carb count was out of control. I LOVE the 14 grams of protein per 100 cals but I am in a crucial fat shredding phase (or want to be) and thought this isn't exactly working out for me. I am a new found fan of Greek Yogurt and will be trying Fage or Oikos (and if God loves me he will find me a coupon)
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I usually buy Kirkland nonfat Greek yogurt from Costco. It's 140 calories per cup with only 7 grams of sugar and 24 grams of protein. You can't beat that!
  • bippybee
    bippybee Posts: 3 Member
    I've found it doesn't really matter what kind of greek yoghurt you use, so long as you weigh it out. The stuff that's low fat is OK but doesn't keep you full for as long whereas the stuff that's higher in fat tastes nicer and you don't need significantly less of it. I had 10% fat stuff today just because that's all we have (usually my yoghurt is 2% fat) and there was still plenty for a nice breakfast with muesli.
  • tong806
    tong806 Posts: 9
    My favorite yogurt is my homemade yogurt, whatever regular or Greek yogurt, they all taste better the I bought from store before, I make my own yogurt around 3-4 years, about 2 batches a week. My breakfast is yogurt with fruits, I use brown sugar or honey to sweeten the yogurt.

    ( here is good website to learn how to make homemade yogurt. I test to make whole milk, 1%, and 2% milk yogurt, they came out pretty thick, but the whole milk yogurt is the best.:tongue:

    I use this ( to strain my yogurt to Greek yogurt or yogurt cheese. Just time consuming. :happy:
  • barbiegirl052
    Fage plain 0% made with skim you can add fruit of natural granola if you feel the taste is too bitter or a couple drops of stevia
  • penelopia
    penelopia Posts: 52 Member
    Alpen soy yogurt is great, I eat it by the fridge-ful!
  • quirkyone1
    Fage 0% would be my suggestion.

    Fage is my favorite as well, but I get the 2%. I don't restrict fat and the higher fat content fills me up more.
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    Chobani plain 0% (blue container) add either some fruit and a splenda (if it's too tart for you) or toss in a scoop of protein powder (I use a whey, low sugar variety). You can add 2 oz of berries to 4 oz of a plain greek and you'll have less calories and way less sugar than a sugared variety of non-fat yogurt and the same (6 oz) of food.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Another vote for Fage, and Chobani is my second choice.

    Just make sure you look at the label. real Greek yogurt will be just: Milk, Live Active Yogurt Cultures (L. Bulgaricus, S. Thermophilus, L. Acidophilus, Bifidus, L. Casei)

    A lot of brands add corn starch, gelatin, or other thickeners and additives to mimic the consistency and call it greek yogurt.
  • Brie4me
    Brie4me Posts: 238
    I usually buy Kirkland nonfat Greek yogurt from Costco. It's 140 calories per cup with only 7 grams of sugar and 24 grams of protein. You can't beat that!

    This is my go to, as well.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    My favorite yogurt is my homemade yogurt, whatever regular or Greek yogurt, they all taste better the I bought from store before, I make my own yogurt around 3-4 years, about 2 batches a week. My breakfast is yogurt with fruits, I use brown sugar or honey to sweeten the yogurt.

    ( here is good website to learn how to make homemade yogurt. I test to make whole milk, 1%, and 2% milk yogurt, they came out pretty thick, but the whole milk yogurt is the best.:tongue:

    I use this ( to strain my yogurt to Greek yogurt or yogurt cheese. Just time consuming. :happy:
    I keep meaning to try this... :drinker: seems like I'm buying yogurt several times a week, we go through it so much.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i like greek gods athena yogurt. i used to have fat free, but noticed they sometimes add in sugar when they cut fat.

    also full fat yogurt tastes better! less like sour cream, more like soft serve ice cream
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    My favorite yogurt is my homemade yogurt, whatever regular or Greek yogurt, they all taste better the I bought from store before, I make my own yogurt around 3-4 years, about 2 batches a week. My breakfast is yogurt with fruits, I use brown sugar or honey to sweeten the yogurt.

    ( here is good website to learn how to make homemade yogurt. I test to make whole milk, 1%, and 2% milk yogurt, they came out pretty thick, but the whole milk yogurt is the best.:tongue:

    I use this ( to strain my yogurt to Greek yogurt or yogurt cheese. Just time consuming. :happy:
    I keep meaning to try this... :drinker: seems like I'm buying yogurt several times a week, we go through it so much.

    I've done it myself. It's really easy. I used as a guide.

    The best thing about it is that you have full control over the amount of carbs and fat in it, based on what type of milk you use, how long you let it set, and what you add to it for flavor.

    Also, Greek yogurt isn't just strained regular yogurt. They actually use different types/mixtures of the bacteria used (ever notice a texture difference between regular and Greek? That's the culture difference). I learned this the hard way, so make sure you get a starter yogurt that has the bacteria types/mix that you want. Nothing else really matters as the bacteria will eat the sugar, and you don't add enough of the starter to really affect the fat content. Flavor might be the only thing that matters, just don't use one with a heavy added flavor, such as blueberries or whatnot, unless you can separate the flavoring from the yogurt (such as with fruit-on-the-bottom types, where the yogurt at the top is still pretty much plain).
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    Love me some All Natural Greek.........yogurt :D