Hoping this will work....

elleacoco Posts: 2 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone

Im Helen, this is the first time i've accessed anything like this, so bit of a newbie. For the past 3 years i have been studying to become a nurse (hopefully qualify in september), i know that should mean i know about nutrition etc etc and i do, unfortunatly applying that to myself seems to be the hard part. Due to 3 years sat on my butt writting assignment after assignment, usually with nibbles next to the computer i have gained nearly 2 stone (sorry not sure what that is in KG). In between assignment and placements at the hospital, i also work as a home carer and yesterday one client i had not seen for a while asked when it was due....my baby that it!!! Mortified is not the word!!! So what did i do?? come home and eat!!! I admit to be being an overeater and i eat when i'm stressed and upset:( i'm about to start my final placement at the hospital in 2 weeks time (after i hand in another assignment of course!) and my uniform won't fit!! I have had to buy another uniform out of my own pocket because the college will not pay for another uniform when i have so little time left on the course!!

So this is me, hoping and praying that through this site i might have the chance to lose the weight and regain the confidence i have lost, and hopefully meet some new people along the way:)

Am on twitter as well name is chillelle, feel free to follow me and maybe we can inspire and motivate each other.
Helen xx


  • aesquivel47
    aesquivel47 Posts: 37 Member

    You can do it and you are taking positive steps towards your goal. I've lost 34 pounds in 5 months and I have to attribute it to simply watching what I eat. By always thinking about that next journal entry I find myself making smarter choices and little by little it make such a big difference. Good Luck!! Arnie
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP and you can make it work for you here. Good luck!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Welcome Helen! Every student at uni gains some weight....it's the lifestyle. Now, it's time to put out a positive lifestyle for the patients you will be caring for. What a great career you have chosen, but please make sure that after you take care of everyone else, that it is your time. Shifts will be long, and you will be tired, but eating the right food and exercising before or after work or walking on your break will all help you feel better, and get back into your uniform!
    Congrats for coming to this site, it's loads of help, and you will find results quickly.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    Hi there! You have found a perfect place for motivation and support. There are lots of people on here going through exactly the same thing as you. My advice is to take it one day at a time. Don't give up! Even if you have a bad day and fall off the wagon, you don't need to give up completely, just get back on it the next day and forget about your mess-ups. I'm here for support when you need it! I live in the US (Colorado), but I'm on here every day keeping myself accountable. Good luck with your journey and know that we're all here to support you! :)

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Listen, you can do this. But MFP won't just work on it's own -- you have to MAKE IT WORK. No more of that passive talk! :smile:
  • VeronicaManuel
    VeronicaManuel Posts: 9 Member
    Life throws you curve balls, hands you lemons, and rolls out the rocky road. There is nothing harder than confronting your demons, my advice, because I am an emo eater as well, is deal with the things that bother you, stress you out, upset you and don't be afraid of trying something else besides eating. I polish my nails, it's my escape it keeps my fingers wet, so I can't dip my hand in the cookie jar or the potato chip bag. All these things are easier said that done, but think of the things that have made you happy and focus on that. Food obviously isn't helping...time to work on a new lifestyle, a happy new energic you. Everyday is a good day to start anew if you fall of the wagon get back on. You can't just "TRY" you must "DO". Good luck, and stay focused!
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