
chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Not sure if anyone has posted this question before, but i've seen a few other topics related to it and thought i'd ask. Does anyone currently use or have experiences (positive or negative) to share about the Mirena IUD? I've had issues with weight gain using previous contraceptive methods and i'm concerned about that and about the effect on TOM's.


  • I have one.
    I also had issues with weight gain with hormonal BC.
    You wont have that problem with Mirena.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I got my first one 5 years ago and changed it last month, now on my 2nd one. My "baby" is 8 years old so it's working in that department LOL but I have not had any issues with weight gain. I do have to say though I haven't had issues with weight gain and other BC methods either. Sorry I couldn't be much help there.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I hope that this answers your question about TOM. This was taken from the mirena website (http://www.mirena-us.com/index.jsp) look in the safety section.

    More than 10% of Mirena users may experience:

    * Missed menstrual periods. About 2 out of 10 women stop having periods after 1 year of Mirena use. Your periods come back when Mirena is removed. If you do not have a period for 6 weeks during Mirena use, contact your healthcare provider to rule out pregnancy.
    * Changes in bleeding. Your period may become irregular and you may have bleeding and spotting between menstrual periods, especially during the first 3 to 6 months. A few women have heavy bleeding during this time. After your body adjusts, periods usually get lighter and the number of bleeding days is likely to decrease, but may remain irregular. Or you may even find that your periods stop altogether. In which case, you should contact your healthcare provider to rule out pregnancy.

    Call your healthcare provider if the bleeding remains heavier than usual or if the bleeding becomes heavy after it has been light for a while.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    and I go get my TOM every month which is very very light and I'm OK with this. I must be old school because I don't feel normal not getting one. When I do get it it's a confirmation that my Mirena hasn't failed LOL
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Had mine in for 2 years now, barely a little spotting every month, and I am having no problems with gaining weight.

    If you don't HAVE yours yet, the only thing to consider is the possible side effects of insertion. Just that ONE day only, when you have it put in, you could be sick.
    I thought I was fine and stood up and passed out. I couldn't walk for an hour, I was boiling hot, the room was spinning, and I was sure I was going to vomit (I didn't though).
    She said it happens to 50% of her Mirena patients and it's normal, after an hour I made my way to the parking lot but felt so weak I ended up calling for someone to come drive me home.

    I felt 100% fine when I woke up the next morning. Just keep in mind that you COULD be in that 50%, and go with someone who can drive you home in case you feel crappy.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    The first day of the first time I had it put in I did have cramps and took some motrin and laid down but nothing major. I thought it was going to happen again when I had it replaced 5 years lady and purposely scheduled my appointment on a Friday. To my surprise I didn't experience any cramps at all
  • I have friend who had the mirena. She ended up with an ectopic pregnancy. It blew her tube so she had to have surgery. She has a hip to hip scar. Plus she was told to NOT have anymore kids. Another friend of mine has had ZERO issues and says it's a must have. I don't use any BC, (I have four kids, haha)
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    My experience - I cannot WAIT until I can get my Mirena out.

    When i got mine it was long before the warnings came for ovarian cysts when you get this product. it was brand-effing-spanking new. i was super excited to not have to worry about BC for 5 years. I have issues with pills, and since I was younger than 30 no doctor would tie my tubes yet, so I thought it was a perfect solution.

    9 years later I am being evaluated for pre-cancerous growths on my ovaries due to my Mirena IUD.

    Not trying to be too graphic, but because (now I know because its actually in their 'side effect information NOW - it wasn't back then) Mirena causes ovarian cysts, I have had very painful sex for years, excruciating pain when one of the cysts decides to burst, weight gain, difficulty loosing weight, slow metabolism, IRREGULAR periods - I mean, really, some months I get three periods a month, sometimes I go months without one...., and more.

    I am holding out to get insurance to get my tubes tied and get this horrible piece of plastic out of my uterus as fast as I humanly can.....

    sorry to be a bit negative and graphic, but Mirena has really impacted my quality of life over the last few years. Originally I thought it was awesome - i mean, I never wanted kids and this was a long-term solution. But no, I would NOT recommend it. i have seen others on here that have had bad experiences as well.....
  • aesoprok
    aesoprok Posts: 70
    I'm sorry to hear about the problems some of you have had. It sounds awful!
    My mom is a GYN, and she suggested the mirena after i got pregnant while using the Nuva Ring. I had not a bit of pain getting it in, and after more than a year my periods have stopped completely:smile:
    I was on the Depo shot for years, and i gained 30 pounds on it. Since the Mirena, i've lost 27 (mostly baby weight but still) no problem with gaining here. I have occasional cramps, nothing too severe, and my mom says it's probably small cysts as they are common with this BC.
    I trust my moms judgement, thats why i got it. Anything that alters a natural body process like fertility and menstruation carries some risks, and the newer stuff is scary because we don't know what long term side effects might result. It's a tough decision, think it over and talk to your gyno. Best wishes :heart:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about the problems some of you have had. It sounds awful!
    My mom is a GYN, and she suggested the mirena after i got pregnant while using the Nuva Ring. I had not a bit of pain getting it in, and after more than a year my periods have stopped completely:smile:
    I was on the Depo shot for years, and i gained 30 pounds on it. Since the Mirena, i've lost 27 (mostly baby weight but still) no problem with gaining here. I have occasional cramps, nothing too severe, and my mom says it's probably small cysts as they are common with this BC.
    I trust my moms judgement, thats why i got it. Anything that alters a natural body process like fertility and menstruation carries some risks, and the newer stuff is scary because we don't know what long term side effects might result. It's a tough decision, think it over and talk to your gyno. Best wishes :heart:

    I could have written this myself, but my mom isn't a GYN. I also got pregnant using the Nuva Ring. I didn't have any pain getting it put in, but a little bit of spotting. While I was on the Depo shot and i gained about 25 pounds. Since the Mirena, i've lost. My periods are irregular but no cramps.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    ive had 2. One pre prego one after. love it. no gains from it either.
  • abrace
    abrace Posts: 2
    I got mine in January and I have not had any weight gain. However, I have had some stupid (lite) periods! One lasted 2.5 weeks then stopped for 2 days and started up again. It can take up to 6 months to "adjust" but this is nuts! I hope things get better soon.
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    I've had one now for about 4.5 months after my 2nd (and last) baby. I was concerned because I'm very anti-hormonal birth control, but was convinced by many including my doc that the very small level of hormones are mostly contained in the uterus and do not affect you like bc pills. I also have a history of migraines and a mild history of ovarian cysts. I know it's been a very short time for me so far, but so far so good. No problems.

    The only thing I didn't like (and was not forewarned about) is that I had light bleeding (enough for a pantyliner, but that's it) for about 6 weeks straight! I could've done without that. Now, I get just the teensiest amount of spotting once a month. But I'm also still breastfeeding which I'm sure is affecting my cycle.

    It seemed like the best and easiest option that was not permanent *just in case*! Oh, and I maybe had some light cramping and discomfort for a couple of days after insertion, but that was it.
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    oh, and I had no weight gain either, but I started my healthier lifestyle about a month or two after getting it.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    all of this really really helps! i appreciate all your responses. I was terribly concerned about the weight gain issue and i've learned not to trust pamphlets. :)
    i'm still a bit concerned about insertion though (no pregnancies, ever) but i think i may have a solution in mind...
    Thank you all! keep them coming!!
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Update....got my 2nd Mirena put in about a month ago as I previously posted. Not sure if every Dr. does this but a month after, I have to go back in and have an ultrasound to check on it. I went back in and had a vaginal ultrasound, Mirena is perfect, ovaries are perfect and uterus is perfect...woohoo!!
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