weekend binging

How does everyone handle social gatherings? I do great all week then blow it on the weekends...help!


  • Sadly I handle it exactly as your topic suggest.... I'm working on getting better about it though.

    One day at a time....
  • Sonjalalala
    Sonjalalala Posts: 101 Member
    I'm the same way. I try to work out extra hard on weekends, so I don't feel as guilty! It's really hard, though, I know. I go for the healthiest foods and control the amount as best as I can. If there are bad foods that I really can't stay away from, I'll indulge, but only a small portion. It satisfies my cravings without going totally overboard. Then I do some jumping jacks :)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm not social very many weekends, so thats helpful.

    We're meeting friends tonight so its already on my mind. I know I'll snack plenty extra, but I'll try and put things on a plate, and be mindful of what I'm eating, and do I really WANT it or not. I'll be working out tomorrow morning to help the body keep burning.

    Its SO mental. Things "look good" but we are not really Hungry. I'm trying to focus on that, and allowing the treats, but it doesn't have to be a ton. and SUPER small bittes. that cookie that could be eaten all at once will be 4-5 small bites to truly Enjoy it.
  • akdollie
    akdollie Posts: 69 Member
    I changed my weigh-in day to Sunday mornings- keeps me more in check for Friday and Saturday knowing that it is coming up!
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    I took the approach of looking at logging over a week.
    If I knew something was coming up I would start "saving cals" during the week.

    By logging everything it tended to even out on a weekly basis and there was no guilt LOL
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    weekends are a very social time for me too. And I'm a Wisconsin girl, so I love to have a few beers, and hang out with friends. I make sure that I have a great workout before going out with friends. If it's dinner or drinks or whatever, I feel less guilty if I put in an hour or 2 at the gym in the morning. Plus, it starts out my day on a positive note. Also, as many people may feel on Sunday mornings after a night out...if I'm under the weather (bottle flu), I start my day with a banana. Helps cure the hangover and isn't a greasy high calorie breakfast that I'll regret later.
  • shirdiana
    shirdiana Posts: 49 Member
    This is not easy, there is always holidays, birthdays ect.. to deal with! It's frustrating for me also! Usually if I am good during the event, I go home and eat over it later, I should of just had a small amount so I didn't feel deprived. still struggling
  • beelanc
    beelanc Posts: 71 Member
    I love food, and the point of me logging my foods is for control. I dont want to be grumpy or guilty or unhappy when I eat something. Its not how I want to live. I dont look at this as a diet. Its a life change. I will eat what I want (not go overboard) but keep the portions under control. I dont think we should feel deprived. I try to make sure I do more good than bad and keep doing the workouts.
  • @abbeyrea....I too suffer from "bottle flu" I think that is the problem. It's hard to have willpower after a drink or 2...
  • Sonjalalala
    Sonjalalala Posts: 101 Member
    I love food, and the point of me logging my foods is for control. I dont want to be grumpy or guilty or unhappy when I eat something. Its not how I want to live. I dont look at this as a diet. Its a life change. I will eat what I want (not go overboard) but keep the portions under control. I dont think we should feel deprived. I try to make sure I do more good than bad and keep doing the workouts.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • I have a very wide social circle, and most of our gatherings tend to be at someone's house, BYO-style. Since I know I'll pretty much spend the afternoon-evening standing around talking and snacking, I always bring veggie and fruits trays to our parties. This way, the fruit and veggies are sitting on the table, right next to the chips and the chocolate, so I have to exercise a lot less will-power. I'm there to have fun and be with my friends. I don;t want to feel like I'm depriving myself and trying to have fun doing it, so this makes it s little easier to make a healthier choice. Also, I know that I will have a few chips and some dessert, but if it's a kitchen party, with people gathered around the snack table, I play a little game in my own head: "OK, I had some chips last time I cruised the buffet, so now it's the veggies' turn." The other thing I really try to watch is how much alcohol I consume. I try to keep it to one drink per gathering, and just drink water for the rest of the evening. It helps to volunteer to be the designated driver, too!