Artificial Sweetener



  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    But I heard it can hinder weight loss,

    Maybe in people less awesome than me...

    seriously, I've lost as much as 75 lbs since Jan 2012 (regained a few lbs of LBM) and I've used it the entire time.
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    I was finally able to find and purchase some stevia yesterday. What I didn't notice when I purchased it was that it is not to be taken by people with low blood pressure, as it lowers blood pressure.

    My BP this morning was 85/59, which falls into the realm of low BP. I don't think I can use it. :frown:
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    Consume whatever one you like the best.

    Searching this topic will give 100s of results.

    There is nothing wrong with sweeteners unless you have a medical issue with them (migraine, etc). Personally I won't listen to all the crap out there about how bad it is for you because none of it has been proven.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Love threads like this.

    People won't eat 'chemical ****' but then go on about treats, various cakes etc and then even negate to bear in mind that the simple fact animals have hormones added and eat food covered by pesticides that are full of chemicals.

    Logic fail?
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I like Splenda, and I currently use Sweet and Low. I dabble in Equal sometimes too. Honestly I buy whatever the cheapest is.

    I never used regular sugar because I felt it never dissolved that well.
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    I did try Truvia before I did my research on Stevia, and it made me sick. I had headaches, stomach issues and other problems. I didn’t realize the Truvia was causing the issue at first. When I removed it from my diet, the awful issues I was suffering from went away. After researching Truvia and what is really in it, I found out why it made me sick.

    Annnnnd I've officially learned something today. Thanks!!!

    You're welcome!
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    Love threads like this.

    People won't eat 'chemical ****' but then go on about treats, various cakes etc and then even negate to bear in mind that the simple fact animals have hormones added and eat food covered by pesticides that are full of chemicals.

    Logic fail?

    You seem a little quick to judge. Not sure why you want to tear people down instead of offering helpful information. That's what these threads are for, right? People have questions and other people offer information to help answer the OP's question.

    There's enough negativity in the world already, let's keep it as positive as possible. Everyone is fighting their own battle, no need to ridicule.
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    I have splenda when I'm out and about becuase I like that better than the blue and pink packets. But at home (and at work becuase I bring some with me from home) I have "Stevia in the Raw". I found it at Kroger. I think it tastes good and is not bitter - maybe it is some of the brands people are trying? You have to be VERY careful when buying stevia becuase if you look at the ingredients many "stevia" containing brands are actually blends (like Truvia) with sugar alcohols and other things in them. The only ingredient in Stevia in the Raw is stevia, no additives or sugar alcohols. For those looking to try something w/o chemicals, I recommend it.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I try to stay away from most chemicals and even buy local grass fed beef and organic pork and have checked out the living environment for both and will be buying local chicken in the summer when they are ready to go, I also bake my own bread and sweets. That being said it is almost impossible to stay away from chemicals as they are on and in everything. As far as fake sweeteners go the only thing I use it in is my water.
  • jadlpc222
    jadlpc222 Posts: 15
    Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I actually don't eat much in the way of sweets or "treats" as someone called them, but I do like my morning coffee with a little bit of sugar (which is what made me initiate this post to begin with). I also make my own protein bars and the recipe is written with Splenda as the sweetener and I just don't like it. I don't add sugar to anything else in my diet (typically). I did pick up a small container of Truvia this weekend. I am going to test it out, but if I just don't like it then plain old sugar in my coffee is worth the 15 calories ;-)
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    try different brands of Stevia. I've tried 3-4 and only like the Trader Joe version so far....
    I thought Truvia was disgusting. You also have to be careful not to use too much stevia, or everything tastes bitter!
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    Love threads like this.

    People won't eat 'chemical ****' but then go on about treats, various cakes etc and then even negate to bear in mind that the simple fact animals have hormones added and eat food covered by pesticides that are full of chemicals.

    Logic fail?

    Truvia and Splenda made me physically ill. Raw honey and organic maple syrup do not, nor has the brand of Stevia I use. You can call it a "logic fail, but I call it listening to my body.

    I've lost weight (even with indulging in treats here and there made with raw honey and organic maple syrup) and have been much more active since I cut out the majority of the fake sugar. I also don't suffer from headaches any more, nor stomach issues I once endured.

    You're entitled to eat whatever you want, and if it doesn't make you ill, fantastic! But don't judge me or others for listening to our bodies and trying to cut some of the fake stuff out. :smile:
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    Love threads like this.

    People won't eat 'chemical ****' but then go on about treats, various cakes etc and then even negate to bear in mind that the simple fact animals have hormones added and eat food covered by pesticides that are full of chemicals.

    Logic fail?

    You seem a little quick to judge. Not sure why you want to tear people down instead of offering helpful information. That's what these threads are for, right? People have questions and other people offer information to help answer the OP's question.

    There's enough negativity in the world already, let's keep it as positive as possible. Everyone is fighting their own battle, no need to ridicule.

    Agreed! What works for one person may not work for another. Not all of us want to cut out all of the treats, especially homemade ones in which we can control the ingredients. I'm trying to lose weight and be healthier but not remove all of the joy I find in cooking and eating. :smile:
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I dont drink anything that I need sweetners for but I do use the Crystal Light Liquids to add something to my water because plain water gets boring after awhile.
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    Nectresse is the only artificial sweetener that I can stand. I use it in my coffee and oatmeal.
  • favreervaf
    favreervaf Posts: 54 Member
    Stevia extract
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Radical idea, but how about none? :) Just grow to enjoy the taste of whatever you're sweetening. The obvious question I have is if you don't like the taste of what you're consuming and have to put too much thought in to changing it why consume it at all?
    IHTSM Posts: 51 Member
    What about something more natural with low-ish glycemic index, like maple syrup or agave nectar? I also hate the taste of artificial sweeteners and hate the idea of them. I put agave in everything, mmmmmmmmmm
  • Ivanvivian
    I tend to prefer natural brown sugar, but will get most of my sugar-craving from natural fruits.

    Now and again will have a diet soda.

    Will drink tea without sugar if I feel too close to my calorie limit or will sacrifice another carbohydrate in the day, if I want a little brown sugar in my tea.

    I started dieting at about 192 lbs, although only began Myfitnesspal ten days ago, to help me track calories, more to maintain when I reach my goal weight.

    This morning was 169.2, but still have about an inch of fat around my last place to lose, my oblique's.

    Even with a little sugar tend to lose just under half a pound a day, eating about 1300 calories per day.
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    I use Stevia Extract in the Raw (from Sugar in the Raw - my favorite REAL sugar) in my coffee and cooking. In the summer when I drink more iced beverages, I use fresh stevia that I grow in my garden. The leaves have a very "green" (veggie) taste when they're fresh, but the sweetness comes through much more when they're dried and crushed.... Muddle those with some fresh spearmint, lime juice, rum, and club soda and you have one excellent mojito :bigsmile: I want a mojito...