Ok folks.... new to this diet and exercise thing, but I have lost 2.8 pounds in 7 days... However, I was reading a lot about calories burned during exercise and man do I feel CONFUSED!!! Below is the plan I follow:( Please review and any comments you can give will be wonderful!)
I am sticking to my 1200 cal per day that MFP set me up on.
wake up 8:30 am
Body by VI shake in the am after my morning coffee.(I track every calorie I eat on MFP)

Body By Vi Shake about 1 pm

Snack of apple or vegs about 2:30 or 3pm

Dinner : Salad lean chicken fresh veg ect.. 1200 cals per day with shakes and meals and snacks...

30 min walking 3mph with a 7% incline (treadmill says I burn 334 cals...BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT research online says I am only burning 127.........Now...


207 cals??????????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can I track the REAL CALS BURNED?????????? I try not to eat my excercise cals but that is a HUGE difference!!!!!!!


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You need a heart rate monitor to see actual calories burned. Everything else is just an estimate.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I'd stick with your online research if it's re-occurring as a lower number.
    A HRM is a great idea, but until then go with the majority which if you do research properly, should be research. Also check what MFP says, people say it's not that accurate but I've found it is for my running calories burned.
    I wouldn't trust a treadmill, especially one that doesn't have heart rate sensors.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Ok folks.... new to this diet and exercise thing, but I have lost 2.8 pounds in 7 days... However, I was reading a lot about calories burned during exercise and man do I feel CONFUSED!!! Below is the plan I follow:( Please review and any comments you can give will be wonderful!)
    I am sticking to my 1200 cal per day that MFP set me up on.
    wake up 8:30 am
    Body by VI shake in the am after my morning coffee.(I track every calorie I eat on MFP)

    Body By Vi Shake about 1 pm

    Snack of apple or vegs about 2:30 or 3pm

    Dinner : Salad lean chicken fresh veg ect.. 1200 cals per day with shakes and meals and snacks...

    30 min walking 3mph with a 7% incline (treadmill says I burn 334 cals...BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT research online says I am only burning 127.........Now...


    207 cals??????????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can I track the REAL CALS BURNED?????????? I try not to eat my excercise cals but that is a HUGE difference!!!!!!!

    I would say neither is correct, they are both just estimates. I do find that the actaul treadmill is usually closer than MFP though, if you enter your age and weight. Also you need to eat more food, try cutting out one of the shakes.

    Edit: I guess it shouldn't matter since you aren't eating them back anyways.
  • lisacsmith16
    lisacsmith16 Posts: 64 Member
    Ok folks.... new to this diet and exercise thing, but I have lost 2.8 pounds in 7 days... However, I was reading a lot about calories burned during exercise and man do I feel CONFUSED!!! Below is the plan I follow:( Please review and any comments you can give will be wonderful!)
    I am sticking to my 1200 cal per day that MFP set me up on.
    wake up 8:30 am
    Body by VI shake in the am after my morning coffee.(I track every calorie I eat on MFP)

    Body By Vi Shake about 1 pm

    Snack of apple or vegs about 2:30 or 3pm

    Dinner : Salad lean chicken fresh veg ect.. 1200 cals per day with shakes and meals and snacks...

    30 min walking 3mph with a 7% incline (treadmill says I burn 334 cals...BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT research online says I am only burning 127.........Now...


    207 cals??????????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can I track the REAL CALS BURNED?????????? I try not to eat my excercise cals but that is a HUGE difference!!!!!!!

    I would say neither is correct, they are both just estimates. I do find that the actaul treadmill is usually closer than MFP though, if you enter your age and weight. Also you need to eat more food, try cutting out one of the shakes.

    Edit: I guess it shouldn't matter since you aren't eating them back anyways.

    Before I started this journey I would never eat breakfast or lunch.. about 3pm I would be hungry and I would eat something stupid like chips or something bad for me... then I would have a huge diner most of the time 2 helpings. Everything made was high fat and cals.. real butter, real cream ect ect ect.. COMFORT FOODS... Then I would have a HUGE BOWL of cerial or something.... Now I am having a shake for breakfast shank for lunch and I am FULL and have a lot of energy. HEALTHY snacks and a good diner. snacks are fruit or veg or popcorn NO BUTTER..............
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    HRM are not an accurate way to measure calories burned. I suggest getting a BodyBugg (I have a BodyMedia FIT). They are over 90% accurate and their program syncs up with MFP
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member

    An HRM will be the most accurate measurement of your exercise, one with a chest strap. Polar FT4 or FT7 are very popular and an excellent product.

    Also, MFP sets up the 'standard' 1200 for almost everyone and you should really go to an accurate tracker such as Scooby, FitnessFrog or Fat To Fit radio to properly gauge what your cal intake should be. With the 1200 you should be eating back your exercise calories. Find out what your TDEE is and BMR. Scooby will give you many options based on your activity level and deficit.

    Good luck!
  • ninjakowski
    ninjakowski Posts: 158
    I actually get very similar results on the treadmill and MFP - do you enter your weight on the treadmill when you start? I used to get whacky numbers when I first started out, then I realised that the automatic weight setting was 10kg heavier than me.

    I eat back all my exercise calories using MFP estimates and still lose weight as planned, so for me they seem to be reasonably accurate. Not everyone is the same though, a HRM is the only sure way to get an accurate number.

    I would also encourage you to eat back at least some of your exercise calories, if you are only eating at 1200 and don't eat them back, you are going to be netting 1000 or less, that is probably not going to be sustainable for you long term.
  • BioMechHeretic
    BioMechHeretic Posts: 128 Member
    Particularly if you are only eating 1200 calories, you absolutely need to eat back your exercise cals. If you don't than any day that you exercise you will end up well under 1200 and your body will not have the energy it needs to function, get your muscles repaired, and get that weight off.

    As for the accurate estimate, as mentioned the most direct method is with a heart rate monitor. If you don't have that, you need to assess the treadmill. Does it have you punch in your weight/height/sex or age? If it does, than it's reading will be accurate. If it doesn't, it may be over estimating calories burned by calculating off an "average" generic body size(like say a 160 pound guy or something) so in that case your research would be more fitting.
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    100cal per mile.
    30 mins @ mph is 1.5 miles
    so I'd say 150 +/- a few is good
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I really don't care about calories burned during exercise but I will drop in to say that, with 28 pounds to lose 1200 cals per day seems low and if you're replacing 60% of your food with Body by Vi shakes you're not really going about this weight loss thing in the most effective manner.

    You can eat real food and you can eat more calories to lose the weight you want.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The 127 burn number sounds about right. You don't burn calories very quickly while walking, especially at only 3mph.

    IMO, eat more real food, shakes can be a nice SUPPLEMENT if you need more protein but I think you will find better success by eating real food. Not that that was your question, but I feel obligated to be annoying today.
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    100cal per mile.
    30 mins @ mph is 1.5 miles
    so I'd say 150 +/- a few is good

    I think a 7 incline probably adds a decent amount. I would guess it is closer to 200-225.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Just an FYI, you don't need a "burn"...there is a massive calorie deficit from your maintenance level of calories in that 1,200 number...seriously, do you think that's your maintenance...birds maintain on more than that. Also...eat back your exercise calories...or don't, I'm tired of caring about you crazy women who love starving your bodies. Enjoy the nice long plateau and other issues that ultimately arise from basically having an eating disorder.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    If you're not eating them back......why dies it matter?

    It's an estimate. Some machines are better estimates than others, but even a Heart rate monitor is only an estimate.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You need a heart rate monitor.

    Additionally, stop wasting calories on shakes and try eating real food. That way when you stop drinking shakes you know what the heck you are doing.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Everything is an estimate.
    From what I hears, the treadmill readings seem to be the farthest off, followed my MFPs readings. (Though, I have no problems with it)
    The most accurate reading would be done with an HeartRate Monitor. :)

    Also you want to be eating those calories back.
    Because, eating 1,200 calories, then burning, say 300 leaves your body with only 900 calories to do things like breathing and heart pumping and that is not enough.
    You'll feel tired or sick or wore out or all three.
    And you'll eventually plateau.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    Just an FYI, you don't need a "burn"...there is a massive calorie deficit from your maintenance level of calories in that 1,200 number...seriously, do you think that's your maintenance...birds maintain on more than that. Also...eat back your exercise calories...or don't, I'm tired of caring about you crazy women who love starving your bodies. Enjoy the nice long plateau and other issues that ultimately arise from basically having an eating disorder.

    True story.
  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    I use a HRM, Polar FT4 and love it. I too was guessing before I got my HRM. I found that my calories burned were off before the HRM. I'm doing Insanity and they tell you to never eat below 1300 calories no matter what so I try not to go below that but once and awhile I do. On average I don't eat back my exercise calories either because if I do then my weight seems to just hold. I do eat a few back like maybe 100 or so. It will all depend on you and what works, basically trial and error.

    The other thing with you is you don't have that much to loose which I hear is harder to take off then where I'm at.

    Good luck and add me if you would like another friend.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I find treadmills to give consistently higher numbers than MFP and MFP to give consistently higher numbers than my HRM, which typically matches us almost straight on with my Body MediaFit (when I was wearing it).

    Remember that treadmills are a general calculation that, at most, take your age and weight into effect for the number it spits out. But it has nothing to do with the person actually on it. If you were to turn on a treadmill, enter your age and weight, set the speed and incline, then sit next to it and read a book for 30 minutes, the treadmill would give you the same number as if you were on it. So how accurate do you really think it is for you?

    The best reading I ever got on a treadmill was one that actually synced up directly with my HRM. It wasn't the crazily inflated numbers I normally got, but it was still higher by a fair amount. And that's because even though I'd added the additional factor of my heart rate to the age and weight, it still didn't know if I was male or female. And, being female, I'm going to burn less than a male with my same stats and heart rate. So the public designed for the general public on the treadmill was higher than it should be for me and, most likely, would have been lower for a guy.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Please save yourself some time, stress, and hunger and go to Fat To Fit Radio. com and punch in the numbers it asks for and find out how many calories you really should be eating. You will find it is more than you think and eating MORE will help you to lose MORE weight at a good pace and SAFELY. I am just really learning this and accepting it myself. I was doing the 1200 calorie a day thing, working out lots, and STARVING all of the time. Not necessary, punishing, and futile. Not eating enough will HINDER your weight loss. I know that eating more is a scary proposition and I myself am petrified of upping my calories, but if you do the research you will find that it is the best way to lose weight and be healthy. Good luck!!