I dont know where to start :'(

Last year I found MFP and hv succed to lose 10 kg (22lbs) of my excess weight. But then, mid of this year something happened, fell off the wagon and now I'm back to the weight where I started it (102 kg/225 lbs).

I'm 32 year old, single and never have any relationship in my life. I also dont have alot of money. All I want is to feel happy about myself and enjoy my life. I want to feel content about myself.

I've been in this path over and over again. I dont know how to make it. I start feeling hopeless.


  • corbinanne
    corbinanne Posts: 3 Member
    I think I've been where you are. I get my mindset and lose 20 pounds only to gain the weight back plus MORE every time. I look at others who seem to be able to lose and keep it off and I am sad.

    We have to make lifestyle changes and I think the first lifestyle change is to make yourself be accountable for everything you eat. You have to log in every day no matter what. I usually do BF and lunch and then I don't key in dinner. Now, I am trying to key it in before I eat it so I can see how it affects my end of day. So far today, I've eatend 800 calories and I have about 400 left for dinner.
    So, I know that I can't have anything else until dinner. Then, before I eat dinner, I will key it into the MFP to make sure I don't go over.

    You start TODAY. Key in what you are eating and make sure you are trying to exercise 10 minutes a day. I find that if I say that I'm going to do 10 minutes a day, I usually do more because once I start exercising, I can keep pushing myself to do "just 5 more minutes". Good luck. I am new to this MFP and just started a couple days ago and have already lost 3.5 pounds.
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    You know if you did it once, you can do it again. Just relax and think about the long-term, not the short-term. In the short term, it seems overwhelming, but think of your BIG goals, which will take hard work, time, and patience, and say to yourself, "I CAN DO THIS. I WILL DO THIS. I WANT TO DO THIS!" Don't sabotage yourself with negative thoughts, but try to say positive things to yourself even if you don't even believe them at first.

    And just put one foot ahead of the other. Log calories, exercise, love yourself, and wait for the slow and sure results that you want and we all want for you.

    Even if you just take a walk for 5 minutes, it's better than no exercise at all. Every tiny good choice gets added to the pile of good that will grow into a mountain of success if you stick with it!

  • Log_n_Jog
    Log_n_Jog Posts: 64 Member
    I've been there...many times. I once gained back 40lbs, but I was able to lose it again. Yes, it can be a little depressing in the beginning because you feel like you're starting all over, but it's better to start over than to continue feeling bad about yourself. All you can do is try again. If you stumble along the way, there's always tomorrow. One slip up during the day or gaining back 22lbs shouldn't prevent you from reaching your goals in the end. You can do it and if you want a friend along the way, you can add me. :)
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member
    It can be very depressing to look at where you've been, where you are now and where you want to be. Try to look at it all as a journey to change your life/lifestyle, not a diet or a quick fix. Focus on small, attainable goals and reward yourself for reaching them. One step at a time. There will be ups and downs, but that is part of the process. Use your support team and honestly track your intake and exercise. There are so many examples of people like you and I that have done it. I regularly check the success boards for motivation and tips. You can do this!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Well, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that food is not the answer to feeling good about yourself. You may feel good for a few minutes, but that quickly fades. Then you eat more thinking that will help. Then you feel like crap because you ate too much. Then you feel even worse when you look at how much weight you've gained.

    I've lost the weight, gained it back (and then some) and lost it again. At 45 years-old my only regret is that I didn't keep it off the first time. I feel so much better right now in every possible way. Less pain, more energy, much more strength, more endurance - you name it.

    I feel good about myself and I feel more in-control.

    In October 2012 I was 250 pounds (I'm male, 6'2"). I got really pissed and very determined and that continues to this day. I'm not going back - EVER! Food is not the answer and I do not want to be fat again.

    In 4 months I lost about 40 pounds. Currently I'm right around 205 which is close to my goal weight. I'm working on gaining muscle now... then I'll probably drop another 5 pounds In May/June to get lean for Summer.

    I counted every calorie 6 days a week. When I was losing I ate just above my BMR (just under 2000 calories). I worked out hard, at least 500 calories burned 6 days a week. With exercise I was netting around 1,500 calories. I ate "mini-meals" throughout the day and really wasn't hungry after the first few days of adjustment. On the 7th day I rested from dieting, the gym and logging and just ate whatever I wanted.

    I worked hard to lose the weight so fast, but you can lose the weight gradually with no real hardship or sacrifice whatsoever. It's simply calories in vs calories out. Eat less than you burn and you will lose weight. It's as simple as that.

    The only question is... how bad do you want it?

    If you're serious and ready to do this, send me a friend request and I'll share all the details of what I did. It doesn't take a lot of money - in fact you'll probably save $ on food.