Labor Day Challenge!



  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member

    How did that happened to your foot? Did you have an injury? Sorry you have to keep off of it so much. that stinks. I tore my ACL a couple of years ago and it is hard not being able to do what you want.

    I saw the doctor yesterday and she said I have capsulitis of my second toe. She gave me a pad to wear and antiinflammatories. Said if the pad helps, I would probably benefit from a custom insert. It does, so I am going to get it. She said it is caused from the fact that my second toe lies slightly down farther than the other toes so it gets a lot of the brunt of the pressure when I step on it. Never knew about it until started running a lot. Luckily, she said that I do not have to stop running but to cut back for a couple of weeks and then back up to normal to see if the pain increases again.

    BTW, my left leg is slightly shorter than the right!! Found out back in elementary school when the school did scoliosis testing. they thought i had scoliosis and sent me to my PCP. He said one leg was slightly longer than the other but never caused me any pain.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I finished week8 of C25K this week, I also started a Leslie Sansone 5mile walk video on my rainy days. I've been cranking out 75squats & 100crunches a day and my daily evening walks (which I've been adding a small jog in each one). My eating has been good, the heat is making me not very hungry, but I make sure to eat 1200-1300 on those days. Otherwise I'm 1500-1800cal. Anyway, here's my stats:
    May 3: 240
    May 11: 237.6
    May 17: 236.6
    May 24: 235.2
    May 31: 232.8---started Labor Day challenge on 6/1/10
    June 7: 231.8 (was 230.8, went up a pound this past weekend)
    June 14: ----277.4
    >mini goal of 228 for a date with my brothers
    June 21: 225.6 (was up to 228.2 on the 18th, but it was due to lots of sodium)
    June 28: 223.6
    July 1: 222.6
    July 5: 221.4
    July 12: 218.8
    July 19: 217.8 --TOM--
    July 26: 214.2
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 210
    And October 18th is my 2yr wedding anniversary so come on 200!!

    **Looks like I may get to tweak my 9/6 goal. We'll see what happens next week :)
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, it seems like we are all in struggling in some form or fashion but let's not give up. We're a strong group of women who have bonded together over the last 6 months and will continue to offer support when needed. I too am still not feeling well. My back is still bothering me (not as much as earlier in the week) and I'm trying to fight this oncoming cold. I'm still sneezing and sniffling yet I feel like my noes is stuffed. My head and body are still aching. There's no work today so I plan to rest for the majority of it.

    Despite still not feeling my best I did manage to complete a workout. As I stated in an early post, I'm keeping it light this week so I completed 2.5 miles of the Leslie Sansone wallking dvd for a total of 32 minutes.

    Brunettewife: You are doing so awesome. I believe you will surpass your current goal if you continue to workout as you have. Isn't great to set a goal and not only attain it but surpass it. Great job, keep it up.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I'm still not 100% but slowly improving. Since I have a wedding reception to attend this evening I decided to take a run to Walmart to pick up the gift card for the lovely couple. It was already humid at 8 am so it made my run a bit difficult especially since I'm already congested but I stuck with it and now the workout is complete (2 miles total). You really can't beat killing 2 birds w/one stone. I was able to pick up a gift for the couple and get the workout done in one shot.....WooHoo.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Finished my 7 mile race this morning in about 100 minutes. I wanted to be at 90, but missed it by a mile - litterally as I was at mile 6 in 90 minutes! :laugh: We thankfully avoided the heat they had predicted, however it was POURING RAIN through the whole race, all but about the last 3/4 mile! It was still pretty humid, so it actually was nice in the rain. Just had to be careful running since there are so many hills, so I didn't fall! Thankfully the lightening stopped just before the race. It still thundered a bit, but not too much.

    Afterwards, Katelyn (my neice) and I came home & showered then went to lunch with my brother & sisterinlaw & her brothers. Then I went with them school shopping for clothes. They dropped me off at home at 5 pm & I took a 3.5 hour nap. My entire body is aching as all can be. My glutes are really killing me from all the hill running! I have 3 blisters on my feet too - probably because my shoes & socks were soaked from all the rain! I hope I feel better tomorrow! Its a rest day for me thankfully! :smile:

    Choco - hope you get to feeling back at 100% soon! Great job in still running especially in the humidity!

    Bru - You'll meet that goal in about 10 minutes! You are rockin it girl! So proud of you!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    May 3: 138
    May 10: 137
    May 17: 136
    May 24: 134
    May 31: 131
    June 7: 129
    June 14: 128
    June 21: 126
    June 28: 124
    July 5: 123
    July 12: 122
    July 19: 122
    July 26: 120
    August 2: Missed, Savannah
    August 9: Missed, RI
    August 16: Missed, RI
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: 118
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies and happy Sunday! While I'm still not 100% over this cold I do feel like i'm slowly progressing. I'm still sneezing and sniffling w/a slight headache but the bodyaches have subsided. Since today is my designated rest day I told myself I would keep it light. It's entirely too hot and humid for me to think about jogging outside so I headed to the gym. I started out light on the treadmill and then before I knew it I was completing a 15 min HIIT alternating between 7.0-8.0 mph as my intense speed and 6.3-6.5 for my recovery speed. Once I hopped off the treadmill I decided to see what I could do on the elliptical and 15 minutes later I had burned over 150 calories. I still wasn't ready to call it a day so got on the spinning bike for 25 minutes. So when the workout was all said and done I had completed 55 minutes and burned almost 500 calories. I think I will add some stretching in a little later but it felt good to bring it. I just hope I don't pay for it later since I'm not quite back (I felt ok in the moment, so that's why I went for it.)

    Kintegra: Thank for the well wishes and GREAT JOB w/rocking out the race. I don't know when I'll get to the point of running more than 3 miles especially outside. I do fairly well on the treadmill but outside is a WHOLE DIFFERENT BEAST so that fact that you completed at all is amazing:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • flyinghands
    I joined MFP this week and would like to participate in the Labor Day Challenge.
    This week's goal will be to get in the following: run 3 days - 1 hr ea. and walk 2 or 3 days - 1 hr. ea. on the 3 days I do NEWO 12 minutes strengthening exercises.
    I started out at 188 lbs. If I meet these kinds of goals I hope by Labour* Day to lose 6 lbs.
    Already I have been motivated to workout and to exercise more care in what I eat. I will be away 2 different weeks in August and will only check in a couple of weeks. I hope to continue well with food intake and exercise while I am away.
    One week is a busy camping trip where I volunteer with a group of children; the other is a (hotel) trip with hubby for 25th wedding anniversary.
    *Canadian spelling
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    June 28: 179
    July 5: 174 (amazing how much "water weight" you lose when returning to healthy eating!)
    July 12: 175 (TOM is a real prick!)
    July 19: 174
    July 26: 173
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: 160
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Kintegra: Thank for the well wishes and GREAT JOB w/rocking out the race. I don't know when I'll get to the point of running more than 3 miles especially outside. I do fairly well on the treadmill but outside is a WHOLE DIFFERENT BEAST so that fact that you completed at all is amazing:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks - I still am feeling the effects of it however! Those hills are hard on my glutes & thighs! :frown:
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    May 3: 190.6
    May 10: 187.2
    May 17: 184.2
    May 24: 181.6
    May 31: (in nyc)
    June 7: (choir tour)
    June 14: 182.4
    June 21: 179.6
    June 28: 177.8
    July 5: 176.5
    July 12: 175.8
    July 19: 173.8
    July 26: 172.8
    August 2:
    August 9: (moving)
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: (Goal 165, 25 lbs)
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Sorry it's been a while since I've checked in.

    Here is my caught up chart:

    May 31: 180
    June 7: 179
    June 14: 175
    June 21: 174
    June 28: 174
    July 5: 174
    July 12: 172
    July 19: 174
    July 26: weigh in on Friday
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 165
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I'm happy to announce that I'm almost back to 100%. The sneezing and bodyaches have subsided but the sniffling and slight headache still remain. I will continue taking medication in hopes of being 100% by later in the week. Today is day 1, week 12 of the P90X program and I rocked out the chest and back dvd. I found myself able to complete a lot more push ups than ever before so I'm super duper excited about it. My upper body strength still sucks so I still despise push ups but I am noticeably stronger so I guess something is working.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    May 11 244
    May 17 243.6
    May 24 241.4
    May 27 240.8
    June 01 240.0
    June 07 237.0
    June 14 233.6
    June 21 233.4
    June 28 230.6
    July 05 229.4
    July 12 227.6
    July 19 225.4
    July 26 225.8 >>>>GAIN! :ohwell: I'm sure with all my running last week its just my body trying to figure out what the heck I'm doing! :laugh:

    Aug 02
    Aug 09
    Aug 16
    Aug 23
    Aug 30
    Sept 06>>goal>>: 224 CHANGING AS OF 7/12/10 NEW GOAL: 210

    I'm continuing C25K this week no matter what! Still sore as can be from Saturdays 7 miles, but I'm keeping on keeping on! :bigsmile:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I will report my weight tomorrow morning. I was not at home this morning, and I'm leary of reporting based on a different scale.:laugh: Anyway, I had a fairly bad weekend. It was my husband's family reunion and while the food wasn't necessarily UNhealthy, there was just a LOT of it! But I'm back on track today, and I will stick with it all week. The only downfall maybe when I go visit my dad on Saturday. But I'll just have to plan on the food Lora likes to cook, and make sure I don't go over maintenance!

    Congrats to all who've lost, keep up the good work to those who've maintained (or seen a slight gain), and welcome to those of you who are new!

    I'll be back tomorrow to let you know the news!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    May 3: 175
    May 10: 174.4
    May 17: 174.0
    May 24: 175
    May 31: 174
    June 7: 172
    June 14: 173
    June 21: 174
    June 28: 173.8
    July 5: a little late but: 172.5
    July 12: 167
    July 19: 167
    July 26: 170
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: 160

    Oops I knew I would go up a bit. I drank and eat what I wanted during my engagment party and the rest of the weekned. I'm actually taking this week kinda off working out other than a little yoga and taking my puppy on long walks. I need a little break, plus next Monday my fiance and me are starting INSANITY. I'm really looking foward to it. And I know is going to help me get to where I wanna be which is pretty much just toning up so I look leaner.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    May 11: 133
    May 17: 131
    May 24: 131
    May 31: did not weigh in
    June 7: 131
    June 14: 131, stuck again!!
    June 21: 130
    June 28: 129.5 YEAH!
    July 5: 132
    July 12: vacation
    July 19: 128
    July 26: 127
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: 125

    Sooo excited but we'll see if it holds next time!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Great job Kintegra!!!

    Glad you are feelng better Chocolickkyss!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    May 3: 167
    May 11: 166
    May 17: 165
    May 24: 168
    May 31: 169
    June 7: 167
    June 14: 166
    June 17: 166
    June 28: Didn't weigh in
    July 5: 165
    July 12: Didn't weigh in, on vacation in NM
    July 19: 169
    July 26: 167
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 160

    Back down to 167. Woohoo! My plan for this week is to continue sticking to my calories, buy healthy snacks (since all the grocery shopping that was done while I was gone was done by DH:tongue: ), and start walking every night again (at least 1 mile). I reset my calorie goal to 1lb a week (I had upped it to 1/2lb a week), so hopefully with all of this I will get back to losing and reach my goal!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    My hubbys' grandparents had me clean their house today, top to bottom, took me 5 1/2 hrs and wow I was sweaty!!! They said they'd like me to come over once a week and dust, vaccum, etc. It took so long this time because it hasn't been done in awhile and they finally admitted they just can't do it anymore. For cleaning today, they bought me a new pair of sneakers (which I freaking love!) and a pair of sexy black heels to go with the lil black dress I bought yesterday. I can fit in it, but not sure I'd feel comfy wearing it out just yet...maybe in Sept or for our anniversary in Oct. Anyway, I graduated the C25K plan tonight! I posted my thoughts on it here: . So excited I did it!!! I plan on doing it over to work on speed. I have a swimming play date with my friend Kelly and her 2yr old tomorrow, and I'm ready!! Thanks to a wonderful mfp friend (cough*Traci*cough) I have a few new swimsuits to possibly wear. Hoping to finish this month strong and start off August stronger. Have a wonderful week and see ya on Fri for my official weigh in.

    XoxoxoX Bru