measurement loss vs weight loss

gpies Posts: 56 Member
Hi all - I was looking for some support from some of those out there who may be losing in measurements rather than on the scale. I've been at this for a while now and haven't really seen much movement (at all) in the scale, but am definitely seeing some changes elsewhere physically. Just wanted to know how many of you may be seeing this rather than on the scale. Or, did you see this for a while like I am and then at some point start losing on the scale too - or just measurement alone?



  • skinnyjess00
    skinnyjess00 Posts: 50 Member
    i'm in the same place you are-- since there's not a lot to lose, you'll probably tone up a lot before you see the scale move. as your body adjusts to exercise and your body begins converting fat to muscle, you may even gain a little since muscle weighs more than fat. frustrating, i know! but the scale isn't the best way to measure results anyway.
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Me too....I have not been losing much in pounds but the inches are changing and I am buying smaller clothing. I do strength training 2 times a week, so I assume that I am building muscle. Though it can be an emotional bummer when the scale does not go down. Hang in there and for sure be happy that your inches are decreasing!
  • policebaby
    policebaby Posts: 19
    Clothes (measurements) are the BEST way to measure progress! Just try to remember that weight gets distributed as you exercise. You are converting fat to muscle! Pick your favorite skinny jeans and use them to measure your progress!!!!