C25K and struggling



  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    Make sure they look at your running form and suggest any changes to it. There are different shoes that work well with different running forms, but sometimes your running form has issues that no shoe will fix.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Definitely get the shoes!

    Running really can break your body, though! The first time I tried a running program it was too advanced for me and I ended up tearing my IT band at my right hip. I was out of commission for 3 weeks.

    Pain responses exist for a reason, listen to them. :)
  • mombieocalypse
    Week 2 Day 1 repeat this week and it went pretty well. I was able to jog (at my snail's pace) the entire 6 cues and felt good. I was definitely looking forward to hearing the walk cue, but still...I did it. And boy, was it cold out there today. I did go get another pair of sneakers (went back to my asics) and they felt good. I continued to walk after the C25K program to get a total distance of 2.5 miles before I decided I was too cold.
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Yes it is an app. It's called "Zombies, Run! 5k Training" I think I paid 99cent for it when it was on sale, not sure how much it is normally. It's by Six to Start

    Super fun app :D
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    If it is putting you in that much pain I would stop and do something lower impact. I tried c25k about a year ago and ended up with stress fractures in both tibia. If you're obese and out of shape you may not want to start out with trying to run. After I injured myself I started biking and after 2 months of that as well as a lot more weight loss I found I didn't need c25k I could just run, albeit slowly. A few months later I ran a half marathon.

    Don't ever give up but find an approach that works for you. Soreness is a part of exercise but pain should not be
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    posting mistake, sorry!
  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    Hi all. I started the couch to 5 K program with a group this week. Well actaully, I missed the first week so I had to start on week 2 and I am struggling. I am very obese and very out of shape. My shins and calves are killing me while I do my extremely slow jog. Had anyone done the C25K and struggled in the beginning. Does it improve or is every week a battle? I am just curious if it will get better.

    It took me 4 tries to get through week 1, day 1 due to extreme leg pain...I can't imagine what would have happened if I'd tried to start on week 2! Go at your own speed and listen to your body. I leave several days between runs because I have injuries that I have to listen to. Everyone has to do it the way that works for them!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks everyone. I missed week1 b/c I joined a group. Luckily we are repeating week 2 next week. I understand going at my own pace, but I am also in this group b/c I need the push.

    The group can push without dragging you along faster than you're able to go. My C25K group started out together, but some people needed to repeat days or entire weeks and others didn't, new people joined, and before long we weren't together. That never interfered with our ability to support one another. We were all struggling to one extent or another, and how many minutes each of us ran each week didn't really matter all that much. If anything I think it helped that a few of the stronger runners reached the long runs of the latter half of the program ahead of the pack and were able to act as a cheering squad for those who really needed it.
  • BookwomanTerri
    It took me 12 tries to finally get through W1D1 but I'm still chugging along and just finished W6D2. My advice:

    Slow down - that is probably why I took so long getting through the first day. I finally slowed down in week three. If the longer runs start to wear on you just slow down until you can complete them.

    Good shoes (properly fitted) is a must. I had bad knee pain until I finally bought running shoes and stopped using my regular sneakers. The sales guy watched me run and made a recommendation based on my stride.

    Running is mainly mental. Your body will tell you that you can't do it but usually you can. I constantly make deals with myself - "just keep going until the next mile marker, you can stop early if you need to, etc.. "until the run is done. (i never do stop early but always tell myself that I can if-I-just-go-a-bit-further... ) Also a little cheer leading never hurts. My favorite run so far was completing W2D3 on the treadmill while listening to commentary on women's skiing. The announcers kept saying things like "you can tell that training paid off" and "this will certainly be her best time". LOL it was great! Now I keep that commentary going in my head while I run.

    Good luck!
  • litebright921
    litebright921 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm half way though week 3. I don't know if I will be able to do a 5K at the end, but I will be able to jog for a decent amount of time. The whole point of that program is to slowly build it up endurance. Skipping the first week, well that isn't recommended. You should start with week one, and if you need to, repeat it. I am thinking about doing week 3 again. Just to solidify my endurance. But, also, you don't have to be running at 6.0 either. The first day of the week I do about 3.6, then the next 3.8, and last day 4.0. But if I can't keep it up, I do not hesitate to move it down a few points. I'm looking for endurance and adding some time to my overall running/jogging abilities. When I finish this, maybe I will do again, and speed it up some more.

    Wow, I never knew there was a certain speed to start off at. Today I completed day 1 week 1 and I walked at 3.5 and when the program told me to jog I kicked it up to 5.0 and back down to 3.5 when I was told to walk again. I was able to complete the entire session today without getting too tired but I hope I'm not overdoing it. My goal is to build endurance as well and eventually I want to be able to jog a few miles.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    The general advice is to run as slow as is possible without loosing form.
  • mombieocalypse
    Just wanted to update that I made it to w3d1. It is a fight but I make it through. I am very proud of myself with each session I complete. I am a super slow jogger, I think you could walk past me, but I don't care. I am doing something physically active 3 times/week. And even better I am pushing my kids to be more active and when they say "mom, follow me", I follow them rather than saying go on and I'll watch from here.