Just starting out

Hi All~
I have been heavy all my life and I am trying to seriously give this another shot. I know that there is a lot of emotional feelings behind my weight and I know that a huge part of this journey is going to be the mental part of it. I have 200+ pounds to loose and the 'being skinny' portion is something that I have never though would be a reality. I want to focus on getting healthy plane and simple. I want to focus on creating a better me and I know that I am going to have to deal a lot in the "baggage" department but I am takings this one day at time. So I am here!

I am ready for the change, I know that this going to be a very long, long, road to travel down. I am 2 weeks in and I am taking it one step at a time.

Here's to a new way of thinking and a new me! :happy:


  • SerenitySage_x3
    SerenitySage_x3 Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome to the community! Weight loss is certainly difficult, especially when your emotions are involved, but keep a positive outlook - you can do anything you set your mind to! Best of luck reaching your goal. (:
  • sghcab051411
    sghcab051411 Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome! this is the first step towards success! I am new to this and am just starting also. I also have a lot of weight to lose. I will add you! Look forward to chatting :)
  • Welcome Lady! So proud of you. Know that the support you have given to others is now here for you. Good days or bad days we are right here with you screaming, "YOU CAN DO IT!!!"
  • hey everyone! feel free to add me as a friend x)
  • CandyTalks
    CandyTalks Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Guys! This will be interesting to say the least! Having support and supporting others will be the key thing this time around.
  • sara0ann
    sara0ann Posts: 57 Member
    Hey! Congrats on taking your first step!! It's very exciting- and I'm glad you said you're doing it one step at a time. That's the only real way to do it!! YOU CAN DO IT! :) IF you'd like to add me, I am here for encouragement and support!! Anyone is free to :)
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Glad you are here! Add me as a friend!
  • emersmurf
    emersmurf Posts: 27
    Welcome! I've got a lot to lose too, and the support here is wonderful. Feel free to add me. =)
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    I started in January and moved to MyFitnessPal in February. The support is great from all the members! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    Congrats on getting started!!! Keep up the positive attitude and you will do so great at this!!! I've found, for me, I try to focus primarily on today, think a little about tomorrow, and not let yesterday affect what I do today. It sounds hokey, but its been a little mantra of mine.

    Keep it up!!!!!! You're doing great!
  • taz69tazz
    taz69tazz Posts: 57
    Anyone can friend me .. i started this site about a week ago or so and its been great ... im trying to lose 100+ pounds i know its possible just watch what i eat and and exercise is the 2 key words... yest was the 1st day i posted in my food diary and it was great and intersting ..i never new how many calories was in some of these foods till i joined this MFP :drinker:
  • Welcome to MFP! I think that for many of us there's an emotional component to the weight we need to lose... you're not alone :smile: Nice to meet you!
  • mkdanhoff
    mkdanhoff Posts: 16 Member
    We're here to support you! I've just discovered this app and it really is neat! I have 70 lbs to lose, and yes, it's emotional, especially because the progress can be hard to track. I recently started exercising and joined the local YMCA. After exercising (treadmill only) for about 6 weeks, I did not lose 1 single pound. So I decided to focus on the things I was able to measure, like heart rate while exercising, distance, time, calories on the treadmill, etc. I promised myself to only weigh myself on the first of the month. I can tell my back hurts less and I can do more time at a greater intensity... I just started this program of tracking food 3 days ago, so we'll see how we do, together!
  • flg8rgal
    flg8rgal Posts: 4
    I'm just starting out, too, and need friends. I've been using the site for about a week and a half and have found it very helpful, but I just discovered the "friends" aspect of it today. :laugh:
  • rebamay87
    rebamay87 Posts: 103 Member

    Baggage.. mmm, I think most people who find themselves really overweight are carrying more than their fair share - I know I was.. But though I'm a bit further along the path than you I could be one of your support buddies. :)
  • CandyTalks
    CandyTalks Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you again for all of the support! I have been looking through a lot of the message boards on here and reading about other peoples journeys and I am defiantly inspired to say the least! Please feel free to add me as well! Thank you all again!!!
  • RebeccaBurmeister
    RebeccaBurmeister Posts: 35 Member
    You came to the right place. I LOVE THIS SITE! The people on here are WONDERFUL!!! Feel Free to add me if you like! Good luck! You can do this! :)