Craft Beer Lovers...



  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    It all comes down to which you love more -- seeing results, or drinking beer! I look at a good beer like a piece of chocolate cake. I want both of them frequently, but splurge (on one or the other) seldom.

    What actually spurred me to cut craft beer consumption (my naturally-lean husband still has a micro a few times a week) was the cost. This may not be a big factor if you live in California, Colorado, and other states with awesome local brews... but where I'm at, a true craft beer will cost average $12 US for a pint, or $7-ish for a 12 oz. A Bud Light or something in that vein would be more around $5. I don't expect many of you live in Japan -- but looking at your monthly beer bill might still surprise you, and help you decide to cut down a bit!

    For me, diet and money-saving often go together. Just who I am. Anyway, good luck!

    Holy cow!! We have at least a dozen amazing breweries in my area and I cannot think of the last time I spent more than $3.50 for a pint (and that is drinking out). That's super expensive! Right now my monthly beer bill is under $20. $40 if I include the bourbon/scotch.
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    ....I drank 984 calories in beer yesterday....*hangs head in shame*

    You should be ashamed...for not breaking 1000!

    Pretty sure I broke 1000. :-(