Going to be a long week... suggestions?!

Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a graduate student, and here it is, that time of the year again... I have two papers due in a week and have yet to start either of them (and these are major papers- 20+ pages and what I get on them is what I'll get in the course, so I need to do well).

I'm fairly used to doing things like this, having been a student for so long, but in the past, the way that I get by and survive is by eating, because I can't really sleep. If I'm lucky I can sneak in a few hours a night if I get to my deadline for that day, and/or I can't keep my eyes open anymore. But that time is more like a nap than a good night's sleep.

So to gain energy and stay awake, I generally just eat. I always have snacks near me and if I'm in the office late, my husband will go out and get me something, because by midnight, I'm ready for another meal (which unfortunately ends up being fast food or something similar, like pizza or subs, because that's all that is open late enough). Dinner doesn't last through the night when you aren't going to bed until breakfast time the next day!

I have no ideas on how to make this work this week. I've been doing so well; I don't want to give that up. But I just don't know how to make it pulling an all-nighter multiple nights in a row without eating! Those 1200 calories a day just aren't going to cut it.

Does anybody have any thoughts, suggestions, advice? I'm starting to get desperate and I don't know what my options are, other than to forget about keeping track for a week, and I really don't want to do that... =/


  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I am a student as well so I know exactly what you are talking about. My suggestion is that you increase your calories to around 1400. You may not lose as much weight, but this way you won't be as tempted to gorge on fast food to the tune of 1500 calories for one meal (that was my average total for a finals week gorge). Eat about every two hours to keep your blood sugar stable. My secret is Lara Bars they have natural sugars and lots of protein. Also, cereal and low-cal canned soup are great. I am imagining all of your food needs to be quick and easy, as you will not have any time to cook.
  • IanRS
    IanRS Posts: 68 Member
    Long time since I was a student, but I faced some similar issues with food.

    The suggestion to up your calories a little is a good one so you do not feel so under pressure. Frequent breaks are also a good idea and drinking plenty of water in those breaks and as you work. If you could also get some walking in that will help in several ways, with clearing your head for the work, suppressing appetite and also burning a few calories to help - this all helps even if you do it ten minutes every hour or two.

    The only way I know to head-off the fast food problem is to have some healthful snacks or meals prepared in the fridge.

    Hope some of this helps you

  • berrybabe
    berrybabe Posts: 7
    Stocking you snack drawer/shelf with almonds, apples, raisins, and veggies ( steamed broccoli, steamed sugar snap peas with some fat free dressing )and protein shakes- (I like the Muscle Milk light /100 calories per serving but 15 grams of protein) makes the choice easier and better for your waist line. Carbs are okay as long as they are the good kind- a slice of multigrain bread with peanut butter is a great snack. Add some sliced strawberries or sliced banana. Much better than the pizza or late night sub. I agree with Ian that a brief walk not only breaks up the monotony but also gives you a little boost and time to recharge. keep up the good work, you'll make it through!!
  • DeniseHugs
    DeniseHugs Posts: 1 Member
    How about having a smoothie when the hunger pangs start? I whizz a banana, some berries (straight from the freezer) and some skimmed milk with a hand blender.
    It's quick and healthy and I find that it keeps me going for a couple of hours.
    Try experimenting with kiwis, apricots, peaches, whatever you fancy.
    Good luck with those papers!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for the great ideas!

    Bell, I didn't even *consider* changing my goals... after I read your post, that's what I did. I changed it so that I'm still losing weight, just not as much, and I can eat more to sustain myself. After this week, I'll change it back.

    The biggest problem with having things around for me to snack on in the past was that I'd go to my office and work, and at night, I don't have access to a refrigerator or a microwave or anything like that. But we recently set up a mini-office in our apartment so I've been working here, at home, instead, which makes it much easier to have things I can just grab as opposed to having to get something from somewhere else.

    Ian and Berry, the walks are a great idea! Sometimes I get so caught up I forget to do anything, including eat, drink water, stretch... I'm just glued to the computer. I've been trying every so often to get up, even if it isn't to go very far.

    Denise, that sounds lovely... I gotta get myself a blender!

    Seriously, thank you all. You've given me some great ideas and kept me from freaking out and tossing the whole thing out the window. ;)

    And any other suggestion are always welcome!
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    Set a kitchen time to go off every two hours or so. When the timer goes off, get up and walk around, stretch, and have a glass of ice water. :)

    It REALLY helps to keep things moving.
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