Help with my Thyroid Test Results!

I have had my thyroid tests done and have a question. Doctor tested for antibodies but that portion is not back yet. My results are as follows:
TSH3G.......4.34 (0.36-3.74 normal range)
FT4.......... .78 (.76-1.46 normal range)
TRIF.......... 2.55 (no normal range given?)

I can't find what the TRIF test stands for? I had the TSH test done about a year ago and it was a 2.81 (not 3G).....I don't know much at all about the thyroid just wanted docs to check it as it seems I try so hard and lose so little seems like something must be wrong. For all of you with thyroid problems--do you know what the TRIF stands for? Any advice on what to ask the doctor? I see him this coming Tuesday.....Thanks for any help.


  • Brooks088
    Brooks088 Posts: 44
    Not sure if it has any relation but forgot to add that my Vitamin D Is consistently low.
    Results were 16.2 (normal range 30-100)