BodPod came out low?

Hey y'all. I just had my composition tested with the BodPod and it told me I am 16% body fat. I called bull**** because I don't think my % is that low, but the tester said she would guess the same or maybe up to 18% just by looking at me. Using the handheld measure things from the gym, I was 32% in November and 24% at the end of January. I have been working out regularly, running and doing strength stuff at home, eating 1800-2500 calories per day depending on workout and frankly what I feel like eating, as I haven't been seriously trying to lose since the middle of February.

Can you really get down to 16% BF without actively trying to get there? I think it is way more reasonable that I am about 20-22% but the trainer didn't think the bodpod was off by that much and repeated the test with the same results. The main reason this bothers me is because I have a seriously warped idea of what my body looks like if the test was accurate and I want to just be healthy and hopefully pregnant soon.

I don't have pics (although I can try to put some up) but I am 5'5", 138lbs, (BodPod said 115.7lbs Fat Free Mass) I do have some very mild ab definition, but clearly not like so many pictures of women I see online with the same BF%.

For what it's worth, I have had two previous trainers say I look fatter than I am so maybe I just carry it poorly?
