200 calories meal

Hi everyone. this is my first day going on MFP diet. and so far so good. I'm not starving though it is a bit of an adjustment counting and measuring your food as I have to enter several food items I usually eat that are not in the MFP system.

I'm on the 1200 calories per day plan, which may be quite low for most people but I assume it's because I'm short (4"5) and pretty sedentry (I did put in I want to loose 1 pound per week, so its a healthy weight lose rather than drastic).

I usually have big dinner since I eat with my family , of about 500 cal (it could be slightly more or less since it homecooked meal).

So, I'm looking for 200 calories meal plan (it does not have to be exact, it just has to be in the 200 number), so I can make up the rest 300-ish calories on snacks.

this is an example of 200 cal meal I ate today:

1 small soft boiled egg
4 pieces of crackers
1 .5 tablespoon of ketchup (228 cal)


43 g of tuna in water
1 teaspoon of mayonaise
4 pieces of crackers (260 cal: its the mayonaise that raise the calories)

I don't want to eat the same thing everyday so any suggestions is welcomed.


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    How old are you and how much do you weigh?
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Substitute lite salad dressing for mayo...helps a lot. Instead of crackers, go with a lite wheat bread...better for you, more filling, and 35 calories a slice. Add fruit, fiber, like an apple to lunch. For breakfast, try lite wheat toast, or oatmeal, or a couple slices of thin bacon, and some skim milk if you aren't taking a calcium supplement.

    I'd exercise if I had only 200 cals for a meal left for the day to earn me some more food. LOL or have an occasional day where I just went over (look at the week's calories, not just the one day, and keep a good balance).

    Jumping jacks, jump rope, situps, pushups, burpees, mountain climbers, squats...a good 30 minute set earns you a couple hundred calories and some good, lean muscle. Has worked wonders for me. We are doing the "NoNonsense Challenge" group starting again in April if you want to join...great support there!

    I'm on 1200 due to my height and weight and have to exercise many days to "earn" enough calories to make it through the day without feeling hungry.

    A good goal is 200-250 breakfast, 80-100 mid morning snack (like a small apple or 100 cal snack pack of some kind, or some veggies), 300 cal lunch, 100 cal PM snack, 350-400 supper, 100-150 cal evening snacks.

    Then, some half an hour workout to earn you a few calories and give you some wiggle room or more snacks if you are feeling hungry. Recently, I've had to add in more protein as I've started to build muscle--I was kind of carb heavy for my size and goals. I want to build more lean muscle, not just lose weight.

    I'm set to lose .8 per week, and some weeks, I don't. Some, I actually seem to gain. But I average about 2 pounds per month, which is good for our size. My measurements and comparison photos are looking stronger every couple weeks, so I'm not worried about the numbers or actual weight loss. Progress is being made.

    Like me, you probably will have to soon make a good toward better body fat and not necessarily losing weight. Good pics of weight loss percentages and how they look on someone with good lean muscle versus others who don't have the muscle. It's startling.

    Make sure you eat back your workout calories. It's the only way to feed growing muscle that supports more weight loss.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Eat some vegetables! Most veggies are very low calorie....especially leafy greens...and have tons of nutrients. Treat your body well....eat those veggies! Girl does not live on tuna and crackers alone...at least, not happily and well!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    The only meal I eat under 200 is breakfast most days (weekend breakfast is about 400-500 cals) I eat 1 cup strawberries with 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, 9 oz of coffee with 2 packets of stevia and 2 tbs sugarfree coffee mate creamer. It's 173 calories, then I have a snack, then lunch which then a snack then dinner then a treat if calories allow. 1200 calories is very low for daily calories, something I learned here in the message boards.
  • tsalihah
    tsalihah Posts: 6
    Substitute lite salad dressing for mayo...helps a lot. Instead of crackers, go with a lite wheat bread...better for you, more filling, and 35 calories a slice. Add fruit, fiber, like an apple to lunch. For breakfast, try lite wheat toast, or oatmeal, or a couple slices of thin bacon, and some skim milk if you aren't taking a calcium supplement.

    I'd exercise if I had only 200 cals for a meal left for the day to earn me some more food. LOL or have an occasional day where I just went over (look at the week's calories, not just the one day, and keep a good balance).

    Jumping jacks, jump rope, situps, pushups, burpees, mountain climbers, squats...a good 30 minute set earns you a couple hundred calories and some good, lean muscle. Has worked wonders for me. We are doing the "NoNonsense Challenge" group starting again in April if you want to join...great support there!

    I'm on 1200 due to my height and weight and have to exercise many days to "earn" enough calories to make it through the day without feeling hungry.

    A good goal is 200-250 breakfast, 80-100 mid morning snack (like a small apple or 100 cal snack pack of some kind, or some veggies), 300 cal lunch, 100 cal PM snack, 350-400 supper, 100-150 cal evening snacks.

    Then, some half an hour workout to earn you a few calories and give you some wiggle room or more snacks if you are feeling hungry. Recently, I've had to add in more protein as I've started to build muscle--I was kind of carb heavy for my size and goals. I want to build more lean muscle, not just lose weight.

    I'm set to lose .8 per week, and some weeks, I don't. Some, I actually seem to gain. But I average about 2 pounds per month, which is good for our size. My measurements and comparison photos are looking stronger every couple weeks, so I'm not worried about the numbers or actual weight loss. Progress is being made.

    Like me, you probably will have to soon make a good toward better body fat and not necessarily losing weight. Good pics of weight loss percentages and how they look on someone with good lean muscle versus others who don't have the muscle. It's startling.

    Make sure you eat back your workout calories. It's the only way to feed growing muscle that supports more weight loss.

    thanks for the replies,

    one of my problem today is I think I've overshoot the amount. almost half of my plate is veggies and just realized that it did have as much calories as i thought it did (as I guestimate the calories based on the recipe that used coconut milk, when the one I ate did not have coconut milk). my dinner intake was probably around 400 rather than 500.

    your meal division plan is really helpful, so thank you.

    as for exercise, I usually exercise at least 3 times a week (an hour each time). I can't do vigorous exercise like jumping jack and running/jogging because of my asthma so I just walk briskly on my treadmill and burn around 300 calories each time. I'll try to include more protein in my diet.