Looking for some friends to keep my motivated!

Just starting out for the second time on here, and looking for some friends that will encourage me along the way (and I will return the favor).


  • ambrinabutt
    ambrinabutt Posts: 1 Member
    I am exactly like you, starting again here, this time nothing will stop me reaching my goal.
    I started at 78 KG on 23rd Jan. I am 70.0 today. Need to loose at least 10kg more.
    I m sick n tired of buy baggy clothes n hiding myself behind my handbags .
    I want to feel good when I am out and about with my pals.
    BTW that's my old pic on my dp.
    I wish you best of luck with your journey towards healthier life!! X
  • Friend me! I need buddies too! :)
  • smackauf
    smackauf Posts: 1
    I have just started back too. I want to shed 100 lbs by the end of the year. I just lost my (very stressful) job so my new job is to eat healthy, excercise, and lose weight. I would love to have some friends on here!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    Im also starting up again. Feel free to add me!
  • Hey ladies....I would love some new friends to keep me going on this journey as well. I recently learned about myfitnesspal a couple of weeks ago..and I love it. Personally I have been on the yo-yo diet phase for years and I am ready to find me again..I have gained a lot of weight from stress and emotional eating..but I want to take control over this area in my life...lets support each along the way...if any of you want to friend me that would be great!!
    Here's to reaching our goals!!
  • sue2110
    sue2110 Posts: 12
    hello i'm starting back too i'm desperate to lose weight i'm very over weight i have 3 grandsons and i want a life with them my weight is spoiling my life please i need help and encourgement love sue x x x
  • meira114
    meira114 Posts: 4
    Hey! I've also recently begun my fitness journey and I'd like to introduce you to a youtube guru named Brenda Lee Turner. Her channel is called LeanSecrets and she is AMAZING. She keeps me motivated, educated, and driven. Her videos are free but she also has a program you can buy for like, $30 dollars. I, myself, keep to her channel since it's free and it's gotten me a lot more aware about my diet and exercise :)
  • I am new here as well with 100 lbs to loose! Would love to share with all of you and stay motivitated.
  • meira114
    meira114 Posts: 4
    I suggest subscribing to LeanSecrets on youtube. She's an amazing and professional fitness trainer who is SO sweet and motivational. Really smart, too. I've learned a lot about healthy eating from her. Good luck :)
  • kbornman21
    kbornman21 Posts: 26 Member
    Friend me! I need to lose like 140lbs, I'm down almost 30! :)
  • taz69tazz
    taz69tazz Posts: 57
    Anyone can friend me .. i started this site about a week ago or so and its been great ... im trying to lose 100+ pounds i know its possible just watch what i eat and and exercise is the 2 key words... yest was the 1st day i posted in my food diary and it was great and intersting ..i never new how many calories was in some of these foods till i joined this MFP :drinker:
  • mxcum167
    mxcum167 Posts: 16 Member
    You can all feel free to add me as a friend.

    I'm trying to lose 4.5 stones (64 lbs). So far I've lost 27 lbs in about 7 weeks.

  • jhealy1191
    jhealy1191 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello all! I've been on here for a little over a year on and off...really getting serious the past few months. I'm 21 years old, 5'10, lost 31lbs, with about 10-15 more to go.
    I'm always up for meeting new friends and happy to encourage you all on your journey.

    Happy Saturday, and don't eat too many chocolate bunnies tomorrow! :)

  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Hello !

    Welcome. Let's hope we become good 'losers' :P
