Anyone else burnt out on food?



  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    This feeling comes and goes. Do your best to wait it out. Like anything moods shift
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    which is why I don't bother to measure I did for a bit.. but I know about what a cup of rice looks like.. I use my measuring cup as a scoop. I take the weight of the meat that's on the package and then divide by how many pieces are in it and use that number for each piece I eat.

    Also why I don't do cheat days or any kind of special things. i eat what I want whenever I want, so I don't have to worry about it as much. Makes this whole lifestyle change a lot easier.

    I would not do this. For the most part, with no disrespect meant, this is lazy and thoughtless. I would never ever prescribe to doing anything close to this. Just stick to it and be diligent. It's easy after a while. It's become automatic for me. You get efficient at weighing after a while. When I put creamer in my coffee, I just set my coffee on the scale, set it to zero, pour in creamer until it reads 7 or 8 ml. That's it. I'm done. I had to pour creamer in anyway. The only real extra step is setting the scale to zero, which is just the push of a button, and watching the scale as I'm pouring.

    I guess you can try it the sloppy way and see what kind of results you get. But, if you find you gain weight or whatever, you'll know why.

    Food is not really supposed to be pleasurable. It is nutrition for your body. It's good that you are learning this.

    Sounds a little harsh. To me, taking a more relaxed (not lazy) attitude toward this whole process has helped me accomplish what I have so far. I know what made me need to start this life change, I like food and just ate too much. I still like food, just not as much. Simple.
  • ChubbyBunny212
    ChubbyBunny212 Posts: 19 Member
    In the beginning I would measure and weigh but after several months I am also able to tell the volume of food visually. Not the weight but the volume. And I divide the meat into 4 oz. packages after purchasing and before placing it in the freezer. Then I never have to be concerned about the amount I'm eating at any time. It's already done.

    And I don't use "cheat days" either as they only prompt one to extend them to "just one more" during the week.

    I'm more careful about my food choices these days but never would I deny myself a yummy food if I really wanted it. I would just make sure I didn't do it very often and I would adjust the intake for the remainder of that day to account for the yummy food. It's worked very well for me...especially since I cannot do any exercise. I have continued to lose about 1# per week with no saggy skin.

    Don't give up.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I've lost a good deal of weight by dividing the packaged meat weight, using the measuring cup as a scoop and generally being relaxed about measuring things. If my weight loss stalls or I gain, maybe I'll get more neurotic about it. Until then I'm good.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    i don't do all the measuring, i use my own judgement, if i made a mistake the tracker will let me know.
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    I still love food!! Just making sure it fits my macros now! :laugh: It gets boring sometimes when I eat the same thing for lunch a few days in a row... but never enough that I'm not then looking forward to my next snack or dinner or glass of wine :love: This is your new lifestyle, you gotta find what works for you so it can be maintained for the rest of your life!!
  • petersonj78
    My wife has done it so long she just knows how many calories are in food it's scary lol
  • erinpd
    erinpd Posts: 96
    Maybe I'm a total nerd, but I love using my scale. It makes everything so much easier.

    Plus, measuring out my food means that I can make it last as long as I need it to, and I know how much to buy next time.

    I also really enjoy logging my food. I should leave the thread now....

  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    Sometimes it helps to just do all your measuring and prep work once a week. Then u can just grab your pre designated portions when your short on time. I think this tends to be the best, no excuse method, for many ppl.

    I personally only carefully measure things like pasta, meat, cereal....higher calorie things that arent as healthy for me, so i try to eat predesignated portions so i dont over do it.
  • aberc
    aberc Posts: 98
    Im currently going through this. I still have the habit of going and eating every few hours which is okay because I eat very healthy, but now-a-days I find myself going into the kitchen, feeling kind of unappealing, and leave only to force myself to eat something otherwise I wont make it to my calorie limit lol

    It's most likely because I was used to eating so little before, so when I needed to boost my calories and eat more, I feel like Im overeating which makes me feel gross..
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm a bit in the same boat but I don't mind measuring everything, it's just that I used to love food, but what I can eat now, not that much, so I pretty much eat because I have to... which is a good thing. And the bad stuff isn't that appealing to me either anymore.
  • 033001
    033001 Posts: 5
    I hear you. My only problem is I am not one who is Hungry and trying to hit my calories is becoming a chore. I don't like to eat if I am not hungrey but if it means shedding pounds I am trying.
  • ChubbyBunny212
    ChubbyBunny212 Posts: 19 Member
    I hear you. My only problem is I am not one who is Hungry and trying to hit my calories is becoming a chore. I don't like to eat if I am not hungrey but if it means shedding pounds I am trying.

    I'm with you on that. It's difficult to eat when you're not hungry. Since my activity is limited I just don't get hungry. But I've learned that if I don't keep the metabolic furnace fueled with food it won't "burn". Frequent small meals throughout the day work best even if no appetite. Just a bite of protein every few hours will keep the furnace aglow.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Sometimes I get burnt out and I'm sick of everything I normally eat, and just wish there was a Jetson-style meal replacement pill.

    That's when I know it's time to google some new recipes. Or I toss a frozen pizza in the oven.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I used to love food, but now it's become a chore. All of the measuring, calculating, judging portion sizes, etc. has made food unappealing at this point. Here it is Saturday, a cheat day where I could eat anything I want, and nothing sounds good. Anyone else experiencing this?

    Hmmm....logging can be a chore for sure. But I've been logging for 9 months now, and I don't "cheat." I eat delicious food every day, and I keep my deficit small so I'm never hungry.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Food is not really supposed to be pleasurable. It is nutrition for your body. It's good that you are learning this.

    If food wasn't supposed to be pleasurable, then God (or Mother Nature, or whatever) wouldn't have given us taste buds. If you aren't enjoying your food, then you're doing it wrong.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Oh, and I think someone commented that food isn't meant to be pleasurable. If that were true, God wouldn't have given us taste buds.

    Ha! I posted the same thing before I saw this comment! So true! It's like saying that you should only run or play sports for the physical benefits and that exercise can't/shouldn't be pleasurable. It's a bit of a Puritan-ish attitude imo. (The Puritans thought it was sinful to enjoy sex too. :noway: )
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    To those saying I'm just having a hard time adjusting, my husband and I have been doing this for 3 months. I don't think adjusting is my problem as things were fine until the last few weeks. I think I've adjusted to it too much- a little OCD about it and am not happy with that.

    Thanks for the reminders to try new recipes. We're eating very clean & almost everything organic. We also live over 30 min away from the nearest grocery store, so I have to plan everything out a week at a time and do my shopping all at once. On the surface that sounds great, but once the week plan is made, we can't deviate from it at all or it will have a chain reaction effect on the rest of the week. We're a household of 2, so I find a lot of recipes that sound good, but I'd have to buy a lot of ingredients that I'll only use a little of and then the rest would go to waste. Guess ill just have to keep searching :-)

    I also live in a rural area, in a household of 2 people. What I do with recipes that sound good but are too large is one of three different things: 1) cut the recipe down to the proper size. If the recipe calls for 2 tomatoes, but it's for 4 people, I cut it down to one tomato, etc. Most things turn out fine if you do this. 2) Make recipes that freeze well. This way, even if I make the whole recipe, whatever we don't eat I can freeze and use later. 3) Have leftover day. Sometimes you just have to eat leftovers.

    Also, if you find that you have extra ingredients, often you can freeze those ingredients. For example, tomatoes freeze well - you can use them later in soups, chili, etc. Sweet potatoes freeze well if you prepare them right, so if you get a bunch at a time, you can freeze what you won't use before they go bad.

    If you don't want to do this, the other thing I do is make several meals a week that use some of the same ingredients. If I get a bunch of celery, I'll put some in chili, some in a stir-fry, etc.

    Honestly, the thing I get tired of is cooking ALL the time. And washing pots and pans :frown:
  • phatguerilla
    phatguerilla Posts: 188 Member
    I definitely get tired of food sometimes. Luckily most of my meals these days seem to be protein shakes that I can chug without thinking, and if I am truly bored of cooking I can pick up a ready meal or make a super simple salad and not worry about cooking that night.