Newbie "Runner"

just completed c210k week 1, day 3 and looking for some friends on here for motivation, support, etc.

would especially love it if you are running too; we could swap stories, motivate one another, etc.




  • Ecce_Signum
    Ecce_Signum Posts: 226 Member
    Well done for getting out there Nancy, I find the hardest part of running sometimes is just putting my shoes on! Good luck with your plan and if any week gets hard do it again the following week - there is no shame in that - the plan works.

    I did the C25K a few years ago but just started running again late last Year. Still a newbie but entered a Half in August and full Marathon in September to give me some motivation. Currently following the HADD base training program and love it cos it's all easy (read slow) running. Am very slow but enjoying getting out there.
  • ouleanna
    ouleanna Posts: 47 Member
    I never tried either programs, however, I did run my first 10k last year and will be completing my 2nd in 2 weeks. Luckily with the 10k race here, we have an AWESOME training team to get you ready! All I can say is keep with it! I've found once I get past the dreaded 1 to 1 1/2 miles, I get in the zone and my feet just carry me. I love running so much! My goal is to do a half marathon in 2014.

    Keep on running! I hope you fall in love with it. It's such a great stress reliever!
  • I never tried either programs,my sister in-law is the runner so she is teaching me how to love running!
    Good luck to you and hope you'll succeed.
  • Marga40
    Marga40 Posts: 25
    I just started C25K yesterday. It's been a long time since I've exercised regularly, and I've never been a runner, so I'm a little nervous, but excited about it as well. I've signed up for a race in late June. It would be great to share some moral support with another new runner. Feel free to add me!
  • Arredondo145
    Arredondo145 Posts: 50 Member
    I walked my first 5k last Fall. I have had several setbacks such as asthma, but I am back at work building my stamina to run. Add me if you would like another newbie runner for a friend!
  • JoyceChambliss
    JoyceChambliss Posts: 45 Member
    I tried W2D3 of my C25K today and ran outside on a track for the first time instead of training on the treadmill. I will be repeating week 2 on a track. The treadmill was so much easier but I know I will have to be able to run outside to participate in a 5K. I need to learn how to breathe when I run!
  • fnixrebrn
    fnixrebrn Posts: 27
    Same here. I just finished Week 1 Day 3 for the C210K app. I like the program and I'm using it to transition to the 21k app for a half marathon later this year.

    Feel free to add me.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    I am going to run my first 5k in 2 weeks. My advice is to not overdo it like I did. I took "at a comfortable pace" to mean not feeling like I was going to get ill because of pushing myself too hard. I am also doing more research into proper form, stretches and warm ups to help avoid injury. I am about to purchase chi running and red it as well.

    Feel free to add me if you wish. I am going to work up to a half marathon, but in baby steps.
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    Nancy, hi :) I am Veronica. I too am on C210K app, week 3 day 2. I completed the C25K a few weeks ago, ran my first 5k on 3/9/13 and did it in 34:50. Certainly not fast but for a newbie runner I was quite pleased. I am currently training very hard for my first Sprint Triathlon in 2 weeks so will be looking for a 10k probably by June some time. I am in love with running and find even when I am out walking the dog, my feet want to run. I can't believe that at the age of 50 I am becoming athletic. Please add me if you wish :) I'd love someone else doing the 10k app. Happy Easter everyone :)
  • scrook43
    scrook43 Posts: 78 Member
    Great job to all of you who are taking the leap and trying running. I did the c25k 6 years ago and have been hooked every since. My advice is to take it nice and slow. It's not about speed at this point at all. Let your body adjust to running and once it becomes a part of you then you can try to increase your speed. If you can't hold a conversation while your running, your running to fast. Good luck to all of you